Chapter 374
Liu Chuan said with some timidity: "Zhuge Shensuan, what are you doing, we are all members of Jinyiwei, and we are still at the same level.

Don't you know that members of the Jinyiwei are not allowed to kill each other? Once found out, their cultivation level will be abolished immediately, and then they will be expelled from the Jinyiwei.

You have to think carefully about whether such a consequence is something you can bear. "

At this time Liu Chuan was also a little scared, because he didn't know that Zhuge Shensuan's cultivation had improved so much at this time, and now he faced Zhuge Shensuan as if he was facing a strong king.

The one who was most afraid at this time was Jin Shicong, he was the one with the lowest level of cultivation, and he was a soy saucer in this battle.

The reason why he and Liu Chuanlianhe dealt with Zhuge Shensuan was entirely because he envied, envied and hated Zhuge Shensuan, and wanted to embarrass Zhuge Shensuan.

Now the strength of Zhuge Shensuan has completely exceeded his expectations, so he is naturally afraid.

If Zhuge Shensuan asked him to settle the score, what should he do? Now he wondered if he should directly apologize to Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan said coldly: "It is true that among the Jinyiwei, you cannot harm your colleagues, but you are the one who forces your colleagues to kill your own colleagues, so I can't resist.

Jin Yiwei's rules clearly stated that framing colleagues is the same crime as mutilating colleagues.

In other words, even if I abolish you now, it is completely reasonable, and there are so many people in Jin Yiwei who testify for me, I am not worried about the troubles of the Four Great God Envoys. "

Zhuge Shensuan directly asked Jin Yiwei present: "Are you willing to testify for me!"

Before the other Jinyiwei members could speak, Lu Benwei spoke first, and Lu Benwei said loudly: "Master Zhuge, my subordinates are willing to serve as a town for Lord Zhuge, and I believe that all the Jinyiwei present are willing to testify for Lord Zhuge.

They not only wanted to frame Zhuge's people, but also forced us to frame Zhuge's people with them. We were unwilling, and they also threatened and lured us. "

"Master Zhuge, abolish them directly, don't talk nonsense with them."

"Agreed, this kind of person in our Jinyiwei is completely discrediting our Jinyiwei."

"Master Zhuge is so kind to us, how could we betray Lord Zhuge, the schemes of these people will definitely not come true.

Now that Lord Zhuge is back, they should be punished by directly abolishing their cultivation and kicking them out of Jinyiwei. "

As the saying goes, everyone pushes against the wall, especially many people can't understand the style of the three, so more and more people are slowly scolding the three.

Zhuge Shensuan looked at the scene on the field and was very happy in his heart, because he was really going to solve these three troubles today, and the current situation on the field was too favorable for him.

Zhuge Shensuan said to the three of Liu Chuan: "Deputy Commander Liu, Deputy Commander Lan, and Deputy Commander Jin, I don't know if you have anything else to say.

If not, please abolish your cultivation bases yourself, and then get out of Jinyiwei. If I do it myself, then I don’t think you will be able to retain the last bit of dignity. "

Liu Chuan said coldly: "Zhuge is a fortune teller, don't be alarmist, don't think that you can do whatever you want because the people below support you.

If you want to deal with us, you must get the consent of the four great envoys. Do you think the four great envoys will agree?

Or do you think the adults behind the three of us will agree? As long as the three adults know about this matter, at most it will be nothing in the end.

Today is my fall, Zhuge God counts on you to remember, sooner or later I will make you regret it. "

After Liu Chuan finished speaking, he took Jin Shicong and Lan Weiran to the door of Jinyiwei, not paying attention to Zhuge Shensuan at all.

Because they didn't believe that Zhuge Shensuan dared to attack them in public.

But Zhuge Shensuan's approach was destined to surprise them, Zhuge Shensuan didn't hesitate at all, and quickly slapped Liu Chuan with his palm.

Liu Chuan, before he could even react, was beaten by Zhuge Shensuan and fell to the ground, losing his fighting power.

In fact, although Zhuge Shensuan has the ability to quickly defeat Liu Chuan, and even kill Liu Chuan, it will not be so easy.

The reason why Zhuge Shensuan was able to defeat Liu Chuan so easily, but because Zhuge Shensuan did not expect it, and Liu Chuan was unprepared, Zhuge Shensuan took Liu Chuan with just one move.

After taking down Liu Chuan, Zhuge Shensuan didn't stop. He swung two palms at Jin Shicong at the same time, although Jin Shicong had already reacted.

But it's a pity that his cultivation base is really too low, only in the realm of human martial arts, so he has never resisted Zhuge's magic palm, and Jin Shicong was also beaten to lose his combat effectiveness.

The only person on the field who still has fighting power is Lan Weiran, and Lan Weiran is careful to guard Zhuge God.

Then he said to Zhuge Shensuan coldly: "Zhuge Shensuan, you dare to attack the three of us, aren't you afraid that Jin Yiwei's senior management will make trouble for you?

Don't think that if you are protected by the White Tiger God Envoy, no one in Jinyiwei will be able to touch you.

If you do this, you will offend Jin Yiwei and the other three envoys except for the white tiger envoy at the same time. You absolutely cannot afford such consequences.

If you let the three of us go now, there is still a slight chance of redemption. If you dare to continue to behave like this, my lord, they will definitely avenge us.

Now that you have offended the Zhongshu Order and the Men Order, if you offend the three adults of Jin Yiwei, then only death awaits you. "

Zhuge Shensuan said coldly: "Offending one person is death, and offending a group is death. Do you think I should offend one person or the group?"

Lan Weiran continued: "Master Zhuge Shensuan, if you don't attack us, Jin Yiwei will protect you.

At that time, you don't have to be afraid of Zhongshu Linghemen's order, so everyone will be happy in the end. "

Lan Weiran actually knew that Jin Yiwei's people would not protect Zhuge Shensuan, because the people ordered by Zhongshu Linghemen had been searching for Zhuge Shensuan for a long time, but none of Jinyiwei's people came out. It can be imagined that Jinyiwei had given up Zhuge Shensuan.

He said this in order to escape under the hands of Zhuge Shensuan!

Zhuge Shensuan said with a faint smile: "Letting you go back is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, do you think I will be so stupid as to let the tiger go back to the mountain in the end.

Don't say any more, even if you speak out today, I will definitely abolish the kung fu of the three of you. I want to see what kind of life will be like after your cultivation base is abolished. "

(End of this chapter)

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