Emperor Martial System

Chapter 455 Victory

Chapter 455 Victory

At noon on the second day, after the Allied Forces of the 2th Route Pirate Group confirmed that there was no ambush, they prepared to attack Zhuge Shensuan's camp.

After the war horn sounded, 9 pirates quickly assembled.

While the pirates were gathering, Zhuge Shensuan's army was also in formation.

The head of the Frozen Pirate Group saw the formation of the East Sea City's army, and completely believed that Zhuge Shensuan was a city lord with high eyesight and low power.

The head of the Frozen Pirate Group yelled to kill, and 9 pirates rushed towards Zhuge Shensuan's barracks in a dense mass.

The army camp of Zhuge Shensuan is divided into 5 levels.

The first level is naturally composed of the five thousand trapped camps.

The second level is composed of 2 veterans in Donghai City.

The third level is composed of 3 new troops in Donghai City.

The fourth level is also composed of 4 new troops from Donghai City.

The fourth level is also composed of 5 new troops from Donghai City.

Zhuge Shensuan's arrangement in this way is to use the trapped camp to stop the front of the 18th Pirate Army.

As long as you fall into the camp and defeat the front of the 18th Route Army, then Zhuge Shensuan's new army will be able to fight easier.

The 18th Route Army rushed over, and Zhuge Shensuan fell into the camp. The army first resisted with bows and arrows for a while.

Then he rushed directly to the enemy's army.

With 5000 against 9, the camp has no fear at all.

The 5000 trapped in the camp are all masters of the innate realm, and they are also equipped with 20 strong men of the real martial arts realm.

Trapped in the camp and killed the past, entering the camp of the 18th Route Pirate Army is like a tiger in a herd of sheep.

Among the Eighteenth Route Pirates Group Army, 29/30 people were from the acquired state, and only 1/30 were from the innate state.

Moreover, most of the people in the 18th Route Pirate Army have not reached the postnatal consummation, and some are even in the realm of leather refining.

It is not much different from the force of the new army calculated by Zhuge God.

The trapped camp entered the flock, which was completely a unilateral massacre.

Those trapped in the camp were divided into 50 teams, and each team was protected by a battle formation.

In just ten minutes of fighting, more than 18 people died in the 1th Route Pirate Army.

At this time, the senior management of the 18th Route Pirate Army also noticed something was wrong.

More than 30 strong men in the real martial arts realm directly led more than 300 strong men in the innate realm to the fighting camp.

It's just that when they arrived, another 18 people died in the 1th Pirate Army.

At this time, there were only more than 18 people left in the 69th Route Pirate Army.

The casualties in the trapped camp will never exceed 100, and the people who saw the 18th Pirate Army rushed over.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't wait any longer, he led more than 20 real martial arts experts, plus more than 100 innate realm experts, and rushed directly into the battlefield.

Zhuge God calculated that they resisted more than 30 real martial arts experts who came to rescue them.

At this time, the 5000 troops of Donghai City blocked the opponent's 9 troops when they saw their own [-] troops, and their morale rose.

The commander-in-chief of the 4 army shouted to kill.

In an instant, 18 new troops and [-] veterans rushed to the [-]th Route Pirate Army Group.

The army trapped in the camp, together with the 4 troops, directly strangled the 18th Route Army.

The morale of the 18th Route Army had already been beaten to nothing. Seeing that the enemy had added another 4 troops, they felt like fleeing.

If they hadn't watched their masters still fighting bloody battles, they might have really escaped.

Only a quarter of an hour had passed since the battle, and Zhuge Shensuan had killed three real martial arts experts in a row.

And the leaders of the 18th Route Pirates also knew the power of Zhuge Shensuan, and in an instant, five strong men in the Tiangang realm surrounded Zhuge Shensuan.

This is already all the strong men in the Tiangang realm in the 18th Route Pirate Army, but these strong men in the Tiangang realm still can't stop Zhuge Shensuan.

Five strong men in the Tiangang realm besieged Zhuge Shensuan, but they couldn't suppress Zhuge Shensuan at all, and there were cases of being suppressed by Zhuge Shensuan.

Although Zhuge Shensuan was restrained, Zhuge Shensuan had three natal generals in the Tiangang realm under his command.

But they were not involved, and they began to massacre the real martial arts and congenital powerhouses of the 8th Route Pirate Army.

At this time, at least 18 people had died in the 4th Route Pirate Army.

And Zhuge Shensuan's army also died close to 5000 people.

Among them, 3800 are new troops, 1000 are veterans, and there are more than 200 soldiers from the trapped camp.

Seeing the situation on the battlefield, the five real martial arts masters who besieged Zhuge Shensuan no longer had the intention to continue fighting.

If the fight continues like this, they may have to explain that here, the five strong men in the Tiangang realm looked at each other.

Directly ordering their troops to retreat, the five strong men in the Tiangang realm originally thought that after they ordered their troops to retreat, Zhuge Shensuan would not continue to pursue them.

Because if the fight continues like this, Zhuge Shensuan's troops will definitely lose a lot.

But they still underestimated Zhuge God, and Zhuge God directly ordered the whole army not to let go of a single enemy.

Directly chased after the fleeing 18th Route Pirate Army.

In the end, although some pirates escaped from the 18th Route Pirate Army, not too many escaped.

No more than 18 people escaped from the 2th pirate army in the end, which means that Zhuge Shensuan's army beheaded or captured 7 pirate troops.

Zhuge Shensuan has no kindness towards the pirate army.

Zhuge Shensuan ordered to kill all the invading pirates, and finally all the pirate troops who put down their weapons were killed.

Finally, after the army in Donghai City was counted, Zhuge Shensuan lost a total of 12 people in this battle.

Among them, more than 8000 are new troops, more than 3500 are old troops, and more than 300 are troops trapped in the camp.

And after a great battle, the new recruits under Zhuge Shensuan also showed a bad breath.

The soldiers who have experienced the baptism of the battlefield are completely different from the soldiers who have not experienced the baptism of the battlefield.

Now Zhuge Shensuan's remaining army of more than 2 people is definitely much stronger than the previous army of more than 8000.

Zhuge Shensuan led the army back to Donghai City. After returning to Donghai City, Zhuge Shensuan directly gave very generous pensions to the soldiers who died in battle.

And gave those soldiers who had fought a month's military pay.

This made the army, which had lost nearly 1/2, not feel too sad.

All the soldiers think that they are doing the right thing, not only can they defend their homeland, but they can also get a salary that they couldn't get before.

The most important thing is that even if you can get a huge pension, your family will also get great help.

These practices of Zhuge Shensuan made those soldiers want to work for Zhuge Shensuan even more.

(End of this chapter)

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