Emperor Martial System

Chapter 468 Out of the Desert

Chapter 468 Out of the Desert
"Master, I don't know if you need this." The leader of Sha Nu seemed to remember it suddenly, turned around and left, and when she came back, she was still holding some red beads in her hand.

"What is this?" Zhuge Shensuan asked.

"We call it the Chiyang Cold Dewdrop." The leader of the sand girl said, "The energy of the fierce sun gathers underground, condenses into dew, and forms ice crystals."

It sounds very high-end.

"We've been eating this since we were young," said the leader of Sand Girl.

God Zhuge was curious: "You don't have mouths, how do you eat?"

The leader of the sand girl began to demonstrate. She took a bead and held it in her hand. She saw that the bead's volume rapidly became smaller and disappeared soon.

It turned out to be so eaten.

Zhuge Shensuan also took one, and used the inner power mental method of the entrance, and suddenly, a fiery energy was transmitted from the bead, pouring into his body.

Hey, this is equivalent to a treasure of heaven and earth.

Zhuge Shensuan showed a look of surprise, this is not a elixir, but a natural formation, so it has a characteristic of Tiancaidibao, that is, there is no erysipelas, no matter how much it is eaten, the effect will be less, and it will not leave erysipelas.

The point is, how many beads are there?
Zhuge Shensuan asked, and the leader of Sha Nv thought for a long time, and took him directly to the place where Chiyang cold dew was stored.

Boy, a whole room!
"How much can I take?" Zhuge Shensuan asked.

God Zhuge was not polite, he moved almost all the Chiyang cold dew in this room into his space storage ring in two or three strokes.

"By the way, master, if you leave this world, can you take us away with you." The leader of the sand girl said.

Zhuge Shensuan also understood that these Sand Girls recognized him as their master in order to let Zhuge Shensuan take them out.

After Zhuge Shensuan asked the system, the system gave a clear answer that Zhuge Shensuan could indeed bring some sand girls out of this martial world.

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "How do you know that I can take you out of this world?"

The leader of Sand Girl said: "Master, our ancestors predicted that those who possess the Ancestral Dragon Stone can lead us out of the martial arts world, and we need to assist Master well."

There were a total of about 50 sand girls present, and all the sand girls had broken through the realm of real martial arts.

The leading sand girls have already broken through the Tiangang realm.

Zhuge Shensuan believes that these sand girls who can change their appearance will definitely be a great help if they are brought out, but they cannot absolutely guarantee the loyalty of these sand girls.

But after thinking for a while, Zhuge Shensuan decided to take all the sand girls out, which was Zhuge Shensuan's confidence in his own strength.

Zhuge Shensuan said slowly: "You stay here, I will come and take you out after I have finished exploring the secret realm."

All the sand girls knelt down in front of Zhuge God.

Zhuge Shensuan decided to leave, there was no need to stay here any longer.

"Master, are you leaving?" asked the leader of the sand girl.

Zhuge God nodded.

"Master, let me show you the way," said the leader of the sand girl.

With the guidance of Nu Sha, he naturally knew where Li Zisuan and they were, so he went straight away, and only ten minutes later, he broke out of the ground.

Bang, the dust is flying.


"Are you going to kidnap someone again?"

Li Zisuan and others shouted one after another, each one extremely nervous.

Although the mysterious murderer has not committed any more crimes since Zhuge Shensuan was taken into captivity, and it has been a day since now, even Zhuge Shensuan, the "second expert", was taken down without any defense. Chill?
Therefore, now that the situation has suddenly changed, everyone is extremely nervous.

However, after all, Shi Deze is a strong man in the Earth Sha realm, he recognized Zhuge Divine Fortune at a glance, and immediately showed surprise, saying: "It's Zhuge Divine Fortune teller!"

"What, Zhuge's fortune teller!"

"It's really Zhuge's fortune telling!"

Boom, right after that, Zhuge Shensuan brought out those captive men, but these people were all pressed together, so it was like pulling out a big carrot.

"Huang Liang!"

"Fu Donglin!"

Everyone recognized these men one by one, but more people didn't know each other, because Sha Nu didn't just focus on them.

These are the captives.

Not only was Zhuge Shensuan that he was fine, but he also brought back all the people who were captured by the mysterious murderer.

All of a sudden, everyone was extremely excited.

"Zhuge's fortune teller, what's going on?" They asked one after another.

Zhuge Shensuan had already thought up the wording, he didn't tell the secret of Sand Girl, he just said that he didn't know the real identity of the assailant, it was just a group of people.

In the battle between the two sides, he finally beat the murderer away, and it took a lot of time to find the kidnapped person and catch up with everyone.

They shook Huang Liang and the others awake again and asked about the situation.

However, Huang Liang and the others didn't know what happened. They only said that they seemed to have a beautiful dream. In the dream, they spent the spring night with countless beauties, which was wonderful.

Zhuge Shensuan listened, but shook his head in his heart, and couldn't bear to tell them, otherwise, the dream would turn into a nightmare, leaving a lifetime of psychological shadow.

Even so, everyone was full of admiration for Zhuge Shensuan.

You see, they are helpless against the mysterious murderer, but Zhuge Shensuan can beat people away, this is strength!
Zhuge Shensuan smiled, and put the credit on Li Zisuan.

When everyone heard it, they all sighed.

Yes, Zhuge Shensuan is only the second best after Li Zisuan, and he can beat the mysterious murderer away, so what if it is Li Zisuan?
"Brother Li makes a move, the murderer must be caught without a fight!"


"Unfortunately, he didn't attack Brother Li, otherwise he would have to ask for trouble."

"It must be because he knows how powerful Brother Li is, so the murderer didn't dare to attack Brother Li at all."

Everyone praised Li Zisuan one after another, expressing strong admiration for Li Zisuan.

Li Zisuan was full of arrogance, and accepted all the compliments from everyone, but he really wanted to cry in his heart.

My God, fortunately God Zhuge has returned, otherwise he would really collapse.

"Let's go." Zhuge Shensuan said, "I know how to get out."

Zhuge Shensuan led the way and led everyone forward, but he didn't walk in a straight line, but twisted here and there, as if he was walking randomly.

This made some people dissatisfied and questioned.

"Disrespecting Zhuge's fortune teller is disrespecting me, Li." Li Zisuan said loudly, looking very domineering.

Everyone sighed, Li Zisuan really trusted Zhuge Shensuan.

But Li Zisuan himself knew that his current status and reputation were entrusted to him by God Zhuge. Would he dare to treat God Zhuge as a grandfather?
Two days later, a valley appeared ahead, wrapped in white snow.

"Go, come out!"

"Haha, we finally came out!"

Everyone was excited. After staying in the desert for a long time, everyone was anxious. Now that they finally saw a way out, they were naturally very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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