Emperor Martial System

Chapter 464 Team Expansion

Chapter 464 Team Expansion
Everyone said in their hearts that Geng Xing and the others were okay, but Yu Feiming and others started to ridicule one after another, and they all spoke mercilessly.

Do they need to take Zhuge Shensuan's feelings into consideration for such "low hands"?
Zhuge Shensuan was not angry, and said calmly: "If you dare not fight with me, then step aside."

Tsk, are you still inflated?
"Go away, how are you qualified to fight Brother Shi!" A man rushed out and reached out to grab Ling Han.

Shi Deze didn't bother to make a move to God Zhuge, so he would do it for him.

Zhuge Shensuan stands with his hands behind his back, only doing the unknown.

From the eyes of others, it was obvious that Zhuge Shensuan had no time to react, the other party was too strong, while he was too weak.

The man had already killed him, and he grabbed Zhuge Shensuan's chest, intending to throw him out.

Just when the other party was about to touch him, Zhuge God made a move, as fast as lightning, he clasped the other party's chest backwards, and then swung, bang, the man was thrown onto the mountain wall by him, and then slid down He got down and fell to the ground, unable to move an inch.

Suddenly, the surrounding area was quiet.

Hiss, this guy is actually so powerful?
"It turned out to be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger." Shi Deze finally paid more attention to it. He looked at Zhuge's magic fortune and nodded slowly, "Let me learn."

He strode forward and walked towards Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan still had his hands behind his back.

This time, everyone knew that Zhuge Shensuan was not too late to react, but deliberately pretending to be aggressive.

However, your current opponent is Shi Deze, the existence of the earth evil realm, can you pretend to be forceful?
Shi Deze was already approaching, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhuge Shensuan.

After all, he is a master of the Earth Sha realm, and his strength can be said to be astonishingly strong, with a palm buckle, there are streaks of divine light flowing.

Zhuge Shensuan also made a move, grabbing back towards the opponent.

Crack, the two clasped their hands together.

This is a battle of hard power between the two sides. Whoever has stronger strength and stronger physique will win.

Shi Deze sneered, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu he practiced was specialized in strength and physique, so if he fought so hard against him, even a strong man in the Tiangang realm would be worthy of him.

You are really looking for death.

He exerted strength with five fingers, trying to make Zhuge Shensuan groan and scream, and then he felt that Zhuge Shensuan's hand bones were extremely hard,
Shi Deze looked at Zhuge Shensuan in shock, are you really a warrior in the realm of Earth Sha?
you sure?
Zhuge Shensuan smiled: "Why, it feels like you have gnawed on a hard bone?"

It really is.

In Shi Deze's mind, ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped by, you guys are too good at acting, you obviously have the strength to compete with him.

But he only showed his cultivation in the realm of human martial arts, and now everyone can see that God Zhuge is considered a warrior of the realm of earth evil.

Because Zhuge Shensuan used the strength of the Earth Sha realm.

Aren't you afraid of pretending to be too aggressive and being bombarded by thunder?
"You're scolding me in your heart." Zhuge Shensuan shook his head, "I hate people like you, you know, it's very immoral to speak ill of people in private."

Then where are you so pretentious?
Although Shi Deze was full of fear of Zhuge Shensuan, he was not afraid of him, and said coldly: "So what?"

"Of course it's a beating." Zhuge Shensuan smiled and exploded with strength.

How powerful he is, how could Shi Deze be able to resist such an explosion, and he was immediately knocked down to the ground and served by fists.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked to the point of speechlessness.

Shi Deze is a martial artist in the Disha realm, no matter which sect he is placed in, he can be regarded as one of the best super masters, but in front of Zhuge Shensuan, he has no power to fight back and was beaten like a sandbag.

Then, they looked at Li Zisuan again.

Judging from Zhuge Shensuan's tone, Li Zisuan was stronger than him, so how strong would he be?
Li Zisuan was also very confused.

He knew that Zhuge God was very strong, but he never expected to be so strong.

But with so many people staring at him, he can't show his flaws.

Therefore, his calm appearance made people feel that he was stronger than Zhuge Shensuan, so he didn't take it seriously at all.

In this way, everyone looked at him with even more awe.

As expected of a macho man who can fight Yan Dongchen for [-] rounds, look at that scar, how powerful and heroic he exudes.

God Zhuge beat him up for a while and then stopped. He had no grudges against Shi Deze, but he was a little annoyed that the other party wanted to kick him out, so he beat him up.

"Okay, we all came here to take risks. We don't know what's going on right now. Let's unite and deal with unknown dangers together." Li Zi calculated to smooth things over.

Now his status is completely different, and the words he said are of course full of weight, causing people on both sides to nod their heads. I feel that this person is not only unpredictable in strength, but also has a kind heart, which is very rare.

In martial arts sparring, it is normal for skills to be inferior to others, and Shi Deze quickly returned to normal. He has already believed in Li Zisuan's "identity".

This is a person who can challenge Yan Dongchen, who is much stronger than him, and once he is so strong that people can only look up to him, even if he is defeated by the opponent, it can be regarded as an honor.

Although he actually lost to Zhuge Shensuan.

Therefore, the two sides quickly eliminated their grievances, waited for the end of the super storm, and then set off together to move on.

The environment here was really bad. In the evening, they encountered a big storm again and had to go to another valley to take shelter. Now it was getting late, and they happened to rest here for one night.

It didn't take long for them to enter the valley, and soon another team entered the valley to hide.

Li Zisuan immediately stood up and called on everyone to unite.

At first, the opponent's team was not impressed, but as Shi Deze and Geng Xing came out to speak out, "convince people with virtue", this team immediately convinced them.

Coincidentally, several people entered the valley at night, all of them came alone, and they were also absorbed into the team.

There are always people who are ambitious and unwilling to be a younger brother, so they want to challenge Li Zisuan. As a result, Shi Deze, Geng Xing and others take action and easily suppress them, making Li Zisuan's prestige even higher and higher.

You see, even a strong man like Shi Deze in the Earth Sha realm is willing to be inferior, so why are they dissatisfied?
The next day, they moved on.

This time, they were luckier and did not encounter a major storm all day.

However, they did not encounter a valley along the way, and at night they built a big fire and prepared supper.

Because of the huge number of people, the atmosphere was naturally lively, especially after drinking some wine, everyone flattered Li Zisuan.

But Li Zisuan had been pretending all the time, he got used to it, and bragged about the battle between himself and Yan Dongchen. He described the five hundred moves vividly, fiercely and wonderfully, and everyone kept exclaiming.

(End of this chapter)

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