Chapter 613

But the Wannian Blood Essence Fruit can help people at the peak of the Tiangang Realm break through the King Realm, and they can break through the King Realm without any side effects. One can imagine how powerful the Ten Thousand Year Essence Blood Fruit is.

If the blood essence fruit is what makes a genius, then the ten thousand year blood essence fruit is what makes a strong man.

The Wannian Essence Blood Fruit has not appeared in nearly 2000 years, but now it actually appears in the East China Sea.

These five major forces who came to the Tianren Pavilion Auction House actually came only after hearing that there were ten thousand years of blood essence fruit.

In fact, as long as the forces with the king state powerhouse have received invitations from Tianren Pavilion, it's just that you don't bother to come to many things, because they think that the Ten Thousand Years Essence and Blood Fruit is just a last made by Tianren Pavilion.

That's why only five forces with king realm powerhouses came here, and none of the people who came here were at the helm of the sect.

Now that the people present have seen this Wannian Blood Essence Fruit, they know that this is not a last produced by Tianrenge Auction House, but that Tianrenge is really auctioning the Ten Thousand Year Essence Blood Fruit.

alright!I won’t talk about the rest of the nonsense. There is no reserve price to start the auction, no malicious lowering of the price, and no limit to each price increase.The Haojing Blood Fruit Auction has officially started. "

As soon as Meng Wuchang finished speaking, the discussion in the hall was overwhelming.

A young man in the Houtian realm in the hall said, "I'll go, what prodigal son even auctions off this kind of item that can be promoted to the realm of the king."

Another bearded man in the hall beat his chest and said, "Oh my God! I never expected to see such a treasure in my lifetime."


While there was a lot of discussion in the hall, the first bidder appeared. The first bidder was actually a young man in the hall who had acquired the realm of refining meat. He actually bid 100 taels of gold.

Hearing someone bid 100 taels of gold, there was a lot of disdainful voices in the hall.

Soon the overwhelming voice of bidding swept the entire auction hall, and the price of the Essence Blood Pill was raised to 10 taels of gold in just half a quarter of an hour.

When the price increased to 10 taels of golden door saintess, no one bid in the hall, and no one bid on the second floor.

As for the Zhenwu Realm in the private rooms on the third floor, the competition among the powerhouses has become more intense, especially the strongest Tiangang Realm powerhouses, they will be the most intense.

Because this ten-thousand-year essence and blood fruit can allow them to break through the realm, thus occupying a place in the whole world, and they will not let go of this opportunity even to establish a sect.

The price was quickly fired to 100 million taels of gold, the price was quickly fired to 200 million taels of gold, and the price was quickly fired to 300 million taels of gold.

Several strong men in the Tiangang realm on the third floor are completely ready to fight to the end, and are ready to use all their wealth to compete for this ten thousand year blood fruit.

Although they all knew that the five major forces would inevitably make a move, and they had no chance of getting this selected fruit, they still did not give up bidding.

Because there is still a slight chance of getting the Wannian Blood Essence Fruit if you bid, but if you don't bid, you don't even have this chance.

Due to the bidding of many private rooms on the third floor, the price of Essence Blood Fruit was quickly raised to 500 million taels of gold. Of course, when the price reached 500 million taels of gold, there were only two private rooms left for bidding on the second floor.

On the fourth floor, Dongfang Wudi made a bid: "I will offer 600 million taels of gold."

The two people who were still bidding in the VIP rooms on the third floor heard the bids from the people in the VIP rooms on the fourth floor, so they both chose to give up bidding. First, their financial resources were not comparable to the five major forces, and second, even if they got the Wannian Essence Blood Fruit, they would not be able to keep it.

After Dongfang Wudi made a bid, a gentle voice came to mind in the VIP room of the Emei faction, who had never made a bid from the beginning to the end: "800 million taels of gold."

In the VIP room of the Emei School, a sweet-looking woman in purple clothes pulled the arm of an old nun with a bitter face and asked coquettishly, "Master! Are we sure we can take this ten thousand-year blood essence fruit?"

If the Daoist saintess was present, she would definitely recognize this purple-clothed woman, because this purple-clothed woman is Zhou Qingrou, who is ranked third on the stunning list.

The old nun of the Emei School with a bitter face was silent for a while and then said to Zhou Qingrou: "It's difficult! But the master will try his best to auction this elixir for you.

You are the most outstanding disciple of my Emei Sect for thousands of years. I hope you can break through the king realm, or even break through the emperor realm, then our Emei Sect can overwhelm the five sects and become the leader of the five sects.

Although there are only three sects left among the five sects, our Emei sect is still the bottom sect. If you break through the king realm, our Emei sect will be ranked second. "

Zhou Qingrou smiled knowingly: "Master! It's okay if it's difficult, anyway, I haven't broken through the peak of Tiangang realm, even if it takes ten thousand years, I can't take it right away.

Maybe when I reach the peak of Tiangang Realm, I will be able to find a treasure like the Ten Thousand Year Essence Blood Fruit. "

The old nun with a bitter gourd face said sternly: "Qing Rou, do you think the Wannian Essence Blood Fruit is a Chinese cabbage? It's so easy to touch.

Even the Ming Dynasty couldn't find the Ten Thousand Year Essence and Blood Fruit at the Tianren Pavilion Auction.

This time, the ten-thousand-year blood essence fruit appeared in Tianren Pavilion and spread throughout the Ming Dynasty, but why only 5 forces came over.

It was because all the powers of the Ming Dynasty did not believe that Tianren Pavilion had ten thousand years of essence and blood fruit, so there were only five families in this competition.

So we have to fight for this ten thousand year blood essence fruit. If we win it, it will be our good luck. If we can't win it, then we can only accept our fate. "

At this time, the private room of the Dongfang family on the third floor also bid, "900 million taels of gold!"

The Dongfang family had just finished bidding, and the people in the private room of Dongzhou Wang made another bid of "1000 million taels of gold!"

Seeing that the blood essence fruit was sold for 1000 million taels of gold not long after the auction started, Meng Wuchang was immediately overjoyed.

He thought to himself, the auction he hosted today would definitely create a new record for Donghai, 'the highest price for a single auctioned item.

Although Meng Wuchang has already reached the peak of Tiangang realm, he also wants to get this ten thousand year blood essence fruit, but when he thinks of Tianren personality's cabinet Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan's unpredictable methods.

In an instant, he didn't dare to think about taking the Ten Thousand Years Essence and Blood Fruit. "

After more than a year of development, Zhang Fan not only has his own strength reached the realm of human martial arts, but also has a strong man in the king realm and more than 10 powerhouses in the Tiangang realm under his command, plus fifty or sixty strongmen in the real martial realm. By.

Of course, these strong men controlled by Zhang Fan do not rely on his personality charm, but rely on the good fortune lotus produced by his good fortune scripture.

Before Meng Wuchang's joy was over, Dongfang Wudi bid again, "100 million taels of gold!"

(End of this chapter)

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