Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 22 The Leader's Thoughts

Chapter 22 The Leader's Thoughts

If Gao Miao comes, some of those guys who were scared by Gao Miao will surrender directly
Gao Miao commanded the sea battle. There was no boarding battle, and there was no single-handed battle with the leader. It was just bombardment with cannons and arrows.

When Gao Miao led the team, he brought a pure warship with a thick iron sheet on the bottom and a crossbow mechanism to deal with water ghosts.

There are fishing net formations on the boat, as well as hand crossbow troops and musket troops. Even martial arts masters will be beaten into sieves when they board Gao Miao's big boat.

The warship captured in the previous round was also thanks to the excellent martial arts of the leader of the Dragon Sect, and the command on the ship was not as good as Gao Miao. If Gao Miao commanded it, the Dragon Sect would have no chance of winning.

The Gao family's ship was obtained from the imperial court. It is the most advanced large ship of this era. In addition, Gao Miao used some modern knowledge to carry out rectification. It is the largest, fastest, hardest, and has countless artillery. It is said to be a naval battle. In fact, it is crushed by technology.

"Master, I dare to ask, why are we fighting the Gao family?" The young woman asked boldly.

The Gao family has five islands as bases, more than 8000 soldiers, and all kinds of artillery weapons are the most advanced. No matter how you look at it, fighting the Gao family is nothing but provoking the enemy, which makes no sense.

There used to be pirates who wanted to unite and fight against the Gao family, but pirates are used to treachery, and the various forces do not trust each other. It is said that they are united, but the essence is still a mess, and even if they unite, what can be done.

A year ago, more than a dozen forces came together to form an alliance, and even took out most of their wealth. The pirates were still gathering, and Gao Miao had rushed over with a dozen warships, and did nothing else. Cover bombing.

In less than two hours, Gao Miao sat on the leader's seat, and one of the leaders of more than a dozen forces ran away, and that was Xu Xueting, who is now the leader of the Dragon Sect.

"What? Long'er, do you also think that the master did something wrong?" The leader didn't get angry, nor did he yell loudly, but just replied lightly.

Long Er knelt down on the ground and said loudly: "I don't dare, but I really can't figure it out."

"What do you think of Gao's boat? Do you want it?" the leader said softly.

"The Gao family's boats are invincible in the world, and my apprentice is envious. But the Gao family's boats are never for sale." Long'er didn't understand the meaning of the leader's question, so he could only answer honestly.

"That's right, Gao Miao's sea battle commanding ability may not be very strong, and his experience is even worse than those old pirates, but with those big ships, Gao Miao is invincible.

You want these ships, I want them, pirates want them, Japanese pirates want them, even the Emperor of Japan wants them, but the Gao family will never sell even the finished ships because of the shipbuilding process and blueprints.

The interior of Gaojia Island is extremely tight, and there are no clues such as blueprints at all. If you want to steal technology, you don't know where to steal it.

If we can’t buy it or steal it, what else can we do?We can only grab.

The Gao family is treacherous and cunning, and there are dead soldiers on each ship. Once something goes wrong, they will desperately activate the self-destruct mechanism on the ship, destroy the precision parts on the ship, and even ignite the gunpowder magazine, blowing up the ship.

They did not have time to ignite the gunpowder magazine in the previous raid, but most of the precision parts were destroyed, and the artillery ammunition sank to the bottom of the sea. In the past few days, the Chinese craftsmen learned almost nothing based on the reverse push shipbuilding technology of the captured ships.

We stormed Gao's island, not to show off our power, nor to rob, but to fight to the death before the Gao's concentrated force to fight over, to see if we could hit it and get the Gao's shipbuilding technology.

Once we get these technologies, even if the Dragon Cult is destroyed, we can make a comeback in other sea areas.

It's a pity that the group of old wastes on the island are still staring at the money and goods of the Gao family, but they don't know that once they get the shipbuilding skills of the Gao family, these goods will be as much as they want! "

To become the leader of a sect and lead thousands of pirates and pirates, the leader's martial arts wisdom is top-notch, and he also has the courage to fight to the death.

What's even more powerful is that, as a top expert, he can let go of his arrogance and focus on those "uncanny skills and obscenity". His vision is more fierce than any previous pirate leader.

"This..." Long'er was completely speechless, the words of the leader broke her ten-year view of the world.

Even pirates, they consider themselves to be martial arts forces, and the foundation of their lives is martial arts. For the Gao family's ship, they envy them, and they wanted to grab one before, but after being scared of being beaten, they could only hold a ten-thousandth hope Wait for the Gao family to sell the boat.

A more sophisticated force, at best, would search their brains and devise some intriguing schemes to plot a few ships.

As for getting blueprints and building big ships by yourself, at least among the pirates and Japanese pirates, no one has such an idea.

"Master, didn't you say that artillery is meaningless to a real master?" Long Er asked curiously.

"A real master? I am the only one who can easily avoid the bombardment of the artillery in the entire Shenlong Cult. If dozens of cannons bombard me, I will not be able to escape as a teacher.

I don't say that, those bastards who were frightened by the Gao's artillery, how could they have the courage to attack the Gao's island. "

The leader is also very helpless. Most of the water ghosts and swordsmen in the Shenlong Cult are the bandits collected. It's not that she wants to take the risk to rush aboard, but she has to.

As for the real goal of grabbing blueprints and the various benefits after success, it is impossible to tell the high-level members of the church.

If they get the blueprints, [-]% of them will run away by themselves, and then either establish new forces, or go to Japan and other countries to seek high officials and generous salaries.

According to the leader's calculations, once it succeeds, the top management of the Dragon Sect will be the cannon fodder to cover the escape of the master and apprentice, as long as the master and apprentice escape.

"Then, why are you in such a hurry? Can't you wait a little longer?"

"Wait? The Gao family has money, someone has materials, and they also vigorously support ordnance research. Their ships are getting more and more powerful. The longer they drag, the bigger the gap will be. Wait a few more years, even if we ambush their fleet, they can't beat it. You can also break out and escape with ease."

With the growing strength of the Gao family, the forces around several islands under the jurisdiction of the Gao family were wiped out.

Although Shenlong Island is far away from the Gao family's forces, it is also an important location on the sea. The Shenlong Cult is also a large force around the Gao family's caravan route. If the Gao family wants to continue to expand its strength, Shenlong Cult is the best target.

If Gao Miao knew the judgment of the leader, he would feel a little confidant.

This world is a world of martial arts, with the martial arts of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, but the technology tree is very ordinary.

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(End of this chapter)

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