Chapter 544

Of course, this cooperation is based on the dominant position of the Heaven and Earth Auction, and the Bloody Demon Palace cooperates with the Heaven and Earth Auction to destroy the Wudang faction.

The Bloodbathed Demon Palace does not know the true strength of the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Everyone in the world knows that the Heaven and Earth Auction House has the power of the powerful in the imperial realm.

Of course, this time the Heaven and Earth Auction House will not be able to find out the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm, and Zhuge Shensuan also gave a very reasonable explanation.

That is the emperor realm powerhouse of the Heaven and Earth Auction House, who is developing a inheritance secret realm, and temporarily lacks skills, so he cooperates with the Prison Blood Demon Palace.

The Heaven and Earth Auction House produced a total of 16 king-level powerhouses, so there is no reason for the Bloodbathed Demon Palace. I don't believe that the Heaven and Earth Auction House does not have a king-level powerhouse.

And this time, in order to destroy the elite of the Wudang faction, Zhuge Shensuan mobilized all the elite forces of the trapped camp.

With 3000 innate realm experts, 300 real martial arts realm experts, and more than 10 king realm experts, Zhuge Shensuan is preparing to leave all the elite forces of the Wudang faction in this place.

Then go to besiege the Wudang faction and complete the level 6 main task.

The patriarch of the Bloodbath Demon Palace looked at the patriarch of the Wudang sect with a slightly smug face and said, "Zhang Chunqiu, I didn't expect that.

Today, all the elites of your Wudang sect will be lost here, and your Wudang Mountain will become the first place where my Bloodbathed Demon Palace will come back from the rivers and lakes. "

The three characters Zhang Chunqiu are naturally the name of the ancestor of the Wudang School.

The ancestor of the Wudang faction said with a cold face: "Yan Dongchen, are you doing this because you want to fight with my Wudang faction? If you lead your people from the Bloodbathed Demon Palace out of here today, I can still pretend that nothing happened. .

If you insist on meddling in this matter today, after today, my Wudang faction will unite with all other sects in the world to completely wipe out your Bloodbathed Demon Palace.

No matter how much the Wudang faction pays, I will not hesitate. "

Hearing this, Yan Dongchen's expression changed slightly, but he recovered quickly.

If this threatening sentence was placed before it cooperated with the Heaven and Earth Auction House, then Yan Dongchen might really be threatened by Zhang Chunqiu.

After all, the Bloodbathed Demon Palace is full of rats crossing the street in the whole rivers and lakes. It can be said that everyone is screaming and beating.

If the Wudang faction really paid a certain price, they could indeed unite with many forces in the rivers and lakes to destroy the Blood Demon Palace.

Although good and evil have been incompatible since ancient times, the status of Blood Demon Palace in the evil way is like a mouse crossing the street.

Yan Dongchen said without changing his expression: "Zhang Chunqiu, no matter what you say today, I will destroy your Wudang faction.

Even if you talk about breaking the sky today, it will have no effect. "

Zhuge Shensuan listened to the conversation between the two of them a little impatiently.

Zhuge Shensuan said to the Patriarch of Yuxuemo Palace: "Palace Master Yan, there is no need to treat me with such miscellaneous things.

Let's all go in with the white knife and come out with the red knife. At that time, I will see if these Wudang school miscellaneous skins can still say that.

At this point, people from the Wudang faction actually dare to threaten Palace Master Yan. It can be seen that people from the Wudang faction have never regarded Palace Master Yan as an enemy. Clown-like power.

As long as the Bloody Demon Palace takes action with all its strength today, our Tiandao Mansion promises that we will never lose our word about the Bloody Demon Art. "

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan was wearing a mask, with only a pair of piercing eyes exposed.

After this battle, the relationship between the Heaven and Earth Auction House and the Heavenly Dao Mansion will definitely be exposed on the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, the power of the Heaven and Earth Auction House will be completely exposed to the eyes of the world.

In the past, the Heaven and Earth Auction House was just a representative of a mysterious term in Jianghu, but after this battle, the Heaven and Earth Auction House has more than 10 king-level powerhouses, and it will definitely become a hot topic of discussion among people all over the world.

Now God Zhuge is regarded as the envoy of Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty, and also the city lord of Donghai City. If he is still exposed now, he is a member of the auction house in heaven and earth.

Zhuge Shensuan must not be able to survive in the Ming Dynasty, and the entire combination of interests of the Ming Dynasty will no longer be able to accommodate Zhuge Shensuan.

Because in the combination of interests of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty will never allow the Ming Dynasty to add a new force to share the benefits it deserves from the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, before Zhuge Shensuan completely turned his face against the Ming Dynasty, Zhuge Shensuan would not reveal that he was a member of the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Yan Dongchen said to Zhuge God: "Don't worry, Young Pavilion Master, since I want Blood Demon Palace to cooperate with the Heaven and Earth Auction House, I will naturally do my best.

I block Zhang Chunqiu from the Wudang faction, and you all get rid of the Wudang faction's Wangjing powerhouse as soon as possible. "

After Yan Dongchen finished speaking, he directly attacked Zhang Chunqiu without any hesitation.

The two gold powerhouses fought directly in the sky.

While fighting against Yan Dongchen, Zhang Chunqiu shouted loudly: "Yan Dongchen, after this time, my Wudang faction will definitely unite with all the righteous ways to destroy your Bloodbathed Demon Palace."

Yan Dongchen didn't talk nonsense with Zhang Chunqiu, but attacked Zhang Chunqiu with all his strength.

At the same time, 20 King Realm powerhouses from the Heaven and Earth Auction House and the Bloody Demon Palace attacked the 7 King Realm powerhouses from the Wudang faction at the same time.

In the sky, two huge battle groups quickly formed.

On the other side of the river, the Wudang sect's real martial arts masters and congenital masters wanted to help them, but they didn't have the ability to walk in the air, and they didn't have any chance to help them.

But in just over 10 minutes, they were too busy to take care of themselves, because the [-] camp troops from the Heaven and Earth Auction House had already surrounded and killed them from all directions.

All three battle groups fought fiercely, and Zhuge Shensuan had a huge advantage.

In the battle group between the innate realm and the real martial arts realm, the Wudang faction was completely defeated. The Wudang faction would have to lose at least five members to kill a person from the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

In the Heaven and Earth Auction House, the army trapped in the camp not only has an advantage in numbers, but the army trapped in the camp in the Heaven and Earth Auction House is an army that has really seen blood on the battlefield, and it is also very skillful in splitting with the fierce battle formation.

On the other hand, the Wudang faction's army is completely scattered, and the army trapped in the camp will disperse as soon as it rushes.

The Wudang faction of the King Realm Powerhouse Battle Group also fell into an absolute disadvantage. After half an hour, no one was killed in the 10th against [-]th, which is already a good score of [-].

To be continued……………

(End of this chapter)

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