Chapter 308 Rescue
After dinner, Mirror and Shadow sat together, discussing what to do with Zhong Yuan.

It's okay to speak harshly, but if you really want to kill, that's absolutely impossible, they dare not, Zhong Yuan's popularity is very good, and Gao Miao, Zhao Zheng, Cheng Shifei, Duan Tianya and others are all good friends. Leave it to Feng Bao, that's okay, but if you kill Zhong Yuan, then wait for the revenge of Gao Miao and others!

Gao Miao is recognized as a top expert, and most people even think that he has surpassed Zhu Wushi and became the number one in the world. Even his wife Piaoxu has made continuous breakthroughs in such a short period of time. In the battle, Piaoxu defeated Feng Bao fairly and justly.

So many masters wanted revenge, not to mention mirrors and shadows, even Feng Bao would not deal with Zhong Yuan at will unless it was a life-and-death crisis.

While the two were discussing, two figures came here, Jin Xiangyu and Diao Buyu, Jin Xiangyu fell in love with Zhong Yuan, and Diao Buyu was Jin Xiangyu's diehard loyalist. Knowing that Zhong Yuan was caught by the mirror and shadow, Xiang Yu followed him all the way and brought Diao Buyu to save him.

In order to avoid suspicion and take revenge when Gao Miao and others escaped, the people in Dongchang saw the shadow sneak attack and knocked down Zhong Yuan from a distance, so they left quickly. The mirror and shadow did not hide on purpose. everything, and found them without breaking a sweat.

Looking at Zhong Yuan who was tied to one side, and the mirror and shadow warming by the fire, Jin Xiangyu was worried, and his family knew about his family affairs. After fighting these days, Jin Xiangyu also knew that his martial arts were far inferior to the mirror and the mirror. Shadow, going up is just a mess. To save people, you still have to rely on Diao Buyu, but it is very difficult for Diao Buyu to be one against two, let alone dragging a Zhong Yuan who can't move.

Jin Xiangyu is not impulsive, so she was thinking about countermeasures for half an hour, but she didn't come up with a countermeasure, but the helper came, Wei Jinzhong also found here, and directly launched a surprise attack on Zhong Yuan.

Wei Jinzhong needs the blood of a master to practice. Now that Zhong Yuan is tied up, he happens to be a living target, and there are mirrors and shadows to be the villains. If he doesn't make a move, he won't be Wei Jinzhong.

Before the Skyfury Sword pierced Zhong Yuan's chest, Shadow's rapier had already moved from bottom to top, knocking the sword aside.

"Eunuch Wei, this is our prisoner. If you want to kill people to practice martial arts, please do it yourself. We are not to be blamed." After the mirror finished speaking, the long sword in his hand came to Wei Jinzhong.

Wei Jinzhong swept over with a sword. He didn't make a move in the past few days, but he picked up a lot of bargains. He absorbed all the blood of the dead. , Wei Jinzhong at this time is only a thin line away from Jue Ding.

As long as he inhales Zhong Yuan, he will be able to break through to the extreme state, with an endless source of true energy and almost unlimited physical strength. For this goal, Wei Jinzhong will never retreat tonight.

The mirror and the shadow work together, Wei Jinzhong is not an opponent, but with Zhong Yuan here, the two of them fight with their hands tied, while Wei Jinzhong is full of firepower, and the Sky Fury Sword is like a spear and a halberd, attacking with every move, and never retreating.

The invincible anger of the sky combined with Yuhuatian's Songshan swordsmanship in the arsenal is a match made in heaven. If it really goes on like this, even without Zhong Yuan here, Wei Jinzhong can support five or six hundred moves, even if he is about to die , It will also cause two people to die and one to be seriously injured.

Zhong Yuan's true qi was sealed and he couldn't defend himself. All the scattered sword qi needed the help of the shadow. This was not an option. After thinking about it, the shadow kicked the cross and kicked Zhong Yuan to the ground On the side, by coincidence, Jin Xiangyu and Diao Buyu were there.

Zhuo Yong is good at hiding, and naturally he is also good at finding others. Jin Xiangyu can't hide it from him. When he was roasting the mutton just now, the mirror revealed his identity with a word, allowing Zhuo Yong to find his enemy. As long as he can take revenge, there is nothing else he can do I care about it.

Therefore, in order to prevent Zhong Yuan, a good friend, from being killed, Zhuo Yong sent Zhong Yuan to Jin Xiangyu with a quick kick, and then deliberately turned into a bunch of phantoms to block the sight of the two of them.

Jin Xiangyu didn't know what Zhuo Yong meant, but it didn't prevent her from saving people. After untying Zhong Yuan's rope, Jin Xiangyu and Diao Buyu took Zhong Yuan away quickly. Diao Buyu didn't understand at all, so he could only find a place to hide and wait for Zhong Yuan to open the acupoints by himself.

Realizing that the three left, the shadow relaxed its attack, without the overwhelming phantom sword blocking, Wei Jinzhong and the mirror soon found that Zhong Yuan was gone, and the duck that ate his mouth flew away. Wei Jinzhong was extremely angry, roaring and launching an attack .

Mirror wanted to kill Wei Jinzhong and asked Feng Bao for a reward. Seeing that Wei Jinzhong didn't retreat, he stepped up his attack. Shadow didn't show any major flaws, and the attack was still fierce and fast.

The broken walls and ruins were broken by the vigor of the three people fighting, and when the wind and sand came together, this place that blocked the wind should completely disappear.

Wei Jinzhong fought more and more wildly, and his attacks became more and more swift and violent. With the power of one person, he took up [-]% of the offensive. Even if he hadn't broken through, the power of the Heaven's Wrath Heart Technique was still so terrifying.

The three of them fought for more than 300 moves, but Wei Jinzhong finally fell into the disadvantage. After several heavy blows in a row, Wei Jinzhong escaped.

Looking at the broken place, the mirror and the shadow were both speechless. After meditating and recovering their inner strength, the mirror proposed to go to a certain place, but the shadow didn't understand what it meant, so they went together.

The place the two of them went was a hut in Longmen. As soon as they entered the room, the mirror pressed the switch, and the whole room was immediately sealed off.

"When did you find out?" asked the mirror.

Shadow didn't answer, but asked instead: "When did you find out?"

"Last night, you threw Zhong Yuan there on purpose. You know that there are people there to save him. Your concealment skills are unparalleled in the world. Those people's concealment techniques can hide from me, but it is impossible to hide from you. Also, when you were fighting Wei Jinzhong, you kept your hand, so can you tell me why?"

Now that things have happened, Shadow has stopped pretending. Even though all sides are sealed off, Shadow doesn't think he will lose. He originally wanted to sneak attack and question him, but now, let's just kill him by force!
"When you said how you peeled the skin last night, unfortunately, the way my father died was exactly the same as your skinning method. Take your life, Guanda!"

"Shadow, your martial arts are higher than mine, and your intelligence is not bad, but sometimes you are a little stupid. Now, you have fallen into my trap, you go to hell!" The mirror laughed wildly, and pulled the second organ.

(End of this chapter)

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