Chapter 614

In the VIP room where the Emei faction was located, the head of the Emei faction said in a soft voice, not to be outdone, "One thousand and one million taels of gold."

Seeing that the head of the Emei faction raised the price by 100 million taels of gold at one time, the king of Dongzhou immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing the bidding.

The king of Dongzhou has no direct descendants, let alone a family, except for his subordinates, he can be said to be a loner.

After he bought the Wannian Blood Essence Fruit, he only had two functions, one was to win over his subordinates, and the other was to please his boss.

However, he also saw how popular this Wannian Blood Essence Fruit is, and it will definitely fetch a sky-high price. It is even possible that all his assets are not enough to buy this Ten Thousand Year Essence Blood Fruit, so he let it go decisively. up.

After Dongzhou King withdrew, the bidding for the Wannian Blood Essence Fruit became more intense, and the price was quickly raised to 2000 million taels of gold.

In the VIP private room where Dongfang Wudi was located on the third floor, Dongfang Wudi stared straight at the Ten Thousand Year Essence Fruit in the hall, and the maids in the VIP room had already been sent out.

Dongfang Wudi's cultivation had reached the perfection of true martial arts five years ago, but in the past five years, he hadn't felt the slightest opportunity to break through, not even a chance to break through the half-step king state, so Dongfang Wudi had no chance to break through to the Wannian Jingjing. The desire for blood fruit has reached its peak.

After the head of the Emei faction bid '100 million taels of gold', Dongfang Wudi said in a wealthy voice to the hall: "I bid 200 million taels of gold!"

There was another scene of three people bidding on the field.

Head of the Emei School: "Twenty-three million taels of gold!"

Dongfang Invincible: "Twenty-four million taels of gold!"

Sect Master of Wanjian Demon Sect: "Twenty-five million taels of gold!"

Dongfang Invincible: "Twenty-four million taels of gold!"

Head of the Emei School: "Twenty-three million taels of gold!"

Sect Master of Wanjian Demon Sect: "Twenty-five million taels of gold!"

When the price reached 800 million taels of gold, the head of the Emei faction resolutely gave up the bidding and directly gave up the Wannian Blood Essence Fruit.

Although the head of the Emei Sect really wants his disciples to break through the king realm, he loves his disciples very much, but this love has a certain degree, and if he exceeds this degree, he will naturally make a different choice .

The head of the Emei faction had a premonition that the price of this ten-thousand-year blood essence fruit would definitely exceed 5000 million taels of gold, and the 5000 million taels of gold would hurt even the strongest Emei faction.

It is beyond the scope of the head of the Emei faction to hurt the muscles and bones of the Emei faction, so the head of the Emei faction will choose to give up and continue bidding.

We must know that the head of the Emei School does not only think about him alone, but also the development of the entire Emei School. If he pays such a large sum of money, then the future development of the Emei School will be very difficult.

If the head of the Emei faction used it to break through the king realm, the head of the Emei faction might fight desperately, even if he took out all his property, he would not hesitate, even if he would He would not hesitate to evacuate the entire Emei faction.

But this was only for his disciple to break through the king realm, so he didn't try his best to fight for it.

At this time, the bidding between Dongfang Wudi and the master of the Wanjian Demon Sect has reached a fever pitch, and the price of the Essence Blood Fruit has been raised to 100 million taels of gold.

In the VIP room private room located among the VIP private rooms on the 4th floor.

The Taoist saint looked at the Ten Thousand Year Essence and Blood Fruit in the hall, then at Zhuge Shensuan sitting opposite her and said, "Fellow Zhuge, I think you should be very rich, why don't you fight for the Essence and Blood Fruit?" .”

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "This kind of thing does not help my cultivation at all, why should I fight for this kind of thing:

And don't you think that my Heavenly Earth Auction House can't offer such a treasure? For such a treasure, I have to bid in the Heavenly Pavilion. Wouldn't that be too embarrassing for the Heavenly Earth Auction House? "

Zhuge Shensuan continued: "I think your cultivation is just suitable for this thing, why don't you bid to compete.

Could it be that your huge Taoist holy place still can't afford this little money. "

The Daoist saint smiled and said, "Of course the Daoist Holy Land can afford so much money, even if it is 10 times, or a hundred times as much, but the Daoist Holy Land is not my own Daoist Holy Land.

Although I am a saint in the Taoist holy land, my status is not as good as those elders in the king's realm, let alone the ancestors of the emperor's realm.

So I can't get such resources at all, because I don't have so much money to bid. "

Zhuge Shensuan said: "It seems that your life in the Taoist holy land is not very good.

Why don't you rely on my Heaven and Earth Auction House, in this case, my Heaven and Earth Auction House will naturally get it for you like this ten thousand year blood essence fruit. "

The Taoist saint said: "Fellow Zhuge is really rich and powerful.

Is it possible that someone from the Tiangang realm has come to your Heaven and Earth Auction House, and the Heaven and Earth Auction House will give away things like this ten thousand year blood essence fruit. "

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Although my Heaven and Earth Auction House is rich and powerful, it is not so rich.

The conditions I mentioned are only for you alone. If you join my heaven and earth auction house, you agree to become my woman.

For my own woman, it is perfectly normal for me to be rich and powerful. "

The Taoist saint smiled charmingly and said: "There have long been rumors in the Jianghu that Fellow Daoist Zhuge is a womanizer and has married four or five wives in his family.

Now he still thinks of me as a monk. It seems that the rumors in the world are not wrong. "

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "As the so-called Guan Jujiu, in the river continent, gentlemen are gentlemen.

A stunning beauty like Xiaomengmeng you is naturally liked by everyone, and I am no exception.

Moreover, isn't it normal for a big man to have three wives and four concubines? Which one of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty is not 3000 in the harem.

Now that I occupy the entire East China Sea, I already have the ability to become king and emperor, so why not just open a harem and take 3000 people. "

Zhuge Shensuan continued: "Among the entire rivers and lakes, is there anyone better than me?

Once you Taoist saints are over 25 years old, you will automatically withdraw from the position of saintess. After you withdraw from the position of saints, the Taoist holy land will not care whether you marry or not.

You must know that many of the victories in your Daoist Holy Land have married well-known figures in the Jianghu after resigning from office.

And you will be 25 years old next year, which is when you step down as a saint.Are you going to let someone as good as me go?"

(End of this chapter)

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