Chapter 57

After paying homage to Yuan Chonghuan, under the arrangement of Yuan Chengzhi, the Seven Provinces Martial Arts League invested their forces one after another.

At this moment, Yuan Chengzhi is the son of Yuan Chonghuan. Although he is a novice, with the help of Sun Zhongshou and others, he handled all affairs in an orderly manner.

Gao Miao didn't want to get involved in these things, but the former fan's name was too big, and he had no choice but to help Yuan Chengzhi deal with some things. Of course, Chen Yuanyuan was mainly handling it.

In his spare time, Gao Miao also chatted with Yuan Chengzhi about astronomy and geography.

Gao Miao can't be said to be highly talented, but he is definitely well-educated. He speaks poetry and songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, astronomy and geography, mountains and rivers and hydrology, military strategy, security policy, and government equipment.

Not to mention Yuan Chengzhi, even Sun Zhongshou, Mu Sang, Gui Xinshu, and Mu Renqing were all stunned when they heard it, and they all gave thumbs up and praised Gao Miao's knowledge.

It's just that these people don't know that Gao Miao is just talking about war on paper, talking lively. If Gao Miao is asked to command an army of ten thousand people to fight Yuan Chengzhi, he will definitely be beaten so hard that he can't find his way.

After ten days of work, all affairs have been properly arranged, and the young and strong sent by various forces have also been slightly trained by Yuan Chengzhi, and the treasures of Emperor Jianwen have also been counted. In a few days, Yuan Chengzhi will take these people to join Li Chuang , do some business.

"Brother, now that the world is chaotic, and you are so talented, why don't you follow Chuang Wang as your brother and do something?" Yuan Chengzhi was free, and once again persuaded Gao Miao to join Chuang Wang's army.

Yuan Chengzhi is sincere. In his eyes, Li Chuang is heroic and heroic, and Gao Miao is so talented that it is a waste to hide in the mountains.

"Brother, you don't need to persuade me. I don't want to elaborate on some things. Brother, I have three kits here for you. One is for you, one is for General Li Yan, and the other is for General Song Xiance. Remember, among the three of you When everything feels hopeless, open it again."

Gao Miao was very soft-spoken at this time, if he directly said that Li Chuang could not succeed, he might be scolded as a street mouse, even if Gao Miao's words were really fulfilled in the future, he would still be a street mouse, he is the right way of the martial arts, the leader of the martial arts, the old man of the martial arts, Can I make a mistake?

However, Li Chuang can fail, he can die, and his silverfish can also die. However, good generals such as Li Yan and Song Xiance cannot die, and Yuan Chengzhi cannot retire. Gao Miao still counts on him to resist the Qing Dynasty?

If the Manchu Qing Dynasty enters the customs, Gao Miao will be so mellow and beautiful, singing with a sword, with a big bald head and a money mouse tail behind her head, this aesthetic Gao Miao really can't stand it.

"What do you mean, my dear brother?" Gao Miao's various high-spirited talks these days have completely bluffed Yuan Chengzhi, and Gao Miao was able to assassinate Fan Wencheng from the heavily guarded Shengjing City, capture Bao Chengxian alive, and behead Dorgon , and then retreated completely. Yuan Chengzhi also admired such a strategy.

"Mr. Sun understands, brother can ask Mr. Sun." Gao Miao dumped the blame on Sun Zhongshou.

Blind, some things can be seen more clearly, just relying on Sun Zhongshou's bone-touching skills is enough to be called a master.

In the past few days, Gao Miao deliberately wanted to test his ability, and asked him to touch the bones of himself, Chen Yuanyuan, and Long Er.

Chen Yuanyuan got a sentence, "It was originally a beauty in trouble, and the fate of the Qingdeng ancient Buddha, but now he has changed his fate against the sky, the talent of singing Xu, the virtue of stopping, women are Zhuge, and men are dragons and phoenixes."

Long Er got a sentence, "It was a ten-year career as a mask, and I was betrayed all my life, and I failed to achieve anything. Now I have changed my fate against the sky. The fortune is deep and the future is limitless."

Gao Miao was pressed for a long time, and got a sentence: "Jump out of the three realms, live in the five elements, know the past, know the future, change the fate against the sky, everything is impossible, there is no wonder in the world."

Then he added a sentence, "If you have the opportunity, please help Yuan Chengzhi survive the catastrophe, and Sun will give you what he has learned in his life."

After Gao Miao responded, Sun Zhongshou gave Gao Miao a "Book of Photographs", which covered the methods of bone touching, physiognomy and other divination methods in great detail.

Sun Zhongshou has such abilities, and he also knows that he can't persuade Yuan Chengzhi, who is passionate and chivalrous, so he can only put his hope on Gao Miao, who is eloquent.

"Okay, I'll go back and ask." Yuan Chengzhi also knew how powerful Sun Zhongshou was. When they met that day, Sun Zhongshou touched Ah Jiu's hand inadvertently, and said directly, "Why are golden branches and jade leaves living among the people? Wealth is fleeting."

"Brother, I've endured this for several days, we two, shouldn't we have a sparring session, huh?" Gao Miao endured it very hard, and spent ten days with the protagonist of the world without a single fight, which is really depressing.

"To be honest, brother, I have endured a lot of hard work for my brother. This leader is really hard to be!" Yuan Chengzhi sighed. In the past few days, he has been balancing the forces of all parties, training the army, and counting the silver, but he has been exhausted. up.

"Okay, it's better to hit the sun than choose the day, let's do it now! I'll be busy again in a few days."

"it is good!"


"Brother, I'll let my younger brother make the move first. Follow me with a move of 'Wan Guo Yang Zong Zhou, clothes and hats worship the crown'." Gao Miao drew his sword out of its sheath, and started a move to salute the sword technique.

"I heard from my brother that my brother's Liancheng swordsmanship is unrivaled in the world, dancing swords and reciting poems, so chic, I have long wanted to see it for my brother." Yuan Chengzhi also drew his sword in his hand, and responded with a move "Cang Pine welcomes guests".

Compared with Gui Xinshu, who has deep internal strength and rich experience, Yuan Chengzhi's swordsmanship is more flexible, and there are more offensive moves, which fully demonstrates his youthful blood, and he has a feeling of "arrogant and proud laughing at thousands of waves, passionate blood and red sun" .

The two have similar skills, and they won't put in too much effort in martial arts competitions. Gao Miao is also very relieved of Yuan Chengzhi's character, so Gao Miao also has the idea of ​​pretending to be aggressive.

"The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the long river is full of sunset." "The setting sun illuminates the banner, and the horse blows and the wind rustles."

The two moves in a row are famous poems in frontier fortress poems, full of aggressiveness, accompanied by the waving of the long sword, the sword energy overflowed, Gao Miao seemed to have thousands of troops around him, and went straight to Yuan Chengzhi.

Naturally, Gao Miao's internal strength can't really create the vision of thousands of troops, it's just a change in the artistic conception of the moves, infecting the opponent's telepathy.

"Good swordsmanship, look at my move 'Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds'." Yuan Chengzhi naturally wouldn't be disturbed so simply, and returned a move in the Yangwu swordsmanship.

However, Gao Miao danced the sword and recited poems, and Yuan Chengzhi was not far behind. Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteous Qi" and the Huashan School's Yangwu swordsmanship are very compatible, so Yuan Chengzhi directly used this long poem as a move.

Yuan Chengzhi is born with a chivalrous heart, which is very suitable for Yangwu's swordsmanship. He has cultivated a great righteousness, and with one sword, ten thousand swords will be destroyed.

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(End of this chapter)

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