Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 21 Dragon Leader, Female?

Chapter 21 Dragon Leader, Female?
"Son! How far have you reached in martial arts! Father, I've heard that with just one wave of his hand, the leader of Shenlong can wrap a person's arm with his sleeve, smash all the bones of a person's arm, and slap it down , can shoot a person to death."

A proud soldier is bound to be defeated. Seeing Gao Miao's attitude, Mrs. Gao was a little worried.

"Dad, don't worry, if you can't beat him, the boy will never be brave." Gao Miao comforted.

"Don't worry, why don't you worry? I've heard that the leader of Shenlong is as beautiful as a flower, and many crew members are attracted.

Men love to be aggressive in front of women, especially beautiful women.Moreover, there are more beauties from Shenlong Sect than Yihongyuan, are you willing? "

Before Mrs. Gao could speak, the old lady who was kneading melon seeds spoke. This time, Gao Miao was so shocked that she couldn't control the strength of rubbing her shoulders.

"Is the leader of Shenlong a woman?" Gao Miao was speechless now, so isn't the leader of Shenlong that pervert Hong Antong?Big beauty?What kind of dragon leader is this?

Movie version?Sister Xia's version of the Shenlong leader is now at best a little lolita!

Her master, the leader of the previous generation of Shenlong, is just an ugly old guy!If she was a beauty when she was young, she would only become that ghost when she was old.

"Take it easy, you kid can't control it when you hear beautiful women? My old lady told you so many girls, why don't you look down on them?

And who told you that the leader of Shenlong is a man?Boy, does your father still tell you so much?When did you kid ever show mercy to pirates?It is because the Shenlong leader is a beautiful woman that your father is worried about you being brave.

Remember, even if you fall in love with her, you can't be brave. When I capture her alive, I will go and take a good look. If that girl is really beautiful, you can take her as a concubine.

However, the main wife, absolutely not.

At this time, the world is in chaos, and you also have great ambitions. Marrying a gentle and virtuous woman may not be as good as a capable and resourceful woman.

That Shenlong leader is stupid, ignorant, arrogant, my Gao family's power in the sea is unknown to everyone in the surrounding seas, and she dares to stroke the tiger's beard just because of her broken boats and hundreds of people. This is not courage, but I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. "

As expected of a good old mother in ancient times, she kept urging the marriage with three words, and by the way, severely criticized the leader of Shenlong.

"Don't worry, even if it's a beautiful woman, I won't show mercy. Besides, there are several beauties in the world who can match Yuanyuan, and I haven't even touched Yuanyuan, let alone anyone else." Gao Miao said again Guaranteed.

"Hmph! That's true. Over the years, my mother has met many beautiful ladies, and none of them are more handsome than Yuan Yuan. My son, is there something wrong with your health?" Mrs. Gao continued to digress.

"No problem, no problem. My child practiced martial arts very well. In the past, he was not good at martial arts and it was not easy to break his body. Now that he is successful in martial arts, it doesn't matter anymore." Gao Miao explained with a wry smile.

This is true, the internal energy of Shenzhao Gong is extremely pure, and along with the practice, it can also cultivate an innate pure Yang Qi, which is full of vitality. This is also the source of the almost resurrection effect of Shenzhao Gong.

The shortcoming is naturally that the body of a boy needs to be maintained before the success of Shenzhao Gong, and what the fuck is only restricted to men, women are completely indifferent, because women can't cultivate the innate pure yang energy at all.

Gao Miao is not an abstinence type. She has long been unable to handle a charming and natural beauty every day. Now that she has achieved a small amount of internal strength, she no longer has to bear it.

"That's good. I'm very satisfied with Yuanyuan. Why don't we find a date and you marry Yuanyuan in as a concubine?" This has something to do with the Dragon Sect, so everything is focused on urging the marriage.

Gao Miao couldn't continue the conversation at all, and ran away. There was a big beauty waiting for him in the room.

The Gao family is gearing up here, ready to teach this provocative force an unforgettable lesson, and the Shenlong Cult is not peaceful either.

"Master, do we still have to fight with the Gao family? We fought with the Gao family twice, and lost [-]% of the ships accumulated by the sect, more than half of the disciples and elite water ghosts, and two envoys of the five dragons.

And our harvest is only two ships with one cargo, the gap between the effort and the harvest is too big, now there is a lot of discussion among the sect, and there are several people in the middle and high-level sect who are dissatisfied. On the enemy..."

In the study of the leader of the Dragon Sect, a young woman was talking about the current situation to the leader of the Dragon Sect.

"Hmph! Don't mention this group of trash, what about Gao's place? Any news?" Shenlong Sect Master said with a cold face.

At this time, the leader of Shenlong was over fifty years old, but judging from his body and appearance, he was no different from 20 years old. Standing with her 19-year-old apprentice, he looked more like a sister than a master and apprentice.

But at this moment, the teacher's expression was very tired. Obviously, what happened in the past few days made her extremely unhappy.

"No, everything in the Gao family is as usual, but I heard that Gao Miao, the only son of the Gao family who has been wandering the world for half a year, has returned home. But now in the Central Plains, the most talked about is Yuan Chengzhi, who has just entered the rivers and lakes. It's ridiculous." The young woman said with a smile.

"Who is ridiculous?" The leader suddenly asked.

"It's all ridiculous. What's so ridiculous about Gao Miao is that he has spent half a year in the rivers and lakes and gained a little reputation by relying on Gui Xinshu, but the Central Plains martial arts have eyes that don't recognize real heroes. They can't even see how powerful Gao Miao is." The young woman sneered. said.

"You're ridiculous too. Gao Miao's coming home is the biggest move of the Gao family? It seems that there must be a battle between my Dragon Sect and the Gao family!"

Although Gao Miao is young, no one dares to underestimate the sea power.

Back then when the Gao family opened up sea trade routes, Gao Miao led the fleet, relying on the strength of the artillery, and crushed bloody all the way. In less than half a year, more than [-]% of the pirate forces around here were sunk by Gao Miao.

Even the greedy and vicious Japanese pirates ran away when they saw the flag of the Gao family.

The reason is very simple. Kozuki Momonosuke, the leader of the most powerful Japanese pirates in the past, was thrown into the sea by Gao Miao himself to feed the sharks.

That is to say, the sea ban policy, the maritime forces have almost no intersection with the martial arts of the Central Plains, otherwise, Gao Miao would be the top boss in the world, and it is normal to be on an equal footing with Gui Xinshu.

"Master, do you think Gao Miao is going home to fight us?" The young woman was taken aback. She also knew Gao Miao's reputation.

The Dragon Sect has developed rapidly in the past two years, and Gao Miao's credit is still there. Many pirates who were defeated by Gao Miao defected to the Dragon Sect.

If Gao Miao came, it would be really troublesome.

Without Gao Miao, they could arouse the resentment of the pirates towards the Gao family and drive them to attack the Gao family's fleet.

 Novice on the road, guarantee to finish the book, please bookmark and recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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