Emperor Martial System

Chapter 546 Chapter 5462 Half Emperor Realm

Chapter 546 Chapter 540
At this time, Zhao Zilong, who was holding a spear, said to the Wudang Patriarch Huangjing very indifferently: "Your Excellency Zhang Chunqiu, I don't know what price you said to pay. If you pay enough, our Heaven and Earth Auction House will also pay you." It’s not that you can’t withdraw your troops.”

Before Zhao Zilong, who was holding a long spear, finished speaking, the old man in the imperial realm of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace became anxious.

You must know that for this battle, the Bloodbathed Demon Palace completely offended the Wudang faction. If the Wudang faction cannot be solved this time, the Bloodbathed Demon Palace will really suffer a lot.

Now that the Heaven and Earth Auction House wants to negotiate peace with the Wudang faction, there is basically no chance for the Heaven and Earth Auction House to promise the Bloodbathed Demon Palace.

The Patriarch of the Bloodbath Demon Palace and the Patriarch of the Wudang School stopped at the same time.

The Patriarch of the Bloodbath Demon Palace said to Zhao Zilong with the long spear: "Your Excellency Zhao Zilong, if you agree to the meaning and request of the Wudang faction, this is contrary to the purpose of our two factions joining forces.

This is also against the wishes of your young pavilion master, and you may not be able to bear this responsibility. "

Zhao Zilong said very calmly: "Our Heaven and Earth Auction House always counts what we say. Since we have promised you Bloodbathed Demon Palace, even if we don't wipe out the Wudang faction this time, our Heaven and Earth Auction House will carry out what we promised you to the end."

Zhao Zilong's voice fell, and a sound transmission of spiritual consciousness entered the ears of the Patriarch of Prison Blood Demon Palace.

"Your Excellency Yan Dongchen, this is just a tactic of suspicious soldiers. It is the plan made by the Young Pavilion Master to destroy the Wudang faction, and it is absolutely impossible to change this plan.

However, if you continue to fight like this, it is basically impossible to keep the ancestors of the Wudang faction. Let us first relax the vigilance of the ancestors of the Wudang faction, and then the three of us will jointly launch a sneak attack. kill.

When the time comes to destroy the Wudang faction, it will be much easier. "

After listening to Zhao Zilong's words, the Patriarch of Yuxuemogong said, "Your Excellency Zhao Zilong, as long as your Heavenly and Human Auction House agrees with me about the matter of Yuxuemogong, it doesn't matter whether you can destroy the Wudang sect or not." .”

"Of course!" Zhao Zilong, who was holding a spear, continued to say to the ancestor of the Wudang sect, "We don't need many auction houses in heaven and earth.

As long as your Wudang faction compensates the Heaven and Earth Auction House with 1 million taels of gold and one million taels of purple gold, then our Heaven and Earth Auction House will agree to withdraw our troops and let your Wudang faction return to Wudang. "

The ancestor of the Wudang faction said very flatly: "Your Excellency Zhao Zilong wants too many things, one hundred million taels of gold, one million taels of purple gold, even if we turn our entire Wudang faction upside down, I'm afraid we can't get so many taels of silver." Come.

Your Excellency Zhao Zilong, you should give me a more reliable reconciliation opinion. "

Zhao Zilong said: "Your Excellency Zhang Chunqiu, the condition is that our Heaven and Earth Auction House has opened.

Are you Wudang faction willing to give it?That is the business of your Wudang faction, and has nothing to do with our Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Whenever you agree to our conditions, we will cease fighting. "

Although the battle group of the powerful in the imperial realm stopped, neither the battle group of the strong in the king's realm nor the battle group of the strong in the innate martial arts realm had stopped, and both sides were still fighting fiercely.

Zhang Chunqiu looked at the battle group of King Realm powerhouses and the battle group of Xiantian Realm powerhouses, the remaining 6 King Realm powerhouses were struggling to support, while the Xiantian Realm and True Martial Realm powerhouses fell from time to time.

Zhang Chunqiu said to Zhao Zilong: "Your Excellency Zhao Zilong, if Heaven and Earth Auction House wants to talk, please tell your people to stop immediately.

The conditions can be discussed slowly by both of us, and it will be detrimental to both sides if we continue to fight like this. "

Zhao Zilong said very flatly: "But when the two sides have not reached a settlement, a truce is impossible.

Either you agree to the request of our Heaven and Earth Auction House, or you will fight to the death with our Heaven and Earth Auction House. "

Zhang Chunqiu's face was a little ferocious, but after thinking for a while, he still regained his composure.

Zhang Chunqiu said to Zhao Zilong very calmly: "Okay, 1 million taels of gold and one million taels of purple gold, my Wudang faction can give them.

Now you should be able to stop the people from the Heaven and Earth Auction House. "

After Zhang Chunqiu finished speaking, Zhao Zilong did not answer Zhang Chunqiu's words.

Zhao Zilong and Guan Yu broke out suddenly, one with a purple silver gun and the other with a green dragon Yanyue knife, and slashed at Zhang Chunqiu.

Both of them used their strongest martial arts.

Moreover, the cultivation bases of the half-step imperial realm of both of them were displayed.

And Yan Dongchen, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, didn't stop at all when he saw Zhao Zilong making a move.

Directly slashing at Zhang Chunqiu with the strongest martial skill, the attacks of the three people almost simultaneously reached Zhang Chunqiu.

Zhang Chunqiu subconsciously blocked Yan Dongchen's attack, but was hit by Zhao Zilong and Guan Yu's attack and was seriously injured.

Zhang Chunqiu has always been on guard against Yan Dongchen, after all Yan Dongchen is an existence in the realm of the emperor and the strong.

If he was attacked by Yan Dongchen, he would basically be seriously injured, but he never thought that Zhao Zilong and Guan Yu were actually half-step emperors, and their strongest attacks had already reached the level of the emperor's attack. degree.

Therefore, Zhang Chunqiu was seriously injured after carrying Zhao Zilong and Guan Yu on his back.

What Zhang Chunqiu subconsciously thought of was to run away quickly, as for the Wudang faction, he didn't care at all now.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. When his life is in danger, his first choice is to run away to save his life.

As long as he does not die, the Wudang faction will not be destroyed.

Zhang Chunqiu wanted to escape, but all his escape routes had been blocked, two half-step emperor-level powerhouses and one emperor-level powerhouse blocked his retreat.

If he was not seriously injured, he still had a chance to escape the siege of the three.

But now that he is seriously injured, his combat power has been greatly reduced. Even if he wants to fight hard, he can at most display his cultivation at the peak state, and it can maintain the peak state for more than a minute at most.

There is no possibility of escaping in such a short period of time with such combat power.

So Zhang Chunqiu didn't dare to go all out, but continued to break through with his seriously injured body, but every time he broke through, he was blocked by three people.

After half a quarter of an hour like this, Zhang Chunqiu, the patriarch of the Wudang sect's Huangjing, completely bleeds in front of the Taoist government.

The Wudang faction's King Realm strongmen, True Martial Realm strongmen, and Xiantian Realm warrior strongmen saw their ancestors killed, their will to fight was instantly destroyed, and they began to flee.

(End of this chapter)

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