Emperor Martial System

Chapter 477 Song Qian

Chapter 477 Song Qian
"Who the hell are you?" one soldier asked boldly.

Zhuge Shensuan's heart moved, he stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "I am the god of thunder!"

All the soldiers were somewhat skeptical. The gods looked like this, so how could they be no different from them? But if it wasn't for the gods, how could they be allowed to attack without getting hurt?
"Don't believe him!" A soldier suddenly said, "Maybe, he is wearing inner armor made from rubber trees."


The other soldiers nodded, and looked at Zhuge Shensuan without awe.

Zhuge Shen thought about it and suddenly realized.

The Thunder High Priest said that the reason why he was able to collect thunder ore at the beginning was because there was a kind of leaf that was immune to lightning strikes.

Therefore, if the essence of this tree is extracted and refined into inner armor, it will naturally be able to defend against lightning strikes.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled, and stretched out his hands, with the intention of arousing the light of thunder on the inner alchemy. Immediately, the spears in the hands of the soldiers crackled and burst into lightning.

Damn, what's the situation?
Now, the soldiers were dumbfounded again.

If it is said that Zhuge Shensuan is immune to thunder attacks, it may be because of wearing a special inner armor, but it is definitely a miracle that they can remotely control the weapons in their hands.

They had no more doubts, put down their weapons one after another, and bowed their heads.

"Meet Thor!"

"Long live Thor!"

All of them are filled with fear and awe.

Zhuge Shensuan raised his hand and said, "Get up."

"Yes, Lord Thor!"

"This god has lived in the Nine Heavens for a long time, and has just descended to the mortal world, so he doesn't know much about the mortal affairs, so, who will tell me to listen to this god?" Zhuge Shensuan said casually.




Those soldiers are scrambling to be the first, wanting to perform well in front of the "gods", maybe they can live forever.

Zhuge Shenmao asks, they answer, and they will make up for those who can't catch up.

In this area, the Zhou family is the king.

The Zhou family is a true martial arts force, with as many as four ancestors of the true martial arts realm, and they are mining Thunder Stones to accumulate strength, and they want to break through Tianyun Mountain in one fell swoop and expand their power to farther places.

Tianyun Mountain is the place where fierce beasts are entrenched, and it also restrains the Zhou family's westward expansion route.

Why not expand east, north, south?
Because there is an endless sea to the north and south, there are incredibly powerful beasts, and terrible bad weather, and to the east, it is a prairie with few people, and there are no precious elixir or ores. What's the use of taking it?
Therefore, the Zhou family can only accumulate strength and prepare to attack Tianyun Mountain. As long as they can win this bridgehead, they can expand towards the west.

Zhuge Shensuan asked a crucial question, these people are so talented, why are they willing to be guards?
But Zhang Fan was shocked by the answers of these people, because among them, there are many people in their twenties who are congenital, and they are not considered geniuses at all.

Even if it is congenital Dzogchen, if you are around 30 years old sooner or 40 years later, you must have reached it. If you can't reach it, your life vitality will dry up after that, and it will be even more impossible to reach it.

and many more!
"After the age of 40, your vitality will dry up?" Zhuge Shensuan asked.

"Yes." All the soldiers nodded, what's so strange about that?
"What is your lifespan...?" Ling Han asked again.

"Generally, it is more than 70 years old. If it is well maintained, it will be 90 years old. Some people can live to [-] years old."

"Oh, centenarians, there are too few."

"Well, there is no way. Our cultivation must be exhausted. If we suffer some injuries, we can live to eighty."

Damn, he was only born to live to be 80 or [-] years old?
No, no, everyone, Zhenwu can only live for seven or eighty years?
How is this possible?
Zhuge Shensuan asked again, but it was still the same. People in this world practice very fast, but they also die very early. Even the lifespan of cultivators is usually not as good as that of ordinary people.

It seems that they have overdrawn their lives on cultivation, and at the cost of consuming a lot of lifespan, they have ushered in the rapid progress of cultivation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are a large number of innate talents in their twenties.

Zhuge Shen was speechless, and after a moment of silence, he planned to visit Zhou's house.

He disappeared in an instant, which made those soldiers respectful as heaven and man, and they all knelt down one after another.

After Zhuge Shensuan flew over many mountains, he lowered his body and started to walk on his feet again, unfolding the words of magic, but very quickly.

After walking for a while, a city appeared in front of him.

The city is crude and without walls, and if attacked it is almost defenseless.

In fact, there is no need to build the city wall, because this is the territory of the Zhou family, and there are no foreign enemies. What kind of city wall is needed?
Zhuge Shensuan entered the city, inquired about it casually, and found that he was not the first outsider to enter this place, but someone had already arrived half a month ago.

The Zhou family is very polite to outsiders, they treat them as honored guests and treat them with good wine and food.

No, Zhou Miyang, the most outstanding young master of the Zhou family, is entertaining the outsiders who arrived in the Crane Tower today.

Zhuge Shen thought about it and decided to take a look.

The Crane Tower is very close, after all, the city is only that big, so Zhuge Shensuan arrived there very quickly.

With a thought, he changed his appearance slightly, and then used secret techniques to slightly change his soul, and then walked into the building.

"Master, are you here to attend Young Master Zhou's banquet?" A shop waiter immediately greeted him.

Zhuge God nodded.

"Then, please come with me." The waiter of the famous shop led him through the halls and pavilions. The Crane Tower is not just a building, but a separate courtyard, which occupies a huge area.

After walking for a while, they came to a large garden. At this time, many tables were set up here, and each table was full of people, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

Seeing the appearance of Zhuge Shensuan, everyone looked over, and seeing that he looked strange, they looked away again.

Zhuge Shensuan also took a glance, feeling slightly disappointed, because he wondered if his subordinates would show up here, but in the end there was only one person he knew.

Song Qian is one of the four beauties in Luoyang, the god capital, and she once met once.

No matter where she is, this beauty is admired by all the stars, and it is no exception here, where countless people are vying to please her.

And beside her, sat a handsome man, but in his early 20s, exuding a heroic spirit.

Song Qian also took a second look at Zhuge Shensuan, because she felt that Zhuge Shensuan seemed familiar, but after a closer look, not only his appearance was not worthy of the name, but even the fluctuation of his soul was completely unfamiliar.

"Fairy Song, what's the matter?" the man next to him asked, looking extremely concerned.

"Nothing." Song Qian shook her head.

The young man looked at Zhuge Shensuan with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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