Emperor Martial System

Chapter 467 Breeding

Chapter 467 Breeding
Zhuge Shensuan laughed: "Then you should have informed your companions to surround me, right?"

Obviously, there is more than one Sand Girl.

"That's right." The sand girl nodded, and following her movement, a head popped out from the top of her head, under her feet, and from the surrounding walls. They were all sand girls with bare heads and no facial features. , oddly enough, none of them were male.

"Haha, this can't be called throwing yourself into a trap, but going into a herd." Zhuge Shensuan said with a smile.

"Take him!" said one of the first Sand Maidens, who seemed to be the leader of the Sand Maidens.

Immediately, a famous sand girl made a move, hum, and everyone released a thought, rushing towards Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan's sea of ​​consciousness began to dim again, turning into a dead sea.

One sand girl almost made him lose consciousness before, let alone so many sand girls?
The impact of these consciousnesses caused Zhuge Shensuan's sea of ​​consciousness to quickly fall into an eternal dark area.

However, when these spiritual senses hit the vicinity of the dantian, it was as if the flood had encountered an indestructible dam. No matter how big the waves are, you will only be defeated.

The system, no one can control, no one can suppress.

Zhuge Shensuan launched a counterattack, his mind was shaken, and the intruding consciousness suddenly melted like snow when it met boiling water, and then retreated quickly.

"Ah!" Spiritual consciousness screamed one after another, and every Sand Girl held her head in her hands, appearing in extreme pain.

"You!" The leader of Sha Nv couldn't help being astonished. She hadn't been able to conquer the sea of ​​consciousness of Zhuge Shensuan before. Zhuge God is subdued.

It never expected that even if everyone attacked together, the result would be a disastrous defeat by Zhuge Shensuan.

God, isn't it?
A thought flashed through her mind, and she communicated with the other sand girls.

God Zhuge snorted and said, "What are you taking people away for?"

The girls present did not answer Zhuge Shensuan's words, and the leader of the sand girl asked Zhuge Shensuan, "Why are you able to ignore the soul attack? Do you have the Ancestral Dragon Stone?"

Zhuge Shensuan looked bewildered, but he didn't rush to answer these sand girls' words, but asked the system about Zulongshi.

Although the system is sometimes a bit cheap, but overall the system is still very reliable.

From the mouth of the system, Zhuge Shensuan finally knew the origin of these sand girls. Long, long ago, there was a place called the country of daughters on the mainland.

Daughter Country is full of women, and there are no men at all.

These women can either transform into beautiful women, or show their true colors.

Their changes are basically difficult to see through even if they are strong in the imperial realm. If they are strong in the royal realm, it is impossible to see through them.

If they want to inherit offspring, they can only capture men from the outside world and go back to mate.

And the jade seal of the daughter country is the Zulongshi.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled coldly, and then said: "I do have the Ancestral Dragon Stone on me."

"Master!" All the sand girls knelt down and worshiped God Zhuge.

Hey, what's the situation?
"Why do you call me master?" Zhuge Shensuan asked.

The leader of Sha Nu was extremely respectful: "According to our ancestral precepts, anyone who encounters the Ancestral Dragon Stone and is not affected by our soul-killing technique is our master!"

Who set this up?
God Zhuge thought for a while and said, "Who are you?"

"We don't know what our origin is, but we have lived here for generations and guarded a key." The leader Sha Nu said.

Zhuge Shensuan's heart moved, Qinglian Sage Emperor said, there is an ultimate good fortune in this secret realm, could it be opened by this key?
"What key?" Zhuge Shensuan asked.

The leader of the sand girl turned around immediately, and with a whoosh, she melted into the wall.

God Zhuge couldn't help complaining, since you can wear sand like air, why do you need to make a house? Isn't it superfluous?
He had just finished complaining when he saw that the sand girl had returned, holding a key in her hand.

She walked up to Zhuge Shensuan, knelt down on one knee, and respectfully presented the key.

Zhuge Shensuan took it, and couldn't help but sink in his hand.

Good weight.

Zhuge God calculates how powerful he is now, but the key actually makes him feel heavy, which shows how heavy the key is.

What material is it made of?
Zhuge Shensuan looked carefully, at first glance the key looked like it was made of bronze, it should be extremely old, and it was covered with spots of copper rust.

Will Qinggang gold material rust?
Yes, but it would take an astonishingly long time, and this key is extremely heavy, and the material should be quite precious, most likely to be fifth-grade blue steel gold or even higher. How long would it take for such a material to rust?
Zhuge Shensuan tried to inject his divine consciousness, but there was no response.

This should not be a weapon, but a key made of high-grade materials.

Whatever it is, put it away first.

Zhuge Shensuan put the bronze key into the magic weapon of space, and then asked: "Where are the people captured by you?"

Back to the master, we didn't hurt those people, we just used them for breeding. "The leader of the sand girl said.

Match, breed?
Although Zhuge Shensuan knew that they brought people here for breeding purposes, but he couldn't help but sweat when he heard them say it. Can you stop using such strong words.

"Where are those men?" Zhuge Shensuan asked.

"Here, master, please follow me." The leader of the sand girl said.

Zhuge Shensuan followed her, and soon came to a very big room, and saw a line of men neatly lined up on the ground, but they were all naked.

Uh, is this considered a breeding pig?
"Master, we won't hurt them. We will send them back to the ground after the mating is completed." The leader of the sand girl emphasized.

Zhuge Shensuan complained in his heart, if these men knew who they "mated" with, this kind of injury alone would be enough to leave them with a lifetime of psychological shadows.

However, thinking about how pitiful these sand girls are, and being called their masters by them, Zhuge Shensuan decided to pretend that he didn't know about it.

"You have been living in the desert, do you know how big this place is?" Zhuge Shensuan asked.

"Master, it's actually very easy to leave the desert." The leader of the sand girl said.


"Starting from here, it only takes ten minutes to leave." The leader of Sha Nv said, and then drew a picture for Zhuge Shensuan.

It turns out that this desert is really astonishingly large, and the sand is still flowing. It looks like you are walking forward, but in fact you may be spinning around. Therefore, whether you can go out or not depends on luck.

If you're lucky, you'll be able to get out in a day or two, but if you're unlucky, it's trivial to trap you for a few months.

However, if you go directly to the end from the underground, it will take more than ten minutes.

Of course, if you are not very familiar with this place, even if you come to the underground, you don't know which direction to go, and you will still be trapped.

Zhuge Shensuan felt that this adventure was quite worthwhile.

Uncover the mystery of the mysterious murderer, get a bronze key, and be able to quickly leave the desert.

(End of this chapter)

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