Chapter 414
After the representative of the Demon Sect, Grandma Shangui finished speaking, Wu Wei from the Holy Land of Taoism said: "Grandma Shangui, your plan should be useless.

Don't you feel that there are not many real martial arts powerhouses of the Kunlun Sect on the entire Huangshan Mountain, let alone the three ancestors of the Kunlun Sect. "

The mountain ghost mother-in-law said: "Wuwei, you mean that the Kunlun faction has already obtained the Nine Heavens Xuanguo Tree, and has already fled with the elite."

Wu Wei said: "The Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree doesn't have too high requirements for the place to live, there are too many places in the whole world that are suitable for the growth of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree.

Coupled with the fact that the real elites of the Kunlun faction are not among the Kunlun faction at all, it is obvious that the Kunlun faction has already obtained the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree, and they have already run away with the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree. "

The white-clothed old man of the royal family said coldly: "It goes without saying, first kill all the abandoned sons of the Kunlun faction, and then find out those who escaped from the Kunlun faction.

In this case, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree will definitely be obtained. "

Master Kongwen from the Holy Land of Buddhism said: "It is of course necessary to find the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree and those elites of the Kunlun School who escaped, but those who can be spared by the Kunlun School should be let go, and they should not cause too many murders. .”

Wu Wei from the Daoist Holy Land also said: "Indeed, if we create too many evils, even if we get the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree, our Dao Heart will definitely be unstable.

So if you don't create too many murders, you don't create too many murders. "

The mountain ghost mother-in-law said coldly: "The elites of the Kunlun faction don't want the rubbish of the Kunlun faction anymore. It just so happens that we dispose of all the rubbish of the Kunlun faction. Is this also for the sake of the world?"

Being able to completely destroy a sect of the righteous way, the Demon Sect naturally agrees to such a thing, so the mountain ghost mother-in-law did not hesitate to echo what the white-clothed old man said.

The white-clothed old man of the royal family said: "All the people from the Kunlun faction must be eliminated. After eliminating the abandoned sons of the Kunlun faction, you can still get news about the Nine Heavens Xuanguo Tree from the Kunlun faction's population.

So regardless of whether your Daoist Holy Land and the Buddhist Holy Land agree to this matter, our royal family must get rid of all the Kunlun factions.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree is absolutely not allowed to be lost, unless you two sects don't want the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree.

And you don't need your two sects to get rid of the Kunlun faction. Our royal family can solve the Kunlun faction by ourselves. "

After the people from the Daoist Holy Land and the Buddhist Holy Land listened to the words of the old man in white clothes from the royal family, they all stopped talking.

Because they really wanted the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, if they were not decent people, and the Kunlun faction were not decent people, they would not have said so much at all.

They said these things just to find a step down for themselves, so that the Taoist holy land and the Buddhist holy land would not be so embarrassing.

After all, as the leader of the righteous sect, Daomen Holy Land and Buddhist Holy Land joined forces with other righteous forces who successfully wiped out their subordinates, and it is really not so open and aboveboard to snatch the forces under their command.

The representative of the Demon Sect Holy Land said: "Everyone, even if we want to completely eliminate all the Kunlun faction, even if we are powerful in the imperial realm, it is impossible to completely eliminate the 3 Kunlun faction in a short time. .

Even if you let you kill 3 pigs one by one, you will have to kill them for several days and nights, and you may not be able to kill them all, let alone more than [-] cultivating warriors. "

The white-clothed old man from the royal family said: "We don't need to deal with those Kunlun sect people who are in the acquired realm, we only need to solve the thousands of congenital realms in the Kunlun sect, plus the dozen or so people who are in the real martial realm.

For the rest of the Kunlun faction warriors in the Acquired Realm, I will let the army stationed under Mount Huang come over and get rid of them all.

However, this matter should be done sooner rather than later, because we still have to find those Kunlun Mountain elites who escaped, so it is best not to spend more than a day to solve these remnants of the Kunlun Sect.

Lao Hei, immediately go and notify the garrison in Huangshan to rush to the Kunlun faction and surround the Kunlun faction.

After the Kunlun faction is completely surrounded, we can take action. "

The old man in the royal family in black answered "Okay!" after listening to the old man in white, and left Huangshan quickly.

The few remaining powerful people in the imperial realm didn't say anything, but silently agreed to the royal family's approach.

Zhuge Shensuan and Huang Zhong were discussing matters in the big tent where the Bianwan army was stationed in Huangshan County.

At this time, a small soldier suddenly entered the tent, and respectfully said to Zhuge Shensuan: "General, there is a person outside who claims to be the envoy of the royal family and wants to see the general."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Zhuge Shensuan's mouth, and he said very calmly: "Please!"

According to the time calculation, the masters of the royal family should have arrived in Huangshan County in the past two days.

And if the masters of the royal family go to the military camp in Huangshan County, the intention is very obvious, that is to get rid of the Kunlun faction.

Soon the black-clothed old man of the royal family, the strong man, appeared in Zhuge Shensuan's big tent.

Zhuge Shensuan, as the commander of Jinyiwei in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, although he has never met the two ancestors of the royal family, he knows the rumors about these two ancestors.

It was obvious that the man in black with unfathomable cultivation must be the ancestor Zhu Yu among the royal family.

Zhuge Shensuan respectfully said to the man in black: "I have seen Zhu Yu's ancestor."

The old man in black looked at Zhuge Shensuan in surprise, and said slowly, "You know me."

Zhuge Shensuan explained: "Although the ancestor Zhu Yu has never seen it before, but the whole world has the cultivation base of the emperor, and he likes people in black, and he claims to be a member of the royal family, so it is naturally the ancestor Zhu Yu." .

And I have seen the image of Zhu Yu's ancestor in the palace, so I am even more sure that you are Zhu Yu's ancestor of the royal family. "

The patriarch of the royal family dressed in black said very plainly: "You have a good eye, not bad.

Now that you know me, I don't need to prove my identity. Immediately mobilize [-] troops stationed in Huangshan to completely surround the Kunlun faction on Huangshan.

This time, our royal family will completely stab the thorn in the flesh of the Kunlun faction in Zhongzhou, so that the entire Zhongzhou will completely become a place where the emperor is king. "

Zhuge Shen said respectfully: "It's the ancestor Zhu Yu, I will go to handle this matter immediately, then the ancestor Zhu Yu will forgive me for not entertaining you well, I will dispatch troops and generals immediately."

Zhu Yu waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, don't entertain me, I'm going back to Huangshan soon.

We will see you on Huangshan Mountain at that time. "

After Zhu Yu finished speaking, he left Zhuge Shensuan's barracks directly.

(End of this chapter)

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