Emperor Martial System

Chapter 545 Threatening the Heaven and Earth Auction House

Chapter 545 Threatening the Heaven and Earth Auction House

As for why it is 18 strong kings against 7 strong kings, instead of 20 strong kings against 7 strong kings.

That's because Zhao Zilong and Guan Yu from the Heaven and Earth Auction House didn't make a move. These two people have been watching the three battle groups from the beginning to the end.

And the most stable battle group is the battle group where two powerful emperors fight against each other. In a 1-on-1 situation, the powerful emperors of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace want to take down the powerful emperors of the Wudang faction. impossible.

Even if the Wudang faction's imperial realm powerhouse has not broken through for a long time, and the realm has not been consolidated by 10 points, this is also impossible.

Unless it is the top-notch existence among the imperial realm powerhouses, if the Wudang faction's imperial realm powerhouses fight against each other, they may be able to win the Wudang faction's imperial realm powerhouses.

But the Patriarch of the Imperial Realm of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace has not reached this level. The Patriarch of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace is at most a weaker layer among the powerful ones of the Imperial Realm, and at most is just a step ahead of those who have just broken through to the strong ones of the Imperial Realm. .

Therefore, although the Imperial Realm powerhouses of the Bloodbath Demon Palace's battle group suppressed the Wudang faction's Royal Realm powerhouses, it is almost impossible to solve the Wudang faction's Royal Realm powerhouses.

Even if the Wudang faction's powerful emperors did not run away and keep fighting with the powerful emperors of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace, this is still impossible.

What's more, if the imperial realm powerhouses don't want to fight to the death, they can still run away. Once one of the imperial realm powerhouses wants to escape, the other party basically has no hope of being able to forcefully kill them.

Although the ancestor of the Wudang faction saw that the people of the Wudang faction fell into a disadvantaged situation, he had no way of doing anything.

He really wanted to support their Wudang faction, but the ancestors of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace kept blocking him, and it was almost impossible for him to support them.

Another incense stick of time passed after the battle, and one-third of the Wudang faction's innate and real martial arts experts had died, and one of the king's experts had also died.

This is not the worst. The worst thing is the Wudang faction's innate powerhouses and true enlightenment realm powerhouses, who must die every minute.

The situation of the Wudang faction's king-level powerhouse is even more dangerous. At this time, the Wudang faction has already lost a king-level powerhouse.

On the battlefield, it has become eighteen against six. Basically, there are three king-level strongmen surrounding one king-level strongman.

Zhang Chunqiu said to Yan Dongchen in a very flat tone: "Yan Dongchen, do you really want to fight with our Wudang faction forever?
If you lead your people from Bloodbather Palace to leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened. "

Although Zhang Chunqiu was very anxious in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, because the more impatient he was during the negotiation, the more disadvantageous he would be.

Zhang Chunqiu still has this expression of indifference.

While fighting Zhang Chunqiu, Yan Dongchen said very flatly: "Zhang Chunqiu, do you think I will stop fighting if you say such things now?
Now that our Bloodbathed Demon Palace has completely offended the Wudang faction, this is already an endless situation. If we stop now, not only will we not be able to get a good deal, but we will also have to wait for the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Do you think I will do such a loss-making business! So today, none of you elites from the Heaven and Earth Auction House can escape. "

Seeing that Yan Dongchen from Bloodbath Demon Palace couldn't make sense, Zhang Chunqiu immediately changed his target.

Zhang Chunqiu shouted loudly to the two King Realm powerhouses who were watching the battle: "You two, what happened today is because our Wudang faction did something wrong, and our Wudang faction apologizes to the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

If the Heaven and Earth Auction House stops fighting now, we Wudang faction are willing to pay a large sum of money for the truce. "

Now that the situation has reached such a point, Zhang Chunqiu no longer has that kind of arrogance.

At this moment, he just wanted to stop this battle as soon as possible, and the Wudang faction really couldn't afford to lose.

If the loss continues like this, the Wudang faction will really only have him as a widowed old man. If he is the only widowed old man left in the Wudang faction, can it still be called the Wudang faction?

Could the Wudang faction at that time still be the head of the five factions?

Therefore, Zhang Chunqiu, a very proud emperor, had no choice but to lower his proud head under such circumstances.

However, Zhao Zilong and Guan Yu, who were watching the battle, did not answer Zhang Chunqiu's words, and they both stared at Zhang Chunqiu.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Zhang Chunqiu was extremely annoyed. Now that the Wudang faction has surrendered, is it true that the Heaven and Earth Auction House is going to kill them all?

Even if the Heaven and Earth Auction House kills all the members of the Wudang faction, will the Heaven and Earth Auction House benefit?

Anyway, Zhang Chunqiu didn't expect that the Wudang faction would benefit from the destruction of the Heaven and Earth Auction House?
Moreover, in this kind of battle right now, not only people from the Wudang faction died, the strong in the innate realm and the real martial arts realm of the Heaven and Earth Auction House also suffered certain casualties.

Even if the battle damage is 3:1, in order to wipe out all the innate and real martial arts experts of the Wudang faction, the Heaven and Earth Auction House would have to lose at least 300 innate and real martial arts experts.

That's right, at the beginning, the army trapped in the camp was able to achieve a massacre ratio of 5:1, but after a period of fighting, the Wudang faction's troops also became more motivated, and the ratio of battle losses reached 3:1 .

Seeing that the two did not answer, Zhang Chunqiu continued to shout loudly: "Two, if you don't ask your people to stop this battle, all the elites of my Wudang faction will indeed be wiped out here.

But from then on, I will have nothing to worry about. When I escape here, I will specifically choose the Heaven and Earth Auction House to start.

If a strong man in the imperial realm attacks your Heavenly and Earthly Auction House, your Heavenly Earthly Auction House will definitely suffer disaster.

So I advise you, let your people from the Heaven and Earth Auction House stop as soon as possible, otherwise, everyone will only end up in a situation where both sides will suffer. "

Zhang Chunqiu knew that seeking cooperation was useless now, so he had no choice but to threaten the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

People in Bloodbathed Demon Palace have no fixed place to live, and there is no hiding place for Bloodyued Demon Palace in Jianghu, so the people in Bloodyued Demon Palace are not afraid of Zhang Chunqiu's threat.

But the Heaven and Earth Auction House is different. There are too many auction houses opened by the Heaven and Earth Auction House in the entire rivers and lakes. The end of the auction house.

That's why Zhang Chunqiu directly used threatening words to talk to the people from the Heaven and Earth Auction House at this juncture.

(End of this chapter)

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