Emperor Martial System

Chapter 602 Tactical Layout

Chapter 602 Tactical Layout
On the border of Dongzhou, 130 million troops are stationed on the border.

And in a large camp among the sideline troops of Dongzhou, two strong men of the imperial realm and 22 strong men of the real martial realm gathered together.

These people are naturally the main force to attack the East China Sea this time, and they are also the highest combat effectiveness in this attack on the East China Sea.

Among them, more than 10 are the commanders of 5 armies, and the remaining 10 are from the royal family worship hall and the army worship hall.

As the commander of the army this time, Zhan Feitian sat high on the main seat, while during the day he sat on the second seat, and the others sat on the subordinate seats on both sides.

Zhan Feitian said to everyone present: "You are all the elite forces of our Ming Dynasty, now is the time to start a war with the East China Sea, I don't know if you have any good suggestions.

How should we attack the East China Sea, and from which direction should we break through. "

Although Zhan Feitian asked everyone, everyone obviously knew that Zhan Feitian was asking the commanders of the five armies.

This kind of marching and fighting is not the kind of fighting in the rivers and lakes. It is not that whoever has high martial arts skills is good at this kind of thing. The commanders of those armies who have been in charge of the army for many years are naturally more familiar with this kind of thing.

During the day, the Great Elder knew that he was not good at this aspect, so he didn't speak, but quietly waited for Zhan Feitian to make a decision.

You must know that Zhan Feitian is a veteran in the battlefield. He has experienced hundreds of battles, big and small. Although he did not win every battle, he has won most of the victories. Not too much of a failure.

The general of Donghaiwei respectfully said to Zhan Feitian: "General, although there are 4 islands adjacent to our Dongzhou, the most important of these 4 islands is Donghai Island.

If we can successfully take the East China Sea Island, then the defense of the entire East China Sea will be completely torn apart by us, and our battle against the East China Sea will be won in one shot.

If it is to break through the other three islands, at most we will occupy an overseas base, which cannot completely tear apart the defense of the East China Sea.

So I think that if you want to attack the East China Sea, you must first attack from the East China Sea Island.

As long as Donghai Island is completely taken down, everything will be fine. "

The commander of Yinzhou Wei said to Zhang Feitian: "I would like to report to the Generalissimo's subordinates that it is not wise for the commander of Donghaiwei to attack Donghai Island.

We all know the importance of defense in the East China Sea, so our enemies naturally also know the importance of defense in the East China Sea. If we rashly choose to attack the East China Sea, we are likely to encounter the most tenacious resistance of the enemy.

Moreover, Donghai City is the most stable city among the four islands, the strongest city, and our army is smaller than that of Donghai. If we attack Donghai, the enemy will definitely rush to help.

At that time, the battlefield may be against us, so the subordinates think that the three islands next to Donghai Island should be taken away first. After these three islands are completely taken down, Donghai Island will naturally become an isolated island.

After taking these three islands, we can block the enemy's reinforcements, and the enemy's reinforcements will definitely not be able to come up. The subordinates think this is the best way to break through the East China Sea. "

After thinking for a while, Zhan Feitian said calmly: "What you both said has some truth. The seats of the Marine Corps are the General and General Youweiwei. What do you think about the attack on the East China Sea?"

General Zuo Weiwei Wang Xiaojie said with a faint smile: "Generalissimo, my subordinates think that the first is to attack the soldiers, the second is to attack the enemy, and the second is to attack the war.

The subordinates think that it is possible to plan and attack, and to focus on cutting and planning, and to supplement it. "

Zhan Feitian stroked his beard, and said lightly: "Tell me specifically, how to fight, how to fight."

General Zuo Weiwei Wang Xiaojie said: "If benevolence fights with each other, it is natural to send troops to fight with the opponent, and to fight against each other is naturally to use tactics.

We can send a large number of troops to attack the four islands in the East China Sea, so we don’t have to worry about it. We only attack one place, and the other islands in the East China Sea make dumplings.

The strategy is to send our elite forces to penetrate directly into the East China Sea and assassinate the high-level troops stationed on the islands in the East China Sea.

Because the formation of the army in the East China Sea has not been long, if their commander is murdered, they will definitely be in chaos.

You must know that the military system in the East China Sea has just been established, and it is impossible to have a complete system like ours, and it is even more impossible that the deputy commander-in-chief can take over the command after the commander-in-chief dies.After the deputy commander dies, the grand commander can take over the command. "

The Great General of Youweiwei Wang Xiaolong also said: "To the Generalissimo, what my elder brother Wang Xiaojie said is exactly what I thought. I believe that using this method will definitely win the East China Sea in one fell swoop."

Zhan Feitian said lightly: "What General Wang Xiaojie said is very reasonable. It coincides with my thoughts. I don't know what you think."

Seeing Zhan Feitian's direct statement, no one expressed any objection, because this is indeed the best way.

And they couldn't think of a better way.

Zhan Feitian said indifferently: "Since no one has any opinions, then I will assign tasks next.

Order the main force of the left Weiwei to be led by General Wang Xiaojie to attack Donghai Island with all its strength, and the right Weiwei to take out half of the main force, General Wang Xiaojie.

I believe that with the 60 troops of the Marine Corps of the Ming Dynasty, it will be easy to take down Donghai Island, and I also believe that General Wang Xiaojie can give me a satisfactory result.

The main force of Dongzhou Wei was divided into three parts, and then dragged down the other three islands around Donghai Island.

You must not allow any soldiers from the other three islands of Donghai Island to approach Donghai Island, otherwise, General Donghaiwei, you will be punished.

Yinzhou Guard is used as a reserve reserve force, that is, a backup team. Once there is any problem anywhere, Yinzhou Guard must arrive at the fastest speed.

During the day, the Great Elder led five strong men of the King Realm, fifty strong men of the True Martial Realm, and 1000 strong men of the Innate Realm, sneaked into the East China Sea quietly, and then assassinated all the army leaders in the East China Sea.

Of course, it must be carried out under the condition of ensuring your own safety. If you find that something is wrong, you should come back as soon as possible. I believe that if you want to retreat in the East China Sea, absolutely no one can stop you.

Did everyone understand what I said? "

All the king realm powerhouses bowed to Zhan Feitian and said, "This subordinate understands."

(End of this chapter)

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