Emperor Martial System

Chapter 412 Wuwei

Chapter 412 Wuwei
The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun Sect said with a serious face: "Third brother, why don't you understand? Now our goal is to get the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, so naturally we should go out and look for it, not the ancestral land.

My second brother and I are both strong in the king realm, as long as we hide a little bit, it will be difficult for even a strong man in the imperial realm to find us, and how many strong people in the imperial realm can there be in the world.

As for me asking you to bring other people back to the ancestral land, it is because people under the three realms of Tongtian are easily discovered by people above the rivers and lakes, and your task is to ensure the continuous inheritance of the Kunlun School.

Third, stop talking nonsense, and immediately take the last elite of the Kunlun Sect to the ancestral land. There are all the training resources, food and drink that should be in the ancestral land. All of you should try to stay in the ancestral land as much as possible. Do not come out of the ground. "

The three ancestors of the Kunlun School said: "Okay, senior brother, I will definitely ensure that the Kunlun School will continue to pass on. If you really can't find the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, go back to your ancestral land."

After the three ancestors of the Kunlun School finished speaking, they left the secret realm of the ancient inheritance with 10 strong men of the real martial arts realm from the Kunlun School.

Naturally, these people went straight to the ancestral land of Kunlun.

The Great Patriarch and Second Patriarch of the Kunlun School also left the secret realm of ancient inheritance, but they did not leave Huangshan County, but directly entered Huangshan County City, and found a place to stay.

In an underground secret room of a private house in Huangshan County.

The second patriarch of the Kunlun faction asked the elder patriarch of the Kunlun faction: "Brother, is it really okay for us to treat all the people of the Kunlun faction as scapegoats?

And is it safe for us to stay in Huangshan County? We must know that in a short time, many powerful people from the imperial realm will come to Huangshan County. Even if we want to escape, we may not be able to escape. "

The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun Sect snorted coldly and said, "Second, when is this? You are still the benevolence of those women. If you weren't my own brother, I would have abandoned you too.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree has already shocked the entire rivers and lakes, even the whole world. As long as our Kunlun faction fails to hand over the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, our Kunlun faction will definitely be wiped out.

We sacrificed other Kunlun faction members to save the two of us, and the rest of the Kunlun faction died well.

Moreover, not only the fruit of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree has effects, but the essence of the entire Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree also has effects.

This is what I read from the ancient books, and I didn’t say it on purpose, because I was afraid that other people would know about it and think about it.

The essence of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree is enough for the two of us to break through to the Yellow Realm, plus a lifespan of 500 years. Waiting for the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree to bear fruit in 500 years, are we in a hurry?

By sacrificing other people from the Kunlun Sect who have little relationship with us, the two of us will become the strongest group in the world. By then we will be building a sect that is bigger than the Kunlun Sect. Wouldn’t that be better?

And do you think the ancestral land is safe? To tell you the truth, our ancestral land is not a secret at all in the eyes of those great sects, nor is it a secret in the royal family of Luoyang, the capital of gods.

My silly brother, haven’t you heard that the most dangerous place is the safest place? The place we hid in Huangshan County can be said to be both the most dangerous place and the safest place.

As long as we avoid the limelight for a period of time, we will immediately start looking for that person named Ge Qing, and then get the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree from his hands. "

"High, high, really high!
The eldest brother is indeed the eldest brother, and the younger brother will listen to the elder brother in the future. As long as the eldest brother and I are not dead, the Kunlun faction will not be destroyed, and the other Kunlun faction will die if they die. "


Three days later, two elders from the royal family of Luoyang, the capital of the gods, came to Huangshan.

There are two imperial elders in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, one is dressed in black and the other is dressed in white.

The old man in white was naturally the patriarch that Zhu Yuanzhang had met that day, and the one in black was the old black patriarch of the royal family whom the white patriarch said was going to whoring.

The ancestor in black looked at the ancestor in white, and said slowly: "Boss Bai, do you think the news from Huangshan this time is reliable? Jiutian Xuanguoshu like this It’s something that has been extinct for tens of thousands of years.”

The ancestor in white said lightly: "Second Black, it's hard for anyone to make a conclusion now, but the news of the Nine Heavens Xuanguo Tree is enough for us to take a trip. We will go to the top of Huangshan soon, and see See what the Kunlun School has to say.

Even if they don't get the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree this time, the Kunlun faction has to be dealt with anyway. Anyway, the royal family will definitely not suffer this time. "

The old man in black said: "Boss Bai, you have a good brain, you can decide these things.

Don't come to me for things that use your brain. You can beat whoever you ask me to. I haven't done it for many years, and my bones are rusty. "

The two royal powerhouses of the Luoyang royal family, the capital of the gods, soon came to the top of Huangshan.

After arriving at the outskirts of the Kunlun faction's resident on the top of Huangshan Mountain.

The old man in white said lightly to the void beside him: "Wu Wei, I didn't expect you to arrive so early. Your old friend is here. Shouldn't you come out and see him?"

After the old man in white finished speaking, a middle-aged man in Taoist robe walked out of the void.

The man in Taoist robes said lightly: "It's not too late for the imperial family's black and white impermanence to arrive. If I hadn't been doing business in Tongzhou, I wouldn't have come here so soon."

The man named Wuwei in the Taoist robe is none other than one of the two powerful men in the imperial realm in the Taoist Holy Land.

Because he was working in Tongzhou not far from Huangshan, he was the first to rush to Huangshan, but he was not much more black and white than the royal family.

The top of the sky is when Wuwei arrives on the front foot, and the impermanence of black and white of the royal family arrives on the back foot.

The old man in white said to Wu Wei indifferently: "Wu Wei, since you came earlier than us, you should know what the situation is like now.

Whether or not the Kunlun faction got the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree, and where the rumored ancient secret realm is, I don’t know if you have found out. "

Wu Wei waved his hands helplessly, and then said lightly: "I just came more than ten minutes earlier than you, and you arrived when I was about to investigate Huangshan.

I don’t know if there is the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, or if there is any secret realm inherited from the ancient times. Since both of us have arrived, let’s quickly go into Huangshan to investigate together. A group of people is better than two people. "

Recommend a new book The Summoning System of Chinese Famous Generals.

(End of this chapter)

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