Chapter 58 Dugu Nine Swords
The so-called awe-inspiring righteousness refers to a special kind of Qi between heaven and earth, that is, the righteousness of righteousness, that is, the righteousness of the world.

When a person has the spiritual power of long-lasting grandeur, facing all the huge temptations and threats from the outside world, he can stay calm and calm, and reach the state of "unmoved", which is what Mencius once said. , a noble sentiment that cannot be moved by poverty and humbleness, and that cannot be subdued by might.

Haoran righteousness resides in various forms in the universe that are constantly changing.

In nature, it is the vitality that makes up the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers. In human society, when the world is peaceful and the politics is clear, it will appear as a peaceful atmosphere. When the country and nation are in crisis, it will appear as a benevolent person. Upright and upright, would rather die than surrender integrity.

In the past, Wen Tianxiang was captured by the Yuan army and put in prison. With his righteousness to protect his body, all the evil spirits produced by the filthy and filthy place of the prison could not hurt him at all, and he only needed to shout loudly to make the treacherous villain feel terrified. All torn.

The awe-inspiring righteousness is released, and the ghosts and gods are changed.

And with Yuan Chengzhi's sword, the awe-inspiring righteousness broke out, and the artistic conception of the frontier army transformed by Gao Miao was directly broken, and the artistic conception was broken, and the moves were meaningless.

"Okay! What a heroic and upright brother, my brother is chivalrous and benevolent, I admire you." Gao Miao said a word of admiration, but his hands did not relax in the slightest.

A few days ago, Gao Miao received Long Mei's wholehearted guidance, and his swordsmanship improved a lot, especially the coherence of moves and the evolution of sword intent.

"Poor clothes are bare, worried about cheap charcoal and wishing for cold weather." This poem comes from Bai Juyi's "The Charcoal Seller". Only [-] characters show the difficult situation and complicated inner activities of the charcoal seller. Cold, people's hearts are even colder, it depends on whether your blood can warm through this boundless cold!
After acquiring the trait of Su Nuzhen Qi, Gao Miao made a great modification to this move. The artistic conception of the move is directly aimed at people's hearts, and at the same time affects people's senses with cold Zhen Qi. The two-pronged approach doubles the power.

"There are tens of thousands of mansions in Ande, which shelters the poor and the poor all over the world, and is as peaceful as a mountain." Yuan Chengzhi is also quick-witted. You produce a poor old man, and I produce a great poet who cares about the country and the people. For this old charcoal seller Build a big house that shelters from the wind and rain.

"Foot steaming summer rustic atmosphere, back scorching scorching sky. I don't know the heat with all my strength, but it's a pity that summer is long." Gao Miao's sword changed again, and it was still Bai Juyi's poem, "Looking at the Barley", this trick was created by Gao Miao.

The previous "The Charcoal Seller" described the miserable life of the poor people when the sky was cold and the ground was freezing. Now this "Viewing Wheat" describes the scene of farmers cutting wheat during the scorching summer. Harvest the crops and pick up the ears of wheat, otherwise you will not be able to pay taxes and leave rations.

When Bai Juyi was born in the decline of the Tang Dynasty, most of his poems described the lives of poor people.

"The lotus leaves are infinitely blue in the sky, and the lotus flowers are red in the sun." In the hot summer, there are also beautiful scenery.It has to be said that Yuan Chengzhi's IQ and resilience are really brilliant.

The two not only compared their moves, but also compared their reserves of poetry and songs. Yuan Chengzhi's poetry reserves are not as good as Gao Miao's, but most of them can handle it by adapting to the situation. open.

Dozens of strokes passed, the two warmed up, Gao Miao didn't bother to chant poems, and swung the long sword directly, the sword energy rained, and the attack was frantic.

Yuan Chengzhi is as stable as Mount Tai, and he is proficient in the changes of Yangwu's swordsmanship. He is full of righteousness and breaks the seven qi with one breath. The moves are simple, but full of power.

With the fight between the two, the venue became bumpy. At the same time, some martial arts high-profile players who hadn't left were also attracted to watch the battle. Soon, their eyes were fixed.

Gao Miao has used various works such as "Sword of the Wind", "Seven Stars Falling into the Sky", "Eighteen Plates of Mount Tai", "Five Doctors' Sword", "Swordsmanship of Tang Poetry", "Swordsmanship of Song Ci - Self-created", "Five Gods Sword of Hengshan" and so on. The sword technique, the sword power is ever-changing, strange or dangerous, fast or slow, no one knows what changes will follow this move.

Yuan Chengzhi confronted Gao Miao. Huashan used all kinds of swordsmanship with great proficiency. In addition to "Yangwu Swordsmanship", he also used a few special sword moves, and even deliberately knocked the sword away by Gao Miao's sword removal style. , but the sword swirled, and it was in his hands again, which evolved into a more subtle trick.

Fighting, Yuan Chengzhi only had one sword move left in his hand, but this move was extremely exquisite and varied, no matter what kind of sword move Gao Miao used, it would be broken by this move, as if this move The trick was born to break the world's swordsmanship.

"Dugu Nine Swords?" Gao Miao couldn't help asking when he thought of the legendary martial arts of Huashan.

"Brother is very knowledgeable. I used the returning sword posture, swinging sword posture, falling sword posture, lifting sword posture, flying sword posture, rushing sword posture, and away sword posture for my brother before. None of them can break your swordsmanship. Now you can only Use this most spiritual and profound sword-breaking power to fight against your ever-changing swordsmanship." Yuan Chengzhi explained with a smile.

It turned out to be the movie version of the Dugu Nine Swords, so let's have a good look at it, this version of the Dugu Nine Swords is very powerful.

Facing the so-called "Breaking Sword Power", which is said to be able to break ten thousand swords with one sword, Gao Miao was full of heroism, and the results taught by Long Mei were completely exploded, and all kinds of exquisite martial arts obtained from the Dragon Sect were also used without hesitation. .

The left hand pinches the finger, the Xuanbing finger points at Yuan Chengzhi, and the right holds a long sword. The exquisite swordsmanship of all walks of life seems to be stacked, and the sword energy is released without hesitation.

Gao Miao felt the pressure, and Yuan Chengzhi was also under great pressure, otherwise he wouldn't have come up with the Dugu Nine Swords' bottom-of-the-box swordsmanship.

However, this Dugu Nine Swords is based on the fact that the more knowledge you have and the greater the pressure, the easier it is to evolve various strange tricks. While Gao Miao is making progress, Yuan Chengzhi is also making steady progress.

The two of them fought more and more fiercely, the sword energy overflowed, and the ground within a radius of ten feet was beaten into ravines. The two long swords stabbed straight, stabbed obliquely, or drew arcs. The changes in moves were all magnificent. pleasing to the eye.

You make a move, I disassemble a move, or find the flaw, stab with a sword, or use force to overcome ingenuity, and complexity to overcome simplicity.

Most of the heroes outside the arena were stunned. They had never seen such a marvelous sword technique in their entire lives. If they entered the arena by themselves, they would probably be smashed into a sieve by the sword energy after a dozen or twenty moves.

It is rumored that one of Gao Miao's "three unique skills" is swordsmanship. He not only fought hundreds of moves with Gui Xinshu, the head of Huashan, but also interrupted Gui Xinshu's saber. At first, he thought it was Gui Xinshu's flattery on purpose. Thinking that Gao Miao is so powerful.

Not to mention Yuan Chengzhi, how can he be the leader if he is not good enough!
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(End of this chapter)

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