Emperor Martial System

Chapter 476 Success

Chapter 476 Success
Regardless of whether that light is Xianxia or not, Zhuge Shensuan must figure it out.

He dug a little further, just right, just above the light.

Here, he sensed a powerful thunder force, although it was still a distance away, it made his soul tremble, as if it was about to be shaken away.

The power of thunder is really extraordinary.

Leaving aside the question of whether it can be refined, the first point is how to collect it?
It is estimated that even the half-step King Realm dare not touch this thing, so how will he collect it?
Zhuge Shensuan's heart moved, and he thought of a way.

Zhuge Shensuan sacrificed a fifth-level weapon, and the weapon refined from the sky thunder wood shrouded the light of thunder.

This weapon was rented by Zhuge Shensuan in the system, and it cost a lot of imperial coins to rent it for just one day.

Unexpectedly, the reaction of the light was astonishingly fast, just a flash, and then disappeared along the Thunder River.

Damn, does it need to be so fast?
Zhuge Shen couldn't help being depressed, he wasn't even given a chance to try.

Swipe, a ray of light flashed across, and a scene that surprised Zhuge appeared. I saw that ray of thunder running back by itself, and circling around the weapon made of Tianlei wood, as if a child met a playmate, looked very excited.

Zhuge Shensuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

good chance.

Zhuge Shensuan controlled the Tier 5 weapon refined from Tianlei Wood, and with a swipe of the ground, it absorbed the light.

Zhuge Shensuan showed a smile, and quickly took back the Tier 5 weapon refined from Tianlei Wood, and stored it directly in the system space.

Now, Xianxia is in the system space, and what Ling Han has to consider is how to refine this thunder light.

He is ninety-nine percent sure that this is the legendary Xianxia, ​​but how to refine it is a big problem.

If it was released directly, it is estimated that he would be scorched from the inside and outside in an instant. No matter how strong he is, he will not be able to match the continuous bombardment of the half-step king, let alone the power of this light.

How to do?
Zhuge Shensuan thought for a long time, and decided to use the system to wear away the sharp evil spirit in the light of thunder, and only keep the core.

This will naturally reduce the power of Thunder Light, but on the other hand, if Zhuge Shensuan can completely grasp the core, as he grows, Thunder Light will regain its former strength and even become stronger.

OK, let's do it.

Zhuge Shensuan sat down cross-legged, and used the system to start grinding Thunder Light, allowing it to decompose and analyze the core.

He could clearly sense that the power of this light was decreasing, but it was becoming more pure. After some time, Zhuge Shensuan found that the light of thunder had changed from blazing white to blue, and, It is no longer light, but a continuously evolving symbol.

This is the core of Thunder Light, its essence.

Zhuge Shensuan released the light of thunder from the system, and then directly absorbed Xianxia into the dantian, absorbed the light of thunder, and nourished it.

Thunder Light seemed very obedient, and seemed to like the inner alchemy of Zhuge Shensuan very much, swimming above the inner alchemy like a fish.

Zhuge Shensuan couldn't help but be full of anticipation. Now that he has captured a fairy glow, what kind of attack can he unleash?
He quickly returned to the ground, raised his hand, and the spirit root triggered the light of thunder, and a flash of lightning immediately shot out from the palm of his hand, which blasted on the opposite mountain, directly blasting out a cave, as deep as a hundred feet. .

Hiss, awesome.

Zhuge Shensuan switched to ordinary third-order martial arts, boom, punched down, the mountain shook, but there was only a hole that was about ten meters deep.

The difference is so big?
Zhuge Shensuan used the fourth-order martial skill again, after the blast.I saw that there was also a deep hole in the mountain, which was about seventy feet long.

Hiss, it's not as good as the Light of Thunder!
Zhuge Shensuan switched to rank 5 martial arts again, and now there is another hole on the mountain that is hundreds of feet deep.

Niu, although the light of thunder has weakened, it is still comparable to a fifth-order martial skill.

Zhuge was shocked. If Lightning Lightning has infinite growth potential, then in the future, it will be a martial skill beyond the fifth level.

"This is just refining a fairy glow."

"Theoretically, one person can refine 5 kinds of fairy clouds."

The concentration of Zhuge's calculation is a little heartbeat, which is equivalent to the five strongest martial arts slashing together. Then ask, is there anyone in the world who can match the five strongest martial arts siege at the same level?
He immediately made up his mind that he must find all five immortal clouds here and cultivate the supreme supernatural powers.


"Dare to make a noise here, don't you know that this is the important place of the Zhou family?"

"Wu that kid, report your name."

At this moment, a group of soldiers rushed over, and each of them pointed their spears at Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan glanced over and couldn't help being surprised, because these people are all innate realm, but they are too young, they are only in their twenties.

This world is so terrifying, how could such a young Zhuji be only a guard?
You know, if you can step on the innate in your twenties, how can you be called a genius.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled slightly: "I just passed by accidentally, and I don't know where this is. Excuse me, where is the Zhou family? Allow me to pay a visit."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you dare to haunt the mining area, it's probably because you want to steal the Thunder Stone."

"Take him!"

This group of soldiers shouted, "Hey, just a few thunderbolts shot out from their spear points, and blasted towards Zhuge Shensuan.

So fast.

Zhuge Shen lost his defenses and was hit by these thunder lights, but just as the thunder power entered his body, the thunder lights in his spiritual root seemed to be alive, and he immediately showed his power, slapped the ground, and sent the thunder power to the ground. All absorbed in the past.

Damn, almost capsized in the gutter.

Zhuge God secretly reflected on himself, he was careless, thinking that these people were all innate realms, and it was impossible to pose a threat to him, so he was completely unprepared, but he never expected that the weapons in their hands were extremely powerful. The speed of light is astonishingly fast, and it is estimated that [-]% of people in the early stage of Zhenwu will be recruited.

If you want not to be hit, you have to keep moving at a high speed and not be locked by those soldiers.

Fortunately, the spears of these people can shoot out the light of thunder, which should use thunder attribute ore as the energy source, but what is the light of thunder in his spiritual root?
The source of all thunder energy.

Therefore, when these attacks hit Zhuge Shensuan, they would naturally be muddy cows into the sea, and they would have no effect at all.

This does not mean that Zhuge Shensuan is immune to all thunder attacks, but at least here, any thunder weapon can never threaten him.



But those soldiers didn't know, they couldn't help being stunned when they saw that Zhuge God was bombarded by thunder as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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