Emperor Martial System

Chapter 373 Zhuge Divine Fortune Appears

Chapter 373 Zhuge Divine Fortune Appears
Seeing that many Jinyiwei were ready to move, Liu Chuan continued to introduce, after Zhuge Shensu resigned, what benefits will the other Jinyiwei get, and the other two deputy Jinyiwei commanders also said: there.

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan was already outside the gate of Jin Yiwei, but he did not rush in, but continued to stay outside the gate.

He wanted to see what this Liu Chuan wanted to do!I also want to see what other people in Jinyiwei think.

Sure enough, more than a dozen people from Jinyiwei soon went up to sign.

However, after the dozen or so Jinyiwei members, no Jinyiwei went up again. Seeing this scene, Zhuge Shensuan also felt some warmth in his heart.

Liu Chuan said coldly to the Jinyiwei: "What do you mean, do you think what I said is wrong?
Lu Benwei, come out and sign first! "

Seeing that no one continued to come out, Liu Chuan was very annoyed in his heart. He knew that Lu Benwei had a high prestige among this group of Jinyiwei, so he directly wanted Lu Benwei to take the lead, so that other Jinyiwei would definitely follow suit.

Lu Benwei stood up and respectfully said to Liu Chuan: "My lord, I feel that Master Zhuge, Commander of Jin Yiwei, treated us very well, so we don't plan to sign this ten thousand name book."

Although Lu Benwei knew that saying this would offend Liu Chuan, he still wanted to follow Zhuge Shensuan because Zhuge Shensuan had a unique personality charm.

Liu Chuan said coldly: "Are you trying to disobey my order, or do you think Zhuge God will return it?"

Lu Benwei said: "My lord, if it's Jin Yiwei's normal order, I will naturally listen to it and carry it out seriously.

But my lord, this order is not what Jin Yiwei should do, so I forgive my subordinates for not agreeing. "

Liu Chuan said coldly: "Okay, well said!

I declare that from now on, Lu Benwei will be relieved of his position as the head of Jinyiwei, and Long Tian will be in charge. "

Lu Benwei said: "My lord, I was appointed by the Commander of the Jinyiwei, so if you want to cancel my appointment, it must be done by the Commander of the Jinyiwei himself.

You have no right to dismiss me! "

Liu Chuan said coldly: "Lu Benwei, you are so brave!
Could it be that God Zhuge is the only commander in your mind, and you don't pay attention to our three deputy commanders?

You forgot that Jin Yiwei has a special policy, that is, if the principal is absent for a long time, the deputy can handle affairs instead of the principal. "

Jin Shicong said: "Now our three deputy commanders have jointly decided to dismiss you. I don't know if you have any objections."

Lu Benwei knew this situation, and he definitely couldn't resist, so he simply didn't lie.

But at this time, a voice came from outside the door, "I don't agree!"

Zhuge Shensuan came in from the door, then quickly came to Liu Chuan and the others, and glanced at the Jinyiwei beside Liu Chuan and the others.

Those Jinyiwei around Liu Chuan and the others were a little scared by Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan said to Liu Chuan coldly: "I heard that you are going to join forces with Jinyiwei to cancel my position as the commander of Jinyiwei.

Are you excellent, are all three of you excellent, do you really want my position.

But even if you take me down from this position, there is only one person who can take my position. I don’t know if the three of you have discussed it, and who is going to take my position. "

Liu Chuan saw that Zhuge Shensuan came back, and Zhuge Shensuan had already understood their conspiracy, so he didn't hide anything.

Liu Chuan said coldly to Zhuge Shensuan: "Master Zhuge, you left your place for a long time and did not come to Jinyiwei for a long time, which caused some confusion among Jinyiwei.

So we discussed together and wrote a letter to dismiss you from your post. Do you have any opinions? "

Liu Chuan was not afraid of Zhuge Shensuan. Even if Zhuge Shensuan was better than him, it was not much better. In addition, this time Zhuge Shensuan had not reported to Jinyiwei for a long time, nor had he managed Jinyiwei.

So it is reasonable and legal for them to do so. Even if Zhuge Shensuan sues him, it is useless. If Zhuge Shensuan dares to force his move, Jin Shicong and Lan Weiran beside him will definitely not stand idly by. Who will win and who will lose in the end? must.

You must know that when he fought against Zhuge Shensuan, his strength was not inferior to Zhuge Shensuan. If Lan Weiran and Jin Shicong were added, he was sure to beat Zhuge Shensuan.

Lan Weiran also followed up and said: "Master Liu is right, Mr. Zhuge, you have ignored the Jinyiwei for such a long time, but many important things have happened in the Jinyiwei.

These matters are handled by the three of us, so the three of us have the right to join the Jinyiwei to write a letter to remove your Jinyiwei commander power. "

Jin Shicong also said: "Master Zhuge, now that you are back, you have to give everyone an explanation.

Jinyiwei is not yours alone, Jinyiwei belongs to all of us, so you have to give us an explanation today, otherwise, we will never let it go. "

Now that the two sides have already figured it out, Liu Chuan and the others will naturally not be polite to Zhuge Shensuan, and they will directly seize Zhuge Shensuan's weakness and attack frantically.

Although such attacks are not painful to Zhuge Shensuan, they must also attack Zhuge Shensuan to show their attitude.

Only when they thoroughly express their attitudes can they gain a foothold in Jinyiwei, and when Zhuge Shensuan is resolved, they can come to power in an open and aboveboard manner.

They don't believe that Zhuge Shensuan can withstand the attacks of Men Order and Zhongshu Lingyou. In their view, Zhuge Shensuan is already a dead man.

Zhuge Shensuan stared at the three of them coldly, and said flatly: "If you follow the rules of Jin Yiwei, I will naturally not say anything, and I will even support your work.

After all, I am the commander of Jin Yiwei, and my mission is to assist you in completing your mission.

But you did not use the power of the Jinyiwei fairly and justly, but abused your power among the Jinyiwei, forming cliques for personal gain!
I even threatened the people of Jinyiwei, asking them to jointly sign a letter to cancel my position. If they want to, I have nothing to say, but what do you mean by forcing them. "

After Zhuge Shensuan finished speaking, a powerful aura of Tiangang realm instantly enveloped the three of them. The aura of Zhuge Shensuan was more than ten times stronger than before.

The three of them felt that the aura of Zhuge Shensuan had become stronger again, and they were all taken aback in their hearts. They didn't expect Zhuge Shensuan to improve his cultivation so quickly.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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