Emperor Martial System

Chapter 478 Rivals in Love

Chapter 478 Rivals in Love
This is really a disaster.

Zhuge Shen didn't provoke anyone, and even changed his appearance and soul fluctuations, but he was targeted immediately.

Damn, is he really a man with a halo of hatred?
Naturally, Zhuge Shensuan would not be cowardly, and glared back at the young man.

"Hey, what's your name for this newcomer?" The young man said lightly.

Zhuge Shensu folded his arms, pretending he didn't hear it.

"Hey, is my young master asking you a question?" A servant couldn't help shouting.

But Zhuge Shensuan still ignored it.

"Hehe, how brave you are, you dare to fall on deaf ears to my words?" The young man was already a little angry.

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking others?"

There was a murderous intent in the young man's eyes, but he suppressed it and said, "I am Zhou Miyang."

Sure enough, this guy is Zhou Miyang.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled slightly: "Shensuan."

Song You's beautiful eyes lit up. Not only was she astonishingly beautiful, but she also had extraordinary wisdom and magic calculations, and she also felt that Zhuge Shensuan had a feeling of deja vu, so she was already somewhat certain in her heart that the person in front of her was Zhuge Shensuan in disguise.

Zhuge Shensuan has reshaped the huge identity in Luoyang, the god capital. As one of the four beauties in Luoyang, the god capital, he naturally knows Zhuge Shensuan.

If Zhuge God hadn't become famous for a long time, maybe his prestige has spread far and wide.

Zhou Miyang's attention was always on Song Qian. This woman was so beautiful that his heart skipped a beat. The first time he saw it, he had already made up his mind to marry her.

Therefore, finding out that Song Qian actually paid attention to Zhuge's magic calculation naturally made him jealous.

"If you want to sit down at this young master's banquet, you must first prove that you have such strength." Zhou Miyang said coldly, he wanted to make Zhuge Shensuan embarrassing in public, and try to uglify the opponent's image.

The purpose of God Zhuge's coming here is to see if his subordinates are there. Since they are not there, what is he doing here?
He waved his hand, turned and left.

Damn, are you scared?

Zhou Miyang's murderous intent was fierce. This guy ran in to show off his power, but he wanted to run as soon as he got mad. There is no reason for it to be so cheap.

He nodded to a big man in black beside him, who immediately understood.

"Boy, what kind of place do you think this is, you can come and leave whenever you want?" The big man in black jumped up and blocked Zhuge Shensuan's front.

"Are you a dog?" Zhuge Shensuan asked.

What does it mean?
The big man in black shook his head subconsciously: "I belong to—"

"Since it's not a dog, why do you block the way?" Zhuge Shensuan interrupted the other party.

Me, fuck!

After the big man in black was stunned for a moment, he realized that Zhuge Shensuan was playing tricks on him, calling him a dog.

He flew into a rage, rushed towards Zhuge Shensuan with one step, and then punched him.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled lightly and pointed out.

The fist of the big man in black was as big as a sand bowl, and compared with Zhuge Shensuan's slender fingers, the size was completely out of proportion.And the auras of the two sides are not completely different, the punch of the big man in black has condensed endless power of heaven and earth, and his combat power is terrifying. On the other hand, Zhuge's magic calculation is soft and without a trace of anger.

Many people have already closed their eyes, unable to bear to watch.

With a loud bang, one person was blown away, and then bang bang bang, it turned out that many walls were smashed through.

Everyone couldn't believe that the person who was knocked out was not Zhuge's fortune teller, but a big man in black.

How can this be?

Zhuge Shensuan withdrew his fingers, and was a little surprised, because this dog leg was born with Dzogchen.

Congenital Dzogchen, to be a slave to others?
This can only appear in such a secret realm. By overdrawing one's life, one can obtain a rapid improvement in cultivation, even reaching the heights that can only be achieved by super geniuses.

"Okay, very good." Zhou Miyang sat still, but his eyes were cold and murderous, "When you come to the Zhou family's territory, you dare to be fierce, it's amazing!"

This is naturally an irony. Swipe, a row of soldiers appeared. Although they were all innate realms, they were all holding spears in their hands.

Suddenly, everyone changed color slightly.

They have seen the power of this spear before, and the attack is so fast that few people can dodge it. Once they are attacked, they will be so numb that they lose the power to resist, and they will be directly burned into coke.

Even a strong person in the realm of true martial arts will suffer great damage when attacked, so everyone is naturally afraid.

The reason why everyone is willing to give face to the banquet is because they want to know more about the situation here, and secondly, they also want to know the origin of this spear magic weapon. If it can be brought out of the secret realm, it can easily make a power stronger.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't care, and didn't even use his movements, so that these soldiers couldn't lock him.

"Forget it, don't get carried away!" Song Qian said, "We don't have any big grievances, it's just some small misunderstandings, so there's no need to fight like this."

She was afraid that Zhuge Shensuan would be too crazy and didn't know the power of this spear at all, so she spoke. On the surface, she was reprimanding Shensuan, but in fact she was trying to persuade him to make peace.

However, it is impossible to listen to her, and Zhou Miyang will not let go of a suspected "rival in love".

Immediately, here, the ten spears shot out blazing lightning at the same time, extremely fast.

Zhuge God could not dodge or dodge, and was immediately bombarded.


Everyone shook their heads, isn't this asking for trouble?
They all knew that the electric glow shot out by this spear was extremely terrifying, and they couldn't be taken lightly just because the manipulator was a person of innate realm.

Look, it's crazy, this is retribution.

So, you can't be too pretentious as a human being, otherwise--I, damn it!

The lightning glow dissipated, but everyone was shocked to see that Zhuge Shensuan was still standing there, not to mention turning into charcoal and numb all over, not even a single hair was messed up.

Damn it.

Are you a monster?
Everyone opened their mouths wide enough to fit a steamed stuffed bun.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled faintly: "Is there anyone else who wants to stop me from leaving?"

Zhou Miyang's face was gloomy, but he finally stood up.

It's impossible to stand up, first the thugs fail, then the magic weapon fails, if he doesn't make a move, won't the face of the Zhou family be ruined?

"You are wearing that kind of armor." Zhou Miyang said, he would not be as surprised as everyone else, but immediately guessed that Zhuge Shensuan was not immune to lightning attacks, but was wearing that special armor.

God Zhuge smiled: "I am the god of thunder, and I am born to control the power of thunder. Playing with lightning in front of me is beyond my control."

"Ha! Ha!" Zhou Miyang yelled, he naturally couldn't believe it.

Think he's an idiot?
"Keep shooting!" he said. "Even with that kind of armor, after enough bombardment, it will still disintegrate."

"Yes." The soldiers cheered up and manipulated their spears one after another, attacking Zhuge Shensuan again.

Zizzz, lightning flashed randomly.

Zhuge Shensuan stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly, "Is that enough?"

No one paid attention to him, still discharging, Zizizi.

Do you really think you are a living target?

God Zhuge snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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