Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 1 Anti-traversal chat group

Chapter 1 Anti-traversal chat group
The roofs of tall buildings in the ruins of the city.

Lin Yuan couldn't help sighing as he looked at the mutated demons who were fighting on the street downstairs!
You said that people travel to some martial arts world, fantasy world, or mythical world, surrounded by groups of beauties and piles of magic tricks!
Why is it that I have traveled to the end of the world?And this special meow is not on earth!
What is this planet called? No. 30 Planet Six!God knows which galaxy it is in!

Lin Yuan only knows that this place has lost contact with the mother planet of the earth for at least five years!
To make matters worse, the end came three years ago!When Lin Yuan was unlucky enough to time travel, the end had just begun!
Lin Yuan remembers very clearly that at that time he was writing a novel with his notebook in his arms. At that time, there were a lot of bloody battle scenes in his mind. Following the protagonist in the book scolding a thief!

Then he crossed over like this...

Sighed, although I regretted my disrespect to God at that time, but things happened after all, didn't they?Let's settle down now!Anyway, it's useless to resist, and I can't go back.

The mutant demons below are the products of the end of the world, cruel, bloodthirsty, full of bestiality, and irrational!What's even more frightening is that they are still extremely strong, and ordinary guns can't effectively kill them at all.

Fortunately, these mutant demons have no ability to think!Otherwise, Lin Yuan would have been eaten by these bastards long ago.

He raised his hand and looked at the portable neural communicator on his wrist. The current temperature displayed on the screen, which was only the size of two fingernails, was minus 37 degrees!
Damn it's June!Summer!It was the hottest time, the temperature turned out to be minus 37 degrees!
When it's really cold winter, the temperature can drop below minus [-] degrees or even lower!

The reason, of course, is that an extraterritorial meteorite crashed into the atmosphere three years ago. Lin Yuan still remembers the scene like a nuclear bomb explosion. Now thinking about it, the little boy is still jumping wildly!

He stretched out his head again to look at the mutated demons who were fighting underneath, Lin Yuan looked at those mutated demons who were still fighting freely in the extremely cold climate, and his eyes warmed up.

These guys are in great shape, right?It's minus 37 degrees!Why don't you freeze to death!

Another gust of cold wind blew by, Lin Yuan tightened his down jacket, it was so cold!
What's more important is that Lin Yuan is tired and hungry at the moment, and his mouth is still very thirsty!
He's trapped on top of this building!

It's been two days!
Those damn bastards out there have been fighting for two days!It's not tiring!

At this rate, Lin Yuan might be frozen to death, starved to death here!
Lin Yuan was trembling with his arms in his arms, his belly was rumbling, not only hungry, but also thirsty, and most importantly, extremely tired!
After all, plus the time I spent looking for food, I haven't slept for three days!

If you just fell asleep in this extremely cold environment, you might never wake up again.

I'm getting sleepy and I can't keep my eyes open.

Lin Yuan seemed to be floating in the clouds at this moment, and he was on the verge of falling, and he heard a voice coming from his mind in a trance.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes invites you to join the anti-time travel chat group."

Lin Yuan woke up suddenly, shook his head, damn near fell asleep.

Lin Yuan felt a sense of bewilderment at the moment.

Condor Heroes?Isn't that a martial arts novel?

What the hell is the anti-time travel chat group?

Before Lin Yuan could react, a message came from the chat group in his mind.

Condor Heroes: "Boss! I finally found you! You must help me!"

Lin Yuan was a little dazed.

I don't know what's going on, I'm now trapped on the rooftop, hungry and thirsty!I haven't slept for three days!How do you ask me to help you?

Lin Yuan: "..."

After typing a series of ellipsis, Lin Yuan thought for a while and added another sentence.

Lin Yuan: "I'm afraid I can't help you!"

The Condor Heroes immediately made a frightened expression.

The Condor Heroes: "Boss! Don't! You must help me! Only the big brother can help me among the people from all heavens and myriad worlds!"

Lin Yuan: "I can't help it! I'm trapped on the rooftop, and there are a lot of mutated demons underneath! This is not the worst, I will be starved to death, thirsty, trapped, Not far away!"

Condor Heroes: "Boss, don't worry, everything is up to me! Isn't it just food? Isn't it just water? Boss, wait a moment."

Lin Yuan was a little puzzled, what is this guy going to do?
"Received a red envelope from the Condor Heroes!"

After clicking on the red envelope, a bowl of steaming water immediately appeared in Lin Yuan's hand!


This is a life saver!

Not caring about scalding his mouth, Lin Yuan poured the bowl of boiling water into his stomach!

Heaving a sigh of relief beautifully, Lin Yuan threw away the bowl in his hand.


Lin Yuan felt that the bone-chilling cold was swept away.

Patting his stomach, Lin Yuan sighed: "If there is another bowl of steaming egg noodles, it will be perfect!"

There was another reminder in my mind: "Received a red envelope from Condor Heroes!"

Huh?Another red envelope?
Is it really a bowl of egg noodles?
Lin Yuan immediately looked forward to it.

Click on the red envelope.

A bowl of steaming egg noodles, glowing with crystal luster, the aroma went straight into Lin Yuan's nose.

Lin Yuan's mouth watered, and his stomach became even hungrier because of this bowl of noodles.

Picking up the chopsticks, Lin Yuan began to pick the noodles into his mouth, and within a few minutes, the bowl of noodles fell into Lin Yuan's stomach!
Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Lin Yuan smacked his lips, he was not full!
But to be able to eat this bowl of noodles is already God's kindness to me!
Lin Yuan now feels that this anti-traversal chat group was sent by God to save him. He may feel a little sorry for throwing himself into this world.

Open the chat group and enter: "@神秘侠传, thank you for the hot water and noodles! After eating these two bowls, I seem to have regained my life. But... can I have another bowl? I'm not full!"

Condor Heroes: "Boss! There are plenty of delicious food! But I really need help here! Boss, you must help me!"

Lin Yuan pondered, anti-time travel chat group?

Before time travel, Lin Yuan had seen too many chat group novels!This Condor Heroes can send real props red envelopes, that is to say, this chat group is the same as what Lin Yuan knows.

But... Could it be that this temple hero is a martial arts novel?Or is it the world itself of martial arts novels?

Lin Yuan: "Tell me first! If I can help, I will definitely not refuse!"

Condor Heroes: "Boss! The world in my book is in chaos! Travelers are rampant! Boss must help me!"

Lin Yuan instantly understood what was going on.

However, this thing seems very dangerous!
Lin Yuan began to hesitate whether to agree or not!
The angry roar of the mutated demons came from downstairs, Lin Yuan shuddered fiercely, what could be worse than those demons below?

Could it be worse than this damned doomsday?

Lin Yuan: "So that's what happened! Although I really want to help you, I don't know how to time travel!"

Although Lin Yuan is also a time traveler, he is passive time traveler.

The Condor Heroes sent an excited expression: "Boss! You decided to help me? That's great! Don't worry, boss! I'm good at time travel! I'll send you a link! Boss only needs to Click it to enter the world in my book."

The Legend of Condor Heroes sent a link that said the entrance to the world of Condor Heroes.

Lin Yuan looked at the link and suddenly remembered something.

Lin Yuan: "Wait! Let me ask first, if I go to help you, will there be any magic tricks as a reward?"

Condor Heroes: "Yes!"

Lin Yuan began to get excited!Magical Cheats!
Lin Yuan: "Does the Nine Yin Manual exist?"


"Do you have the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"


"Is there any Beiming Divine Art?"


Lin Yuan: "..."

Heroes of the Temple: "I really don't have this one. If you meet Tianlong Babu one day, you can ask him for it! He has it."

Lin Yuan thought about it, and yes, Beiming Shengong is a martial art of the Xiaoyao School in Tianlong Babu, which really doesn't exist in Condor Heroes.

Lin Yuan: "Then...the Palm of Despondency, Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, Innate Kung Fu, etc.?"

Heroes of the Temple: "Yes! I have them all! Let me tell you this! The secrets of magic in the world of my book, I will send you whatever you want! As long as you can complete the task!"

Lin Yuan's eyes widened immediately, his heart was extremely excited.

so good?Doesn't that mean I'm invincible if I go in?
What are you waiting for?
The world of Condor Heroes begins!

Lin Yuan: "Wait... I'll urinate first!"

Condor Heroes: "..."

Lin Yuan stood on the edge of the roof wall and opened the gate to release the water!A yellowed water line poured down!

The mutated demons who were fighting at the bottom suddenly felt that water was falling on them, and they all looked up, and immediately saw Lin Yuan who was urinating on them.

The mutated demon immediately roared angrily, and they gave up fighting and rushed to the edge of the building and climbed up the wall.

Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing wildly: "Hahaha! You bastards! I won't play with you anymore! You just wait for me. When I come back from that world, I will take care of you!"

Pull up your pants and be content!Lin Yuan clicked on that link, and his eyes immediately went dark.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection

(End of this chapter)

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