Emperor Martial System

Chapter 413 Central Plains Forces Gather

Chapter 413 Central Plains Forces Gather
Wu Wei hadn't finished speaking when suddenly two powerful auras of the imperial realm came from the distant sky.

The black patriarch of the royal family muttered to himself: "Hey! Mom! What's the situation, isn't our royal family the closest to Nanshan County?
It is really very unlucky why there is a powerful person in the imperial realm who arrives before us, and then two more come immediately behind. "

After a while, two powerful auras of the imperial realm appeared on Huangshan Mountain at the same time.

Wu Wei looked at the two people who appeared, and said with some teasing: "Master Kongwen from Shaolin Temple, Grandmother Mo Daoshan Ghost came here with sleeves on, this is really strange."

Waiting for Master Kongwen and Grandma Shangui to say something?Wu Wei continued: "Kongwen, as the former abbot master of Shaolin Temple, you actually colluded with evil heretics, it really embarrasses us orthodox sects."

Master Kongwen from Shaolin Temple snorted coldly and said: "Wuwei, don't be a badass here, this mountain ghost mother-in-law just met at the foot of Huangshan Mountain and she came with me.

And Shaolin Temple, as the leader of the righteous way, how could it be possible to collude with evil heretics? It must be your Taoist holy land that has colluded with evil heretics. Our Buddhist holy land will always be at odds with these evil and crooked ways. "

The mountain ghost mother-in-law trembled, and his two huge weapons said with a seductive voice: "Don't fight any more, if you want to have a fight, you can just say so, I can let you two come together .

Why bother to fight over there with red faces, but you two old fellows are already so old, you probably don't have that function. "

Although the mountain ghost mother-in-law is more than 800 years old, but because she has broken through the imperial realm, coupled with her good maintenance, she still looks like a 20-year-old girl, so tender and tender.

Of course, the temptation of the mountain ghost mother-in-law has no temptation for the two powerful emperors of the Taoist Holy Land and the Buddhist Holy Land.

Even for the two imperial powerhouses of the royal family, there is no temptation at all. When they reach their level, it is basically impossible to use their appearance to seduce each other.

If it's just those rookies who are just fledgling in cultivation, they will definitely not be able to resist such a temptation.

The two imperial powerhouses from the Daoist Holy Land and the Buddhist Holy Land snorted coldly and said at the same time: "Shangui, shut up!"

The two imperial realm powerhouses from the Taoist Holy Land and the Buddhist Holy Land looked at each other, Master Kongwen from the Buddhist Holy Land stopped talking, but gave the opportunity to speak to Wu Wei from the Taoist Holy Land.

Wu Wei said coldly: "Grandma Shangui, how old are you? Do you think it's useful to show off this trick in front of us? Believe it or not, today I will join hands with Master Kongwen from the Buddhist Holy Land to wipe out you, an evil heretic."

The mountain ghost mother-in-law was not afraid at all, and even said with a little excitement in her eyes: "Wuwei come, come, you think I'm afraid that you two will never die, don't you?"

In fact, at their level, if there is no great conflict of interest or enmity, they will rarely fight.

This is not only because of the 10 points of difficulty in killing the strong in the imperial realm, but also because they are 10 points of their own lives.

At their level, apart from people of the same level, there is basically nothing that can hurt them, so basically few of them will start a life-and-death battle with each other.

The white-clothed old man of the royal family stood up and said very flatly: "Everyone, be quiet, all of you are thousands of years old. Is there any point in arguing like this!
If there is something unconvinced, just fight it out, why bother to talk here and not practice fake moves.

And this time everyone is here for the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, now our top priority is to find the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, why should everyone get angry before they find the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree.

And the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree will definitely attract the attention of many people. Now we are here basically representing the forces of the entire Central Plains. This Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree appeared in our Central Plains, so it is naturally a thing of our Central Plains.

Therefore, this Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree should also be allocated by us people from the Central Plains. We must not allow the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty Xiliang Royal Court to come and carve up our Central Plains resources.

If we continue to quarrel like this, when the other three forces come together, but we in the Central Plains have not found the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, we will definitely be cut off by them. "

The emperor-level powerhouse of the Buddhist Holy Land heard the words of the Ming Dynasty's emperor-level powerhouse, and said first: "I think what Bai Laogui said is reasonable, all the Buddhist, Taoist and demon families of the royal family in the Central Plains have arrived.

Our top priority now is to find the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree first, instead of making noise here. If others take advantage of it, it would be really embarrassing and embarrassing. "

After hearing the words of the old man in white from the royal family and the old man in Huangjing from the Buddhist Holy Land, the Shangui mother-in-law and the people from the Holy Land of Taoism stopped talking. They all thought that what the old man in white from the royal family was right.

The old man in the imperial realm of the Buddhist Holy Land said: "Old Bai Gui, what should I do if I find the Nine Heavens Xuanguo Tree? Tell me first."

The white-clothed old man of the royal family said indifferently: "It seems a little inappropriate to start talking about the distribution without confirming whether there is a Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree.

I think it's not too late to find the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree before discussing distribution. "

Wu Wei from Taoist Holy Land said: "I agree with what Bai Laogui said, now that the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree has not been found at all, it would be a waste of time to talk about distribution.

After finding the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree.It's not too late to talk about distribution. "

The ghost mother-in-law, the representative of Demon Sect, also said, "I don't have any opinions either."

Wu Wei from the Taoist Holy Land continued: "Since everyone agrees to this proposal, should we discuss how to find the Nine Heavens Xuanguo Tree next?"

The representative of the Devil's Gate, Grandma Shangui, said coldly: "Now the goal is very clear, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree is in Huangshan, otherwise the Kunlun faction would definitely not block Huangshan.

As long as we recruit the Kunlun faction, we can ask those ineffective things of the Kunlun faction to hand over the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree. After all, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree is not something they can control. "

Demon sects always like to fight and kill, especially for those forces that are weaker than them, they basically want to destroy them.

If it weren't for the Daoist Holy Land and the Buddhist Holy Land to overwhelm them, the entire rivers and lakes might be turned into a bloodbath by the Demon Sect.

Therefore, when the mountain ghost mother-in-law of the Demon Sect encountered such a problem, she naturally wouldn't say anything more, just hit up and snatched the things. It's just that there are so many people here, so he will speak out and ask for help. What everyone's opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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