Chapter 603
During the day, the Great Elder didn't have any opinion on such an arrangement, because the entire Dongzhou Guard was controlled by the military, while the Yinzhou Guard was controlled by the royal family.

There was almost no difference between the army dispatched by the royal family and the army dispatched by the military, and Zhan Feitian did not favor either side.

Therefore, the great elder during the day did not have any opinions on such a proposal.

And he also knew that at such a critical juncture, Zhan Feitian would absolutely not be able to do that kind of self-digging thing.

Three days later, the battle between the two sides officially started. Donghai Island and the other three surrounding islands were all attacked by the Ming Dynasty, and the most dangerous one was Donghai Island.

Because all those who attacked Donghai Island were the elite marines among the elite of the Ming Dynasty, and the number of them was twice the number of defenders on Donghai Island.

Compared with Donghai Island, the other three islands are much more comfortable. Those who attacked the other three islands were not the elite of the Ming Dynasty, and the number of troops was only half of the three islands.

Therefore, although the army of the Ming Dynasty attacked very violently, and the three islands were not big islands, they were not huge, but the other three islands did not experience any large-scale retreat.

The situation on Donghai Island was different. The elite forces of the Daimyo Dynasty Marine Corps attacked Donghai Island as if they were desperate, and sometimes even launched more than 10 attacks in a day.

Although the defenders of Donghai Island have the advantage of defending the city, the result of the fight with the army of the Ming Dynasty actually reached 1:3.

In other words, there were an average of 3 defenders on Donghai Island, and only one army from the Ming Dynasty died.

In just 6 days, the defenders of Donghai Island had suffered more than 15 casualties, while the Marine Corps had only lost 6 people. If Zhuge God hadn't been counted as Zhendong Island, these troops might have some preparations to choose escaped.

On Donghai Island, the other three armies have been held back, and reinforcements cannot enter Donghai Island at all.

Of course, Zhuge God counted more than 10 points for the reserve force. If you really want to increase the number of reinforcements regardless of the cost, reinforcements can still come in.

However, if Zhuge Shensuan had just recruited those troops, it was obviously impossible for those troops to support them regardless of the cost.

The most important thing was the reinforcements from the rear. There were news that many leaders were assassinated.

The reinforcements arrived even more slowly.

Fortunately, the main force of Zuo Weiwei is not an iron fighter. After 6 days of continuous high-intensity offensive, their offensive intensity is not as crazy as before.

In the past, more than 2 people died almost every day, but on the 10th day, only more than 3000 people were killed.

Such a large-scale team battle, even if it is a strong man in the imperial realm, will not have any major effect at all, because even if it is a strong man in the imperial realm, it is impossible to win the head of a general among millions of troops.

Because you have a strong emperor on your side, and the other side also has a strong emperor in the imperial realm, once you fall into the encirclement of the other party, you will definitely die in the end.

Therefore, even the strongest in the imperial realm can only sit directly behind and command, and it is impossible to rush directly to the front to kill the enemy.

On the 11th day, there were more than a dozen people kneeling at the door of Zhuge Shensuan's big tent, each of whom was a real martial artist.

These people are the generals guarding Donghai City.

The purpose of their coming here is to ask Zhuge God to let the reinforcements rush over quickly, otherwise they really can't support it.

Although the attack intensity of Zuo Weiwei's main force has dropped, the situation of the defenders in the East China Sea is not optimistic. You must know that they have killed 10 people in more than 20 days.

There are only 10 troops left in the entire Donghai City army. If the fight continues like this, all of their guarding troops in Donghai City may be buried here, and their lives may also be buried here.

That's why they boldly gathered more than 10 people to ask Zhuge's fortune.

Zhuge Shensuan looked at more than 10 people kneeling outside the barracks, smiled indifferently and didn't say anything.

People outside the barracks knelt down, and after about an hour, Zhuge Shensuan walked out of the big tent.

Zhuge Shen was indifferent, and said to the dozen people: "I already know the reason for your coming, as long as you persist for another 10 days, the reinforcements will definitely come.

If any of you dare to disturb the morale of the army, or dare to lead the army to mutiny, be careful of your head and the lives of your family. "

More than 10 people saw Zhuge Shensuan's firm eyes, and they also knew that it would be useless to say more.

Everyone respectfully bowed to Zhuge Shensuan, and then left.

The elixir that Zhuge Shensu has exchanged in the system has controlled the powerhouses above the realm of true martial arts, and their families have been registered in the register.

If they dare to rebel, not only them, but also their families will be massacred. This is also the mode of Zhuge Shensuan's control of the army that has just surrendered.

After all, these people had just surrendered themselves. If Zhuge Shensuan used them boldly like this, and still used them to fight such a tragic battle, then Zhuge Shensuan's head might really be flooded.

The battle is still going on, time flies, and the army of Donghai City defended for another 10 days.

Ten days later, there were only 10 troops left in Donghai City, and the Marine Corps of the Ming Dynasty also lost about 5 people.

Moreover, more than 10 army commanders who knelt outside the Zhuge Shensuan barracks that day had already died 6 of them.


In a military camp outside Donghai City, General Youweiwei Wang Xiaojie looked at the more than 10 generals below, and said calmly: "Everyone, we have been attacking Donghai Island for nearly a month.

In such a long period of time, our army is twice as large as the opponent's, and the cultivation of the soldiers in our army is generally much higher than that of the opponent.

Don't you all want to say something about why this small Donghai City has not been taken yet, and 18 people have been lost. "

Among the more than 10 army leaders present, a bearded man stood up and respectfully said to Wang Xiaojie: "General, although our army has an advantage in numbers and quality.

But the opponent has the advantage of the terrain, so our army has done its best to be able to fight like this. "

General Youweiwei Wang Xiaojie said: "I don't want to know that you didn't try your best, I just want to know when you will be able to take this city."

To be continued…………………………

(End of this chapter)

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