Emperor Martial System

Chapter 422 The Secret Realm Opens

Chapter 422 The Secret Realm Opens

There was nothing wrong with Zhuge Shensuan's thinking, not yet, when Zhuge Shensuan went to find the backer king, the backer king had already arrived at Zhuge Shensuan's mansion.

The backer king came to Zhuge Shensuan's mansion not for other things, but for the battle for the heir of the royal family to Zhuge Shensuan.

Now the backer king's only reliance is Zhuge Shensuan, so he naturally wants to hug Zhuge Shensuan's thigh tightly.

In the room of Zhuge Shensuan.

The backer king asked Zhuge Shensuan in a gentle tone: "Master Zhuge, what do you think about the competition for the heir of the royal family that my father said today?"

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "I don't know what opinion His Highness the King of the Mountain has, I want to hear His Highness the King of the Mountain's opinion first."

The backer king said to Zhuge Shensuan: "I think this is a signal from the father, the father has already planned to choose a successor, and then start training.

And I hope Lord Zhuge can help me compete for the first place in this contest and successfully win the Human Emperor Pill. When I ascend the throne and proclaim myself emperor in the future, I will never forget Lord Zhuge's help.

Now Master Zhuge has also heard my opinion, and now I also want to hear Master Zhuge's high opinion.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled indifferently and said: "Your Highness the King of the Mountain is being polite, since I have agreed to assist the King of the Mountain to ascend to the throne, I will naturally do my best to assist His Highness the King of the Mountain.

Even if the backer king does not lose, I will also assist the backer king, and successfully get the No.1 Human Emperor Pill in this Royal Secret Realm Contest, so that His Highness the backer king can break through the realm of true martial arts.

I agree with His Royal Highness the King of the Mountain. I also think that it should be that His Majesty is going to start choosing an heir and then train him. As long as His Highness the King of the Mountain can perform very well in this competition.

His Highness the Backer King will definitely be appreciated by His Majesty the Emperor, and the chances of the Backer King getting the throne will be greatly increased by then. "

Zhuge Shensuan said this, but he was perfunctory to the king of the mountain. After all, Zhuge Shensuan was going to be the emperor in the future, so Zhuge Shensuan and the Zhu family must be at odds.

If it wasn't for the completion of the task, Zhuge Shensuan would not have helped the backer king, a mindless bastard.

It is impossible for anyone who is an emperor to want his sons to be ambitious and want to inherit his position.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang's competition for the Royal Secret Realm is just a preliminary selection of the princes. Zhu Yuanzhang wants to see who among his sons is qualified to be his heir.

Those who don't fight or grab may get Zhu Yuanzhang's attention instead, and it is even possible to reach the sky in one step.

But it's a pity that the backer king didn't understand this meaning, and Zhuge Shensuan didn't remind the backer king in order to complete the task.

In this way, after Zhuge Shensuan chatted with the backer king for a while, the backer king left Zhuge Shensuan's mansion.

Naturally, Zhuge Shensuan also successfully obtained the qualification to enter the Royal Family Secret Realm. What he has to do now is to quietly wait for the Royal Family Secret Realm to open.

Zhuge Shensuan is very curious about what kind of place is in the secret realm of the royal family. After all, Zhuge Shensuan has never really been to a small space independent of the world of existence.

The small space established by Zhuge Shensuan in the Kunlun School cannot be called a small space at all, because the small space created by Zhuge Shensuan has nothing at all.

In the real secret space of ancient inheritance, apart from no one in it, there must be a lot of other beasts, or all kinds of rare treasures.


The Royal Secret Realm is finally about to open.

The secret realm of the royal family is an independent space, so the place to enter is not fixed.

The imperial court gathered everyone in a huge martial arts arena. Those who did not participate in the competition for the seventh secret realm watched the ceremony outside, while those who participated in the competition for the seventh secret realm gathered in the martial arts arena.

Sixteen eunuchs in the realm of true martial arts worked together to move a huge bronze gate and put it on the ground with a bang.

This royal secret realm was presided over by Tang Xian, the chief eunuch. Seeing that everyone had arrived, Tang Xian said in a sharp voice: "The time for the opening of the royal secret realm has been fixed. Counting from the time when you open and enter now, there will be nine days for all of you." time.

When the time is up, the Kunlun Secret Realm will automatically close, and you will come out of the Kunlun Secret Territory automatically. Now, please queue up to our house to get your ID card. "

Tang Xian's so-called identity cards are two jade cards. Whoever enters the secret realm of the royal family will drip a drop of blood on each of the jade cards, and then give one of the jade cards to a young eunuch to write his name on. And the other piece of jade card needs to be brought into the secret realm of the royal family.

And in this way, if someone is killed in the seventh secret realm, his jade card in the outside world will be directly shattered.

Of course, the scene in the imperial secret realm cannot be seen by the outside world, and they can only judge the intensity of the fighting inside by the number and frequency of the fragmentation of these jade tokens.

Otherwise, if they can't see anything, why would they watch the ceremony? It would be nice to go back and rest for two days before coming back to wait for the results.

There are 3000 people who are eligible to participate in the Royal Family Secret Realm, among which there are even close to 300 monks in the Realm of Real Martial Arts, which is very terrifying.

Of course, there are more people from the Six Doors, the military, and the princes of the Ming Dynasty.

They don't participate in the struggle between the princes, but they all come for the rich natural resources and earthly treasures in the secret realm of the royal family.

This royal secret realm has not been opened for more than 100 years, and there may be something good to be bred in it.

Those princes and the supporters behind them also stood in the arena, ready to start recording jade cards and so on.

At this time, the power hidden in the hands of the princes will be revealed.

It is still unknown who will win and who will lose in the battle for the crown prince this time, so everyone will definitely use their best to compete. After all, the position of the crown prince's heir will be the biggest reliance for them to ascend the throne in the future.

A total of 23 princes participated in this competition. Basically, each prince brought three strong men of true martial arts.

Although some princes are followed by three strong men at the peak of true martial arts, and some princes are only followed by three strong men at the peak of human martial arts, this has already determined the intensity of the battle for the heir of the royal family.

After half an hour, all the identity jade badges of the people have been registered. Tang Xian checked and said loudly: "The secret realm of the royal family is open!"

After the opening of the Royal Family Secret Realm, the people who gathered on the Martial Arts Field all went towards the Royal Family Secret Realm one after another.

In a short time, more than half of the people in the martial arts field were reduced. At this time, Zhuge Shensuan also followed the third prince into the royal secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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