Emperor Martial System

Chapter 512 Three battles with Zhao Ritian

Chapter 512

As soon as Zhuge's divine calculation occurred in his mind, his appearance changed immediately.

"It's you!" Zhao Ritian immediately showed a serious expression, this guy is actually the one who asked Song Qian to protect him!
His murderous intent was sudden, before he was not sure about killing Zhuge's divine fortune, but now it is different, he has obtained a celestial glow, and he has cultivated supernatural powers, which are comparable to fifth-order martial arts.

He will be suppressed by power, but Shenmang will not.

Therefore, this time he is fully sure that he can kill Zhuge Shensuan.

"It's really hard to find anywhere, but it doesn't take much effort to get it." He said lightly, "I heard that you got the three fairy clouds, hehe, this luck is really against the sky!"

All four of the tall beauties were taken aback. Xianxia, ​​that is the most precious treasure among treasures. Getting one can make people envious to death, but what is the concept of getting three?
Even if he was as strong as Zhao Ritian, he only got a celestial glow.

"Why, are you envious?" Zhuge Shensuan said with a smile.

Zhao Ritian proudly said: "Hehe, only a small person like you is obsessed with the number of Xianxia!
Don't you know that when you break through the king realm, you have to give up the extra Xianxia. "

"So, even if you have refined three celestial clouds, only one can be preserved, and you have to keep one magical power."

"What's the difference between one celestial glow and three celestial glows?"

Hey, according to that, wouldn't it be meaningless to fuse the five immortal clouds to refine the five magical powers?
Indeed, this supernatural power is obtained from Xianxia, ​​and when Xianxia is annihilated, the supernatural power will naturally disappear.

God Zhuge thought about it for a while, then shook his head, Wutian is a half-step king, why did he enter the three immortal clouds into his body, and it was also a thunder attribute fairy
Half-step Wuxian would do meaningless things?
Therefore, Xianxia must have a way to keep it.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled: "You can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, I understand, so there is no need to say it."

Zhao Ritian couldn't help being angry, are you an idiot, didn't you hear his analysis? It is indeed a bit strong that you have three celestial clouds now, but as long as you step into the king realm, you can only keep one celestial glow.

"You can only speak hard, see how I will take your life!"

He walked towards Zhuge Shensuan with big strides, boom, all his aura was unreservedly raised, he wanted to kill Zhuge Shensuan with the strongest posture.

"Brother Tian is going to make a move."

"Ha, this kid just needs a beating, so he should be taught a good lesson."

"Hehe, this is a miserable situation for him. Brother Tian is so powerful. Once he makes a move, that guy will only have to be beaten."

The four men in white said one after another, but only the tall beauty was more reserved and did not speak.

While speaking, Zhao Ritian had already approached, his momentum burned to the extreme, and now he is very confident and extraordinary.

In fact, his combat power was comparable to Wang Jing's.

God Zhuge had his leisure time, he put his feet away, and stood there, his trousers rolled up to his knees, his feet were bare, he didn't look like a peerless genius at all.

"You are so arrogant!" Zhao Ritian said coldly, and with a palm, suddenly, the wind rose and the storm surged, and the waves crashed on the shore.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't use the power of the inner alchemy, he is already half-step king realm, obviously Zhao Ritian is also in this realm, isn't he still not equal to Zhao Ritian's strength?
The two fought against each other, and both of them shook their bodies.

All four of the white-clothed men sprayed out, their eyes widened in disbelief.

It's really astonishing, this is their big brother, No. 1 in the Eastern Continent Billboard, and there is actually someone who can compete with him?
Could it be... is this Wan Dao, the second person on the Billboard? What kind of great opportunity did he get to surpass Zhao Ritian.

No, Wan Dao was born with white hair and has a cleanliness habit. How could he sit by the lake and wash his feet so casually like this person?
Zhao Ritian couldn't help but change his face, he didn't get the upper hand in this blow.

You know, he is now in his prime, and his strength has not been weakened in the slightest.

Hey, there's only one possibility!
The last time Zhuge Shensuan fought him, he was still a little behind. Now that Zhuge Shensuan has broken through the half-step king realm, he is almost able to fight him.

Zhao Ritian said in his heart, even though he only talked about pure power, Zhuge's calculation is still not as good as his own.

But the opponent's inner alchemy is extremely weird, it can weaken his strength, and when the time comes, he will be at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

He shot out again, spread out his eighteen cloud piercing hands, and bombarded Zhuge Shensuan.

In the past few days, he has been able to make this martial skill [-]% powerful. Although the fourth-level martial skill is not as good as the fifth-level martial skill, it can still exert the full power of the fourth-level martial skill

Boom! Boom! Boom!
Zhao Ritian made a strong move, and wanted to defeat Zhuge Shensuan with a thunderous force.

Zhuge Shensuan was not polite either, the light curtain of internal force opened to block the opponent's attack, and then launched a strong counterattack.

The Great Sun Chaotian Palm and the Eighteenth Cloud Piercer, he has also used a fourth-order martial skill, and it is constantly switching, changing smoothly, as if it is not a few independent martial skills, but a complete set.

Zhao Ritian was stunned by the beating, and was suppressed for a while, looking in a panic.

Not really.

The four white-clothed men couldn't believe that the invincible Brother Tian in their eyes was actually suppressed and beaten? Moreover, this person was not a king, but a half-step king.


"Hmph!" Zhao Ritian sneered, he finally used his martial skills, a sword light flashed across, and with a sneer, the light curtain of internal force was instantly shattered.

Very strong destructive power.

God Zhuge was surprised, the quality of this sword is not low.

"This is an imitation of the Xingyun sword, the most precious treasure of the magic way, but the material it is made of is five grades!" Zhao Ritian said proudly.

"In addition, I have incorporated a ray of divine consciousness into it, which has become my natal weapon, and I am invincible in the realm of true martial arts!"

"Come on!" Zhuge Shensuan still did not sacrifice his long sword.

"Crazy!" Zhao Ritian sneered, he even sacrificed his weapon, but Zhuge Shensuan was still unarmed, how arrogant is this?
But it just so happened that what he wanted was Zhuge God's fortune-telling, not a fair fight.

He moved with the sword, the Xingyun sword slashed, the air was torn apart, and black hole-like vortices appeared, and the sword intent soared into the sky, as if it wanted to chop off all the stars in the sky.

This is of course impossible, it is only possible with the real Xingyun Sword, and it depends on who uses it.

Zhuge Shensuan let out a long roar, and the evil spirit rushed out, even if it was Zhao Ritian, he immediately fell into a short-term loss.

When he woke up, he saw that Zhuge Shensuan's fist had already hit him, and this time Zhuge Shensuan was hitting with all his strength.

To be continued…………………………

(End of this chapter)

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