Emperor Martial System

Chapter 421 Royal Secret Realm

Chapter 421 Royal Secret Realm
The series of Zhuge Shensuan was very successful as Li Wei Li, at least the disciples recruited by the princes were much more low-key, and they dared not openly act on the streets of the capital.

Jin Yiwei was even more elated. In the past, Jin Yiwei's people walked on the street, always worrying about offending someone they couldn't afford to offend and losing their lives.

Even if Zhuge Shensuan killed the sons of Zhongshusheng and Menxiasheng last time, it didn't get much relief, the high-level officials in the entire capital secretly still look down on Jinyiwei.

But now that the Zhuge gods are gone, and the Kunlun sect has returned with overwhelming power, no one who looks at the Jinyiwei should respectfully call out to you, my lord.

And on the day when Zhuge Shensuan announced his return, the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty sent people or personally delivered congratulatory gifts.

Congratulate Zhuge Shensuan on destroying the Kunlun faction, and the backer king even came to congratulate him in person.

It has been more than half a year since Zhuge Shensuan started building the mansion, and they only came to congratulate them now, obviously they fully realized the influence of Zhuge Shensuan in the capital.

Zhuge Shensuan has gained a firm foothold in the capital this time. For these high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty, there is no harm in their friendship with Zhuge Shensuan. .

These high-ranking officials who came to make good friends with Zhuge Shensuan not only came from the neutral faction, but also from the royal faction, and from the six sects, and even some high-ranking officials from the military came.

Zhuge Shensuan just had a sworn feud with Zhongshu Linghe of the military, and he didn't have much hatred with them, high-ranking military officials.

Moreover, they had offended Zhuge Shensuan before, and they wanted to take this opportunity to resolve their enmity with Zhuge Shensuan.

The time to congratulate him has already been congratulated. Zhuge God counted it as a victory. At least those high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty told their disciples to be careful when they went back.

So now those small flags of Jinyiwei in the capital city are walking on the street again, even those sons of princes who have always been arrogant are a little scared when they see them, and they dare not be as presumptuous as before.

After half a month of stability like this, the once-a-month high tide came again, and Zhuge Shensuan also arranged his clothes and prepared to go to court.

Zhuge Shensuan remained silent and followed the crowd to the palace hall. On the way, he met many high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone stood neatly and waited for the arrival of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty.

After a while, several young eunuchs helped Zhu Yuanzhang, who was wearing a dragon robe, to sit on the dragon chair. The chief eunuch bowed his body and waited on him respectfully.

After Zhu Yuanzhang arrived, everyone knelt down and shouted, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, my emperor."

Zhu Yuanzhang said something simply, and all the people in his life stood up, and then stood side by side.

On the dragon chair, Zhu Yuanzhang said softly: "Today's court meeting, I just want to say two things. The first thing is that Zhuge Aiqing played an important role in destroying the Kunlun faction. Today I will give Zhuge Aiqing Corresponding awards.

Zhuge Aiqing's deeds can be said to have smoothed out the thorn in Zhongzhou's thorn in the flesh for the entire Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, I plan to reward Zhuge Aiqing as a loyal and brave marquis, and also give two King Realm pills. "

Zhuge Shensuan flattened the Kunlun faction. Although it was only Zhuge Shensuan who took advantage of it on the surface, it was indeed the credit of Zhuge Shensuan, so no one objected to Zhuge Shensuan's reward.

After all, such a reward did not harm the interests of the Ming Dynasty, so no one objected.

After announcing the first thing, God Zhuge will thank Lord Long En.

Zhu Yuanzhang continued to speak, and Zhu Yuanzhang said in a very flat tone: "The second thing is the ownership of the throne of the Ming Dynasty."

His voice was old and hoarse, and it wasn't too loud, but when he uttered this sentence, it shocked everyone present.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly announced that he would establish the position of crown prince, which no one expected.

Zhu Yuanzhang openly told about the crown prince, which also made many princes very excited. They can boldly fight for the position of crown prince in the future.

Zhu Yuanzhang continued: "So this time I decided to open the secret realm of the royal family after three days, and the most precious cultivation treasure of my Great Qin Dynasty, the Human Emperor Pill, is in it. Whoever can find the Human Emperor Pill will be eligible to inherit the position of Crown Prince.

At the same time, the seventh secret realm is opened this time. All fighters below the king realm can enter, and everyone in the world can enter, but they must be protected by the prince, and each person can only bring up to three strong fighters who are in the realm of true martial arts. .

The royal secret realm has not been opened for more than a hundred years. This time, it was a gift from me at that time. It is up to you what opportunities you get. "

All the ministers present were overjoyed and said loudly, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After only saying these two sentences, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed a little tired, and after saying goodbye, he asked the eunuch to send him back to the palace.

Zhuge Shensuan in the royal secret realm naturally knows what it is, because the side mission of the system this time is to let Zhuge Shensuan enter the royal secret realm to complete the task.

The Royal Secret Realm is what the system calls the True Dragon Secret Realm, but the people of the royal family prefer to call the True Dragon Secret Realm the Royal Family Secret Realm, so that they can announce to the world that the True Dragon Secret Realm is a secret realm dedicated to the royal family.

System branch task (1) to help His Highness the Nineteenth Prince's Backing Mountain King to complete the real dragon trial and get No.[-] in the real dragon trial.

Two months later, the real dragon trial will start. All the princes of the current emperor can participate in the real dragon trial. The location of the real dragon trial is in the real dragon secret realm.

Mission Success Rewards!A real dragon pool will be rewarded, and the location of the real dragon pool will be placed in Tiandaofu.

After the Eight Diagrams Formation of Tiandaofu was blessed by the True Dragon Pond, it could withstand the attack of a strong man in the imperial realm.

It is impossible for the Tiandao Mansion to be broken unless two strong men in the imperial realm attack at the same time for a day and a night.

The penalty for failure of the task is to directly deprive the Tiandao Mansion, and the Tiandao Mansion was destroyed by a natural disaster.

This is a mandatory task of the system, and Zhuge Shenshu must be completed, so he must get the quota to enter the real dragon secret realm.

Moreover, it is very easy for Zhuge Shensuan to get a quota for the True Dragon Secret Realm. Now that Zhuge Shensuan has joined the Backer King, and the Backer King has a ticket to enter the True Dragon Secret Realm, it is no problem for Zhuge Shensuan to get a ticket from the Backer King.

As for the Human Emperor Pellet in the True Dragon Secret Realm, Zhuge Shensuan didn't take it seriously, because the Human Emperor Pellet Zhuge Shensuan didn't need it at all.

Human Emperor Pill is just a kind of elixir to assist the innate realm and break through the real martial arts realm. Although this elixir has no side effects, Zhuge's magic calculation is not unusual at all.

(End of this chapter)

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