Emperor Martial System

Chapter 465 Shame

Chapter 465 Shame
Zhuge Shensuan was listening, smiling inwardly. According to Li Zisuan's trend, this guy's reputation will definitely become bigger and bigger. After being heard by Yan Dongchen, I don't know what kind of expression that guy will have.

He would lie for Li Zi, in fact, because of this simple bad taste.

Everyone yelled and yelled, pushing cups and changing cups, it was very lively.

It wasn't until midnight that they finished drinking and fell asleep one by one.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun rose, and the temperature immediately soared, which also woke everyone up.

They were all cultivating with their legs crossed, but there were also people punching, which was also a method of cultivation. After half an hour, everyone finished their work one by one and were ready to go on the road.

"Hey, why is there one person missing?" Li Zisuan looked around and couldn't help exclaiming.

Everyone counted the heads, and there was really one missing person, Huang Liang. He didn't form a gang, but joined the team alone.

"Strange, Huang Liang was drinking with us yesterday, so it's impossible for him to leave alone." Someone said.

Someone jumped up high and looked around after reaching a high place, but found nothing.

"Forget it, maybe people don't want to be with us."

"Let's go."

When everyone went on the road, Zhuge Shensuan was a little surprised. Li Zisuan had a sense of responsibility as a leader. This bunch of people were unfamiliar, and he could see that there was one missing person at a glance.

Zhuge was contemplating, although he was asleep, but his mind was sharp, if there was any disturbance, he would wake him up immediately, but he didn't notice anything.

Did Huang Liang slip away by himself?
The desert seemed to be narrowing. In the afternoon, they met another team of 14 people. Shi Deze came forward to subdue the group and united them under the leadership of Li Zisuan.

Inadvertently, they also said that there were originally 15 of them, but one left this morning.

Everyone hurriedly questioned, but it turned out that the situation on both sides was the same, and they both found that they had quietly disappeared in the morning.

Huh, what a coincidence?
On this night, the people did not dare to drink any more, but arranged sentry guards to watch the night in turn.

However, early the next morning, something happened again. Not only were there fewer people, but there were still three.

This is a big problem.

Is this haunted, and three people are missing out of thin air?
I was on the last shift. During the handover, I counted the number of people, and no one was missing. "Someone said.

But the problem was that he didn't notice anything unusual when he was guarding. It was almost dawn, and when he nodded again, he found that there were suddenly three people missing.

How is this possible?
He could see clearly that there was absolutely no one approaching from all around, let alone three people who were about to be kidnapped without a sound.

Everyone's faces were ugly. Although the strength of the three people who were taken away was not very strong, they were still in the innate realm. They were taken away without even making a sound. How powerful are these people?
What if...it's my turn tonight?
They can still smash the token and leave now, but if they are taken down with one move, life and death will be completely out of their control.

"Don't panic, everyone cheer up tonight and find out the reason." Li Zisuan said with a calm expression, calming everyone down.

However, no one knew how panicked he was.

They continued to move forward, and as the day passed, their team grew again. Not only did they join five solo travelers, but there were also two teams with more than ten people, making the total number of their group more than fifty. There are also 23 strong players.

As the leader, Li Zisuan is both vain and apprehensive. Damn, if he is tied up, it will be a lot of fun. I guess too many people will want to tear him apart.

It was night, everyone was gathered around the fire, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

"According to yesterday's situation, the person should have disappeared suddenly near dawn, so don't be so nervous now."

"Yes, if we have been tense all night, then we will not have the energy to travel during the day, and how will we spend tomorrow night?"

"Everyone relax."

That's what it says, but who wants to disappear so silently?
Some people deliberately joked, but there were very few people who responded, and the atmosphere was still awkward.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but everyone felt that it passed very slowly. Why did it take a long time for half an hour to pass?
One hour, two hours, everyone is counting the time.

Unknowingly, a fish-white streak appeared in the east.

Zhuge Shensuan seemed to be meditating with his eyes closed, but his divine intent was open. Although he was vigilant before, it was only aimed at himself. This time it was different, he enveloped the entire area.

His heart moved, and his eyes opened suddenly.

The pupil technique was activated, and he saw the flow of sand, forming a certain pattern.

A man fell forward without a sound, as if he had suddenly dozed off, but before he fell headfirst, his body sank into the sand, like a mud cow entering the sea, and disappeared very quickly.


Zhuge Shensuan rushed out, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the man's left shoulder.

However, the speed of this person's sinking greatly exceeded Zhuge Shensuan's expectations, and before Zhuge Shensuan caught him, the person had completely disappeared into the sand.

The strange thing is that there are no potholes left on the ground, and it is as smooth as ever.

Zhuge God made such a move, which immediately alarmed the others, and they looked over one after another, all of them caught a glimpse of the last scene of the man sinking into the sand.

what the hell?
Zhuge Shen counted the kill, broke through the sand directly, and went down to kill.

His speed was fast, his hands were like sharp knives, he forcibly squeezed the sand in front of him to both sides, opening a passage.

He has been locking on the life breath of the person in front of him, which has become his guiding light.

However, the mysterious kidnapper seemed to be aware of this, and suddenly, this breath of life disappeared.

Zhuge Shensuan chased for another ten miles and stopped suddenly.


When he returned to the ground, his face became even more ugly, because when he was chasing, two more people got stuck in the sand and disappeared.

Now, the murderer has found a way to capture people, that is, to attack from the bottom of the sand, use some method to stun people, and then drag them into the sand, leading people away from the ground.

I know, but the key is, how to crack it?
The core point is, what method did this mysterious murderer use to stun people?
As for whether the captives used to be steamed or braised in brown sauce, that's another matter.

"Brother Zhuge, how are you doing?" Li Zisuan asked Zhuge Shensuan, who was already very devoted to his new role.

Zhuge Shensha shook his head.

Everyone was disappointed, God Zhuge was the first to notice the abnormality, and he was also the first to chase him out. Even he failed to catch up with the murderer, which naturally made everyone feel worse.

(End of this chapter)

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