Emperor Martial System

Chapter 513 Illusion

Chapter 513 Illusion
This is going to change another person, and it is estimated that the only way to resist this blow is to spread the internal force on the face.

But how is Zhao Ritian extraordinary?
He let out a loud shout, his brows parted, and he actually projected a strange symbol, stabbing Zhuge Shensuan's fist for life.

This is completely unreasonable, it is not a shocking power at all, but it makes Zhuge Shensuan stunned.

However, this symbol also disappeared in a flash, and Zhuge Shensuan regained his freedom in an instant, and continued to punch through.

Zhao Ritian seized this momentary opportunity and immediately retreated, dodging Zhuge Shensuan's punch.

After the blow, both of them showed expressions of shock.

Zhuge Shensuan did not expect Zhao Ritian to have mastered such a secret technique, to be able to forcibly stop his own attack, that is definitely not an incomparably powerful force, it is incomparably weird.

Zhao Ritian didn't expect that Zhuge's divine fortune-telling method was so terrifying that it made his thoughts stagnate for a moment, forcing him to resort to a unique move.

Both of them are quite afraid, what kind of unique knowledge does the other party have in their hands?
"Since you have mastered the two divine lights, let me teach you." Zhao Ritian said, and when he raised his hand, a white light came over, which was indescribably fast.

This is the divine light he cultivated after merging with Xianxia.

Zhuge Shensuan raised his hand and shot out a thunderous light.

Shenmang against Shenmang, after this confrontation, both of them were annihilated immediately.

However, Xianxia is also different. For example, the first thunderbolt mastered by Zhuge Shensuan is the most powerful, comparable to the top five martial arts, but it is inferior to Guishui Yinlei and Yimu Zhenglei.

The power of Zhao Ritian's divine light is about the same as that of Guishui Yinlei and Yimu Zhenglei.

He deflected the opponent's blow with Bing Huo Yang Lei.

"You also take my move!" Zhuge Shensuan flicked his fingers, and Yimu Zhenglei shot out, turning into a blue lightning, and struck towards Zhao Ritian.

Zhao Ritian hurriedly formed seals with both hands, protecting him in front of him.

His whole body was shaken out, and burnt smoke rose from his hands, and he suffered a bit from this blow.

No.1 on the Billboard, unexpectedly got injured in a battle of the same realm!
All four men in white were petrified.

They all stared wide-eyed, and couldn't believe their eyes at all.

Zhao Ritian was actually injured!
How is this possible?
Zhao Ritian's face was gloomy, with a hint of anger.

He didn't expect that the divine light mastered by Zhuge Shensuan would be so powerful, and he, No. 1 in the Billboard, would suffer a loss in the battle of the same realm, which made him suffer a great humiliation.

He secretly hated that if he hadn't been comprehending Lieyang's magic stick at that time, then the person who had no choice would definitely not be Zhuge God.

In Zhao Ritian's view, it was Zhuge Shensuan who stole his great opportunity.

But now, the more powerful Zhuge Shensuan's aura was, the more unhappy he felt, feeling angry that someone had stolen something that belonged to him.

——He worked so hard and almost fell, only to capture a fairy glow, but what about Zhuge?
Without putting in an iota of effort, you got three ways!
Not fair, never fair!
With a loud roar, he charged at God Zhuge again.

Boom, he unleashed a fourth-order martial skill, which was so powerful that it even surpassed the Eighteenth Cloud Piercer.

Zhuge Shensuan calmly dealt with it, he didn't bother to bully his opponent with his divine light, but just used his own combat power to the fullest, confronting Zhao Ritian.

I have to say that Zhao Ritian is really strong.

He confronted Zhuge Shensuan tit-for-tat, and he almost never lost the wind. Sometimes he slashed with his sword, and the cold light was so dazzling that Zhuge Shensuan almost got hit.

The two seemed to have formed a tacit agreement, and neither of them used their divine light anymore.

Naturally, Zhao Ritian took advantage of it, so he definitely wouldn't try to break through it first, but just fully displayed his own strength.

The more they fought, the more fearful Zhao Ritian became.

You must know that Zhuge Shensuan has not used the power of the inner alchemy yet, once he uses this move, his combat power will drop sharply, and he will be completely defeated by Zhuge Shensuan.

How can there be such a perverted inner alchemy, even the inner alchemy that he can no longer evolve with divine material can't resist?
It's fine if you can't suppress it, and you can't even fight against it. How big a gap is this?
Therefore, Zhuge Shensuan must die.

Zhao Ritian was waiting for the opportunity to explode. When the time comes, the strongest ultimate move will be launched together with Shenmang, making Zhuge Shensuan instantly doomed, and there is no chance to use the inner alchemy.

The two geniuses come and go, and the battle is extremely fierce.

The four men in white clothes finally accepted the fact that there is still a genius in the Eastern Continent who can rival Zhao Ritian.

It's ridiculous that they were still provoking and mocking Zhuge's fortune-telling before. Fortunately, there are a lot of adults and they don't have the same knowledge as them, otherwise they must have been green on their graves.

That's it!
Zhao Ritian made a sudden attack, his eyebrows split open, and a symbol appeared, which was completely unreasonable, and Zhuge Shensuan was restrained immediately, unable to move an inch.

"It's over!" Zhao Ritian snorted, and blasted out a fifth-order martial skill with his right hand, while his left hand shot out a ray of light, which is exactly the divine light.

In such a state, Zhuge Shensuan couldn't even move, even suffered two extremely powerful attacks, wouldn't he die?
At this time, Zhuge Shensuan showed a smile.

Zhao Ritian felt something bad in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Boom, terrible energy surged through, all of which exploded on Zhuge Shensuan's body, killing Zhuge Shensuan instantly.

"Hahaha!" Zhao Ritian laughed out loud, thinking that Zhuge God had some big move to make.

This tricky guy is finally dead, in his own hands, and he can no longer be his opponent in the future.

However, is it too easy?
Zhao Ritian thought for a while, and all the details suddenly appeared in his mind.

Something seems wrong.

He suddenly came to his senses, and immediately slapped out with a palm. Immediately, the fierce power surged, and he surpassed half a step of the King Realm in an instant, reaching the level of the King Realm, and then surpassed, surpassed, surpassed, comparable to the Emperor Realm.

This is... an illusion!
With a loud roar, his strength broke through the threshold, and the illusion was shattered, only to see Zhuge Shensuan standing in front of him looking good.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Zhuge Shensuan said with a smile.

Zhao Ritian immediately understood that when Zhuge Shensuan was immobilized, he also fell under the opponent's illusion at the same time.

Such a terrifying illusion, even he was tricked unconsciously.

How similar is this to the previous illusion in the Heitian Taoist Temple?
"You got... not only the three celestial glows, but also the magic celestial glows from the Heitian Dao Temple!" Zhao Ritian was a super genius after all, and he immediately figured out the reason.

"The reaction is quite fast." Zhuge Shensuan did not hide it, and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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