Emperor Martial System

Chapter 454 2 Army confrontation

Chapter 454
45 nautical miles southeast of Donghai Island, more than 80 huge ships are making their way to Donghai Island.

These ships are big and small, and they also hang different flags. Yes, these ships are the ships of the 18 pirates.

In the smallest ship, [-] pirates of true martial arts gathered in this small conference hall.

Among them, 18 strong men in the realm of true martial arts are naturally the leaders of the 18 pirates, and the other strong man in the realm of Tiangang is a representative of the top ten king realm forces.

The leader of the Frozen Pirates said slowly to the representative of the King Realm: "Master Feng, this time we 18 pirates will definitely be able to take down Donghai City.

But this is a provocation to the Ming Dynasty. If after this incident, if the troops of the Ming Dynasty continue to enter Donghai City, how should we deal with ourselves. "

The leader of the Frozen Pirates is the most powerful of all pirates, and the Frozen Pirates he belongs to are also the most powerful pirate group among all the pirates.

That's why he took the initiative to ask these words.

The other pirates also echoed.

The 18th Route Pirate Group apparently surrendered to the Wangjing forces in the East China Sea, but they did not completely surrender.

The 18th Route Pirates are attached to the King Realm forces in the East China Sea because they are not strong enough.

The person named Master Feng stood up, and said slowly: "Master Frozen, after you captured Donghai City, you don't often live in Donghai City.

After you have robbed Donghai City, what will the army of the Ming Dynasty do to you after you leave.

And the navy of the Ming Dynasty is not strong, even if they hate you, they can't do anything to you.

If everyone here dares to disobey the leadership of Donghai United Group, I believe everyone knows what will happen to you. "

The head of the Frozen Pirate Group said calmly: "Master Feng, we will only do this once against the Ming Dynasty, if next time the Lord asks us to perform such a high-risk mission.

Then don't blame our 18 pirate group for not cooperating. "

The representative of the King Realm force said slowly: "It's natural, it's enough to provoke the Ming Dynasty's nerves once, after all, our Donghai United Group is not the opponent of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that this time the people in Donghai City have moved the interests of our Donghai United Group, so we will issue a warning. "

The head of the Frozen Pirate Group said: "It would be best if this is the case."

At this time, a pirate guard from the innate realm suddenly ran in, knelt on the ground and said to the pirates present: "My lords, we are only ten miles away from Donghai City.

I haven't found it yet. Is there an ambush where we landed? "

The leader of the Frozen Pirates ordered: "Every pirate who leaves a ship, land first to ensure the landing of subsequent troops."

The pirates present also agreed one after another, because if there is an ambush, everyone will lose the same, and there is no unfair situation.

The head of the Frozen Pirates slowly spoke to the representative of the King Realm, "Does Master Feng have any opinions on my arrangement, and does Master Feng have any good opinions on this attack on Donghai Island?"

The representative of the Wangjing faction said: "No, this time I just came to see that Donghai City was robbed, other matters are fully up to you 18 big masters to decide.

Moreover, relying on all the coalition forces present here, Donghai City couldn't resist it at all. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks would have no effect. "

The head of the Frozen Pirate Group nodded slowly, agreeing with Master Feng's statement.


At the same time, in the study where Zhuge Shensuan was located, he finally knew the attack direction of the 18th pirates.

Zhuge Shensuan directly ordered the 4 troops in Donghai City to be transferred to the place where the 18 pirates landed.

And Zhuge Shensuan also dispatched 5000 trapped camps to go to the battlefield.

Zhuge Shensuan's army did not stop the pirates from landing, Zhuge Shensuan was right in front of the pirates' landing, and formed the army within five miles.

He made an appearance that he was about to fight the pirates to the death.

Although the pirates saw the army stationed by Zhuge Shensuan, the pirates still landed on Donghai Island one after another and set up camp in front of Zhuge Shensuan.

In the big tent of the pirate leaders, the leader of the Frozen Pirates said to the pirate leaders present: "Everyone, what do you mean by thinking that the lord of Donghai City puts the army on our only way.

Could it be that the lord of Donghai City wants to fight us to the death with his 3 new troops plus 1 veterans who are useless.

Moreover, the battlefield has not been placed in Donghai City. Could it be that the other party has some conspiracy and tricks? "

The leader of the Changfeng Pirates said: "We have already figured out the strength of Donghai City, and I guess the new city lord of Donghai City is just a person with high eyesight and low power.

Otherwise, why would the opponent start to expand the army as soon as they came, and offended the top ten king realm forces.

So I guess the opponent should be 10 points arrogant, so they want to defeat our 4 troops with 9 troops.

Our army is more than twice that of the opponent, and our men are all people who have seen blood, so we can attack by force. "

The Changfeng Pirates are the second largest pirate group among all pirates.

According to what the leader of the Changfeng Pirate Group said, all the leaders of the pirate group believed that the new East Sea City Lord should be a person with high eyesight and low power.

As a result of their discussions, they unanimously launched an attack on Zhuge Shensuan's army.

Even if the army of Donghai City had any conspiracies and tricks, but with such a huge disparity in strength, the conspiracies and tricks would be useless.

In the end, the leaders of the 18th Route pirates decided to observe the situation of the Donghai City army for one day, and to recover their physical strength, they launched an attack on Zhuge Shensuan's army on the second day.

The No. 18 pirates sent dozens of waves of spies to the east, west, and south of Zhuge Shensu's residence. The news that the spies returned at the end said that everything was very quiet, and there was no ambush at all.

The real reason for the Eighteenth Route Pirates Group to take a day off was not to investigate God Zhuge, but whether there were reinforcements in ambush.

After discovering that Zhuge Shensuan had no reinforcements in ambush, the 18th Route Pirate Group felt relieved.

They think that Zhuge's magic calculation is just a trick, and it's not worth mentioning at all.

However, they did not relax their vigilance. At night they strengthened their guards, and all of them wore armor and slept with weapons in order to prevent the army from Donghai City from attacking at night.

And they sent more spies to explore the farther edge of the Donghai City garrison.

(End of this chapter)

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