Chapter 307 Exposure
Zhong Yuan's acupoints were sealed, and the black shadow revealed his true body. The weird concealment technique, the terrifying speed to the extreme, and the iconic black clothes, it is obvious that this person is the shadow of Jiang Yang Bazi , and it is the real shadow, not the shadow team.

Jia Ting and others had already retreated, and the shadow faced the mirror, so naturally there would be no more disguise. Seeing the shadow's true face, Zhong Yuan opened his mouth wide in surprise. Although the martial arts were very similar, Zhong Yuan never put The two have been together.

The true identity of the shadow is Zhong Yuan's good friend, Zhuo Yong, one of the three masters in Ouchi.

The relationship between Zhong Yuan and Zhuo Yong is even better than that of Ma Feng. Previously, when the mouse knife prodigal son and others were still alive, Zhuo Yong had helped Zhong Yuan more than once, and even the willow sword hidden in Zhong Yuan's waist was given by Zhuo Yong. of.

Until now, Zhong Yuan still remembers what Zhuo Yong said at that time, "I give you this sword, not to kill Jiang Yang's eight sons, but to kill Jiang Yang's eight sons."

"You seem surprised, yes, I am the shadow, I have always been, if not for some special reasons, I really don't want to be your enemy, Zhong Yuan, you are a very good friend." Shadow looked down on the ground Zhong Yuan on the ground said some nonsense in his usual cold voice.

Zhong Yuan closed his eyes and asked: "Before I die, can I make one last request, I don't want to ask anything else, I just want to know, Mirror, are you Guan Da?"

They are all smart people. After the news spread that Feng Bao had undergone plastic surgery for the bodyguard who had committed a capital crime, Zhong Yuan also secretly checked the death records of the bodyguard in the past few years. After comparing them one by one, he found that, The person who best fits the identity of the mirror is Guan Da.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Yong's father was skinned back then, and at that time, apart from Zhong Yuan, only Guan Da was the one who could commit the crime. Therefore, if the mirror was really Guan Da, Zhuo Yong would have to fight with him He turned his face.

People like Zhong Yuan, even if they die, will not make the enemy feel better.

"No, I'm disappointed. I'm not Guan Da. Guan Da died that year. My identity, the safekeeping will surprise you!" The mirror shook his head and directly denied it.

He is much more treacherous than Zhong Yuan, he can hear the meaning of Zhong Yuan's words immediately, he can't beat the shadow, so naturally he won't admit his identity at this time.

It is true that Guan Da is dead. Guan Da's body is still alive, but his heart is dead. Standing here now is Jiang Yang Bazi's leader Mirror.

Mirror and Shadow didn't want to meet Jia Ting and others, grabbed Zhong Yuan who couldn't move, and left quickly.

At night, within a broken wall, the shadow and the mirror are warming up to the fire, Zhong Yuan is tied to the cross beside him, a little downcast, the shadow’s method of sealing acupuncture points is very powerful, and after arriving here, he re-ignited his Acupoints, with his skill, it would take at least twelve hours to open these acupoints.

But the mirror and the shadow are very fine, and they will be checked every once in a while to make sure whether his acupoints are blocked.

Looking at Zhong Yuan who was tied aside, the mirror was rather complacent, and said with a smile: "Zhong Yuan, the treasure box is not on your body, can you tell us where you put the treasure box?"

Zhong Yuan sighed, and said: "I don't know, really, even if you kill me, I don't know, the treasure box is held by us in turn, each person handing over the treasure box to the next person It is kept secret, except for the person holding the treasure box, no one knows where the treasure box is."

"You're lying, you really don't know where the treasure box is, but it's not because you take turns holding the treasure box, but because the treasure box is not in your hands at all. As I said a long time ago, you are a very good friend. Loyalty, not afraid of death, so you have many friends.

As far as I know, both Gao Miao and Duan Tianya came to the desert. I didn't know at first, but after so many days, I should know.

But he never showed up, why?Because you discussed it with him, you and Jin Xiangyu and others are just a bait to attract our attention, Duan Tianya brought a treasure box to Beijing, he is a ninja, and his concealment skills are unparalleled in the world, if he pretends to sneak, no one will find out not him.

Zhong Yuan, you are really calculating! "

Shadow came in carrying a gazelle, and he clearly analyzed the recent events. Zhong Yuan and Duan Tianya's calculations were completely seen through by him.

It's a pity that it was too late to see through. At this time, Duan Tianya had already taken the treasure box and left. With his shinobi-level ninjutsu, he was so focused on sneaking that even a shadow could not find his trace.

Of course, Ying has only seen through it now, or it has been seen through a long time ago, but just a few words, Ying turned to Feng Bao for revenge, and I don't like this kind of life. At this time, Feng Bao has lost power, and it is normal for him to make trouble.

Jing Jing was also shocked when he heard Zhuo Yong's words. The so-called authorities are obsessed with onlookers. Jing Jing has been besieging Zhong Yuan recently, focusing on Zhong Yuan, but ignoring Duan Tianya and others. Now hearing Ying Ying's words, all doubts are suddenly cleared up.

"Zhong Yuan, you'd better think about it now, what bargaining chips do you have for survival, otherwise, your fate will not be a little bit better than this gazelle!" The mirror gave Zhong Yuan a vicious look, and then So I went to cook yellow sheep.

Mirror's cooking skills are not bad, at least he is good at peeling and roasting meat. He took out a small knife and peeled off the skin of the whole gazelle with a wooden stick. Serve on the grill and sprinkle with seasonings as you grill.

It's hard to imagine that not only Diao Buyu would carry seasoning with him, but people like Mirror would also do the same.

The aroma of roasted lamb wafted for miles, not only mirrors and shadows, but even Zhong Yuan was hungry.

Although Zhong Yuan was tied up, he didn't care about it, and said loudly: "Give me some food too, you won't just starve me like this!"

The mirror was too lazy to talk to Zhong Yuan, but the shadow was very carefree. He cut a leg of lamb, and then fed the meat to Zhong Yuan piece by piece. Mirror craftsmanship.

"Mirror, your skills are really good. Although the skills of barbecue and knife skills are not comparable to Diao Buyu, the method of skinning and deboning is not bad at all. Not bad, really good."

The mirror smiled and said: "That's natural. There is a trick to skinning the sheep. You have to peel the sheep's hoof upwards, so that it will be complete. Diao Buyu, that Tatar is also a character. I want to discuss with him when I have time. "

(End of this chapter)

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