Chapter 514
Zhao Ritian couldn't help being even more jealous. It turned out that Zhuge Shensuan had already refined one of the three fairy clouds before Wutian forced him, and the power was still so powerful.

——I don’t know how to make people fall into a hallucination without knowing it.

So, don't look at this kind of divine light as harmless, but when used to assist in combat, it can increase one's combat power by ten or even a hundred times.

"You're really lucky!" He gritted his teeth and said, if possible, he would exchange his divine power with Zhuge's divine calculation, even ten for one.

Zhuge Shensuan laughed loudly: "For a kind person, luck will not be too bad."

you are kind
Zhao Ritian immediately complained in his heart. Although he hadn't met Zhuge Shensuan a few times, he was 100% sure that this guy was extremely black-bellied and had nothing to do with kindness.

But the luck of being unable to stand up to others is really against the sky, what can he say?
Obviously, it is impossible for him to kill Zhuge God, forget it, the illusion god is hard to defend against, without the suppression of the realm, it is impossible to resist.

Hey, he turned around and left, extremely decisive.

His agility is also surprisingly fast, not inferior to Zhuge Shensuan's magical movements.

God Zhuge thought about it, but he didn't pursue him. His goal was Xianxia here. As for Zhao Ritian, he can be used as a good whetstone.

And he can't be killed now, the parents and sons of the powerful in the imperial realm must have some shocking means.

He looked at the four white-clothed men, causing their expressions to change.

"Your Excellency, I'm blind, so please raise your hands high!" The tall beauty said immediately, with her posture extremely low.

Not too low, even Zhao Ritian ran away, obviously out of fear of being poisoned by Zhuge's god, so what qualifications do they have to fight?
The white-clothed man, the green-clothed man, and the petite beauties bowed their heads one after another. This skill is inferior to others, so what else can they do besides bowing their heads?
Zhuge Shensuan didn't care too much for himself, he raised his hand casually, and then put on his socks and shoes slowly.

The four men in white had already started to leave, but after walking a few steps, the tall beauty suddenly stopped, turned around and asked Zhang Fan, "Your Excellency, can you give me your name?"

Zhuge Shensuan thought for a while, and said his name: "Zhuge Shensuan."

Zhuge fortune teller.

The four men in white murmured in their mouths. They knew that a new star would bloom on the future Eastern Continent, shining for an era.

——The person who can force Zhao Ritian to escape is enough to enter the top of the ranking.

Zhuge Shensuan was walking in the mountains, and when encountering fierce beasts, he would sometimes attack them, and sometimes he would find it troublesome and choose to ignore them.

Of course, whether this is too troublesome or not depends entirely on whether the beast is delicious. If it is delicious, he will definitely not find it troublesome.

However, when encountering a fierce beast at the king level, he can only take a detour, even half a step to the king level is not enough to kill the king level.

A few days later, Zhuge Shensuan saw a golden light streak across the sky at an astonishingly fast speed.

He flashed a thought, but before he could take any action, the light had already passed by, and he couldn't catch up with it.

Damn, the speed is so fast, how can it be possible to capture it?
Another day later, he encountered that ray of glow again. Just as he made a move, the golden light had already flown by. How could he catch it.

How to do?
Unless the light stops, it is impossible to catch up, so what is the catch?
God Zhuge frowned, what should he do?
Hey, can I use that illusory light?

Illusory light can make creatures enter the illusion, so can Xianxia do the same?
Zhuge Shensuan was full of curiosity, he waited patiently.

However, that Dao Xianxia did not appear.

Zhuge Shen couldn't figure it out, so he had to wait for Xianxia's appearance while searching for elixir and divine substances.

His luck can be said to be good or bad.

Well, it's easy to understand, he hasn't been able to meet that light again these days, but well, he found a lot of great medicines, even a lot of divine substances, enough to make people crazy.

Seven days later, he encountered a battle between two ferocious beasts, and the aftermath of the energy swayed over him, making him frown. This surpassed the half-step King Realm level, which should be the King Realm level.

His first reaction was of course to leave. If he was targeted by two beasts from the King Realm, he might not even have a chance to escape. He would be forced to crush the token and leave the Secret Realm to save his life.

However, a light streaked across the sky.

Zhuge Shensuan immediately yelled in his heart, and then almost scolded his mother, because this light hovered above the battle between the two fierce beasts, as if I wanted to watch a show.

Uh, Xianxia will also watch the show?
Zhuge Shen hesitated, should he leave now, or take the risk to capture Xianxia?
This light is too fast, if you miss this time, you will not know when it will happen next time if you want to meet again.

Then take a chance.

Zhuge Shensuan gritted his teeth and decided to let it go.

The battle between two ferocious beasts should not care about such a small role as him.

He moved forward, very slowly, showing that he was a completely harmless ant.

Sure enough, in the battle between two king-level beasts, there is no time to pay attention to such a small person, who can be killed by a strong wind at will, so why bother?
it is good.

Zhuge Shensuan got closer, and couldn't help dripping cold sweat.

The closer it was, the more terrifying the aftermath of the battle was, making him have to open the light curtain of internal force to resist, but he was still on the verge of falling.

These two ferocious beasts are beasts of the great consummation of the King Realm, and even if it's just the aftermath of the battle, he can't bear it.

Zhuge Shensuan sighed in his heart, this is the suppression of the realm, which made him lose his temper.

However, he finally came close enough.

That golden glow didn't seem to care about him at all, it just revolved around the sky.

Very good, with a thought of Zhuge's divine calculation, the magic light of the illusion has been shot out.

This is at the level of spiritual consciousness, surpassing all speeds, as long as it is within the strike range, no matter how far it is, it will reach it.

Suddenly, the glow in the sky stopped, as if in a daze.

Zhuge Shensuan immediately flew the imperial weapon, hey, straight into the sky, and then used the inner alchemy to contain the golden light.

Half-step King Realm can already use the power of heaven and earth to fly for a short time with the help of weapons.

"Ang!" The roar of the beast sounded from behind. Obviously, the propagation of the sound was not as fast as Zhuge's divine calculation, but this roar was driven by the terrifying power of the beast, far exceeding the speed of sound.

A fierce beast made a move and spit out a beam of light towards Zhuge Shensuan.

Hurry away.

Zhuge Shensuan hurriedly ran, while chaotic energy was hanging down on one side, forming a light curtain of internal force, entering the strongest defensive posture.

Obviously, his speed couldn't be faster than Wangjing Dzogchen's attack, so he had to force it.

Fortunately, that ferocious beast was in the midst of a big battle, and it was only annoying him as a "fly", so it took action, and naturally it would not go all out.

(End of this chapter)

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