Emperor Martial System

Chapter 547 The battle is over

Chapter 547 The battle is over
The Huangjing Patriarch of the Wudang School died, and the most surprised one was the Huangjing Patriarch of the Bloody Demon Palace.

The Patriarch of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace did not expect that the Heaven and Earth Auction House would be so powerful, and there would be two strong men who were half-imperial.

You must know that for a powerhouse who is half a step into the imperial realm, as long as he does not fall, it is basically a certainty to advance to the imperial realm, it just depends on the length of time for the advancement.

The ancestor of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace's estimate of the heaven and the earth has gone up to a new level.

Zhao Zilong from the Heaven and Earth Auction House said to Yan Dongchen: "Palace Master Yan, now that the Wudang faction's imperial powerhouse has fallen, our plan has been half completed.

Therefore, I invite Palace Master Yan to join us in taking action and destroy all the powerful kings of the Wudang faction.

If the Wudang sect's Wangjing powerhouses were allowed to escape, it might cause harm in the future. "

Yan Dongchen said to Zhao Zilong of the Heaven and Earth Auction House: "Brother Zhao Zilong is right, the three of us took action to quickly eliminate the Wudang sect's king realm powerhouse."

Yan Dongchen's voice fell, and the three of them quickly made a move.

Zhang Biao of the Wudang faction saw that his ancestor had fallen, and he had no idea of ​​fighting at all.

Zhang Biao of the Wudang faction took out a round jade pendant, and directly injected the majestic spiritual power into the jade pendant.

Zhang Biao of the Wudang faction suddenly turned into a spot of light and disappeared quickly.

The three King Realm experts who were in charge of besieging Zhang Biao were all stunned by this scene.

People can disappear in front of their eyes, and disappear in an instant. They can say that they have never seen or heard of such a thing.

Zhang Biao's escape also attracted the attention of Zhuge Shensuan, and even more so, the attention of all the strong men.

But now the two sides are fighting fiercely, the people from Wudang faction try their best to escape, while the people from Heaven and Earth Auction House and Bloodbathed Demon Palace try their best to keep the Wudang faction behind.

So neither side has time to worry about how Zhang Biao escaped.

At the same time, a strong man in the imperial realm and two strong men in the half-step imperial realm also joined the battle.

The Wudang faction's King Realm powerhouses were already at a disadvantage in the battle, but now that Zhang Biao suddenly escaped, their pressure was even greater.

Coupled with the fact that the Lord of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace and Zhao Zilong and Guan Yu joined the battle, it didn't take long for the battle to be completely over.

All the king realm powerhouses of the Wudang faction either raised their hands and surrendered, or were directly killed.

Not all of the Wudang faction's strong kings have a backbone, and three of them have no backbone and surrendered directly. The auction house in heaven and earth.

The other two King Realm powerhouses fought to the death for the Wudang faction, and were killed directly in the end.

Among the three King Realm powerhouses who surrendered, there was naturally the Great Patriarch of the Kunlun Sect. The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun Sect was not a man of backbone.

So when seeing that the battle was hopeless, the great patriarch of the Kunlun faction surrendered directly.

And the battle between the strong in the congenital realm and the strong in the real martial arts has come to an end, the strong king in the heaven and earth auction house and the strong in the king's realm in the Bloody Demon Palace have not participated in the battle between the strong in the innate realm and the strong in the real martial arts .

Because on the battlefield, there are only dozens of Wudang sect's innate realm experts and true martial arts realm experts left. At this time, if the king realm experts from the Heaven and Earth Auction House intervene, it will not be of much use.

Another half an incense stick of time passed, and the battle was completely over. This time, the Wudang faction sent a total of one Emperor Realm expert, seven King Realm experts, 7 True Martial Realm experts, and 86 Innate Realm experts. .

However, all the elite forces sent by the Wudang faction, except Zhang Biao, a strong man in the king realm, escaped, and almost all the rest were killed.

This time the Heaven and Earth Auction House suffered no losses, and none of the King Realm powerhouses suffered any losses.

The real martial arts powerhouses lost 13 people, and the congenital powerhouses lost 298 people. In such a large-scale battle, only this few people were lost, which shows how strong the camp is.

After the battle, the owner of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace was also invited into the Tiandao Mansion, in the living room of the Tiandao Mansion.

Zhuge Shensuan and the owner of the Blood Demon Palace sat opposite each other, but there was no one in the hall.

Zhuge Shensuan raised a cup of tea, and said to the Palace Master Yan, "Palace Master Yan, this is the unique Tiandao tea of ​​my Heavenly Dao Mansion. Palace Master Yan can taste it."

After Zhuge Shensuan finished speaking, he raised the teacup, drank the tea in the cup, and then put down the teacup again.

The palace owner of the Bloodbath Demon Palace also drank the tea in the cup, then put down the teacup and said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Young Pavilion Master, this is really good tea. I have been in the rivers and lakes for more than 400 years, and I have never drunk it so good. tea."

The owner of the Bloodbath Demon Palace was not flattering Zhuge Shensuan, but because the tea produced by Zhuge Shensuan was really good tea, and the tea Zhuge Shensuan bought was Longjing that was exchanged in the system.

It is a unique product of the blue planet, and it is impossible to find this kind of tea even if you search the entire continent.

The owner of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace turned to Zhuge, and continued to say: "Young Pavilion Master, now that the Wudang faction has been wiped out, should our agreement be fulfilled?"

The attitude of the palace owner of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace is a bit low, because the palace owner of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace believes that the Heaven and Earth Auction House is at least a force comparable to the interests of the Ming Dynasty.

Now even if the Heaven and Earth Auction House turned their backs and turned their backs, the owner of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace would have nothing to do.

After all, credit on this continent is just bullshit, what really depends on the strength of both parties.

If the strength of the two parties is equal, then naturally it depends on credit.

Zhuge Shensuan naturally also saw the scruples of the owner of the Blood Demon Palace, Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "Palace Master Yan, please rest assured, we will naturally do what the Heaven and Earth Auction House promised.

Otherwise, our Heaven and Earth Auction House would not be able to develop the power it is today. If we want to say that the most trustworthy one in the whole world, we should count our Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Because our auction house eats credit. "

Road of the Lord of the Bloodbathed Demon Palace. "That's really thankful to the young pavilion master, it's because I have a little bit of a villain's heart to save a gentleman's belly."

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "Now I have sent people to attack Wudang Mountain where the Wudang faction is located, and I believe that within a few days the whole world will know that the Wudang faction has been destroyed.

Therefore, please return to Wuzhou as soon as possible, and then completely control the power of the rivers and lakes in our state.

When the Bloodbathed Demon Palace announces its comeback, our Heavenly and Human Auction House will naturally announce an alliance with the Bloodbathed Demon Palace. Any force that dares to take action against the Prisoned Blood Demon Palace will be regarded as a challenge to our Heavenly and Human Auction House. "

To be continued......

(End of this chapter)

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