Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 2 Peerless Divine Art

Chapter 2 Peerless Divine Art
Open your eyes again, the dark sky is no longer in front of you.

No stale air.

Without low and heavy clouds, the ground is no longer covered with white snow, nor is it permanently frozen.

The sun is shining here, the air here is fresh, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant here, and the warmth makes people want to scream.

Looking down at himself, he was no longer wrapped in a big padded jacket, a long gown, and his long black hair was bound tightly by a blue bun.

If there is another long sword, it will be a proper knight in the rivers and lakes.

Lin Yuan lay on the soft grass, enjoying the warm sunshine and the charming fragrance of flowers.

Bored, Lin Yuan started to play around, studying the chat group.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan discovered an interesting thing, group red envelopes.

He discovered that he could also give out red envelopes.

After clicking on the red envelope, he found that there were props that could be sent inside.

If those were just ordinary props, it wouldn't make Lin Yuan excited, because those few props were the magic tricks in Lin Yuan's novels!
Nine-turn defiant scriptures, smashing boxing, and swordsmanship!Apparate.

Lin Yuan laughed wildly excitedly. These few things are the peerless magical skills of the protagonist in Lin Yuan's novels to dominate the world. If he learns these things, he will be able to dominate the heavens just around the corner!
Click to send a red envelope and set the target person himself.

With a flash of light, four simple books appeared in Lin Yuan's hands.

At this time, a notification sound appeared in the head: Congratulations on learning the Xuan-level top-grade internal energy nine-turn defiant scripture.

Congratulations for learning Powangquan, a low-grade martial art of Xuan rank.

Congratulations for learning the low-grade swordsmanship of the mysterious level, and the way of the sword breaks the illusion.

Congratulations on learning the Peerless Lightness Kung Fu.

The first time a group member uses the red envelope function, they will be rewarded with a Yitian sword and an internal martial arts fusion device.

The group personal warehouse function is enabled.

A light flashed in Lin Yuan's hand, and a long sword with an unusually gorgeous shape appeared, which looked like a compass.

Lin Yuan picked up the long sword, is this the Yitian Sword?
Gently drew out the long sword, and immediately there was a strong sound of the sword in his ear.

The sun shone on the blade of the Yitian sword, and the dazzling light hurt the eyes.

Even Lin Yuan, who didn't know much about swords, couldn't help admiring.

"Good sword!"

Nine Turns Against Heaven: The current level of internal strength, one turn and one heaven.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Yuan used the Nine Turns Against Heaven Scripture he had already learned.

Lin Yuan could feel a force circulating in his body, faster and faster!
Flowing like a mighty river.

The force like an explosion surged towards Lin Yuan's limbs and skeletons. This extremely strong feeling made Lin Yuan unable to help but want to growl.

Lifting the Yitian sword in his hand.

The way of the sword breaks the illusion!


There was a fierce sword cry, and a sharp sword thrust out from the long sword in his hand.

The big tree in front of Lin Yuan, as thick as a person, fell to pieces.

So strong!

Lin Yuan couldn't help but get excited.

Touching it with your hands, the fracture is extremely smooth, without a trace of roughness.

This was cut off with a single blow of extremely strong sword energy.

The way of the sword breaks the illusion!

Shatter all illusions.

Shatter all nothingness.

Destroy all falsehoods.

One sword is invincible, and all spells are broken.

This is the original design of the set of swordsmanship that Lin Yuan gave to the protagonist in his book.

Now that it appeared in Lin Yuan's hands, it did not disappoint him.

However, Lin Yuan is still a novice, and he can't exert that powerful power.

in the chat group.

Condor Heroes @林源.

The Legend of Condor Heroes: "@林源, Boss, let me explain to you what you are going to do now."

Condor Heroes: "You are now at Mount Zhongnan, not far from you is the site of the Tomb of the Living Dead Ancient Tomb Sect, I will now explain to you what you need to do.

There is a person who transmigrated to Zhen Zhibing, not only that, but he also has a knight summoning system, which can summon knights to this world.

And boss, all you need to do is get rid of this Zhen Zhibing. "

A traverser with a system?interesting.

This kind of person usually has the halo of the protagonist, right?
The protagonist's halo, hahaha, killing the person who is in charge of the protagonist's system and the protagonist's halo is the most interesting!

Lin Yuan couldn't help but get excited.

Lin Yuan: "Okay! I got it!"

The Legend of Condor Heroes: "Boss, feel free to do it boldly! With me covering you, when you can't beat me, I will cheat you!"

Condor Heroes made a wretched expression.

Lin Yuan burst into laughter, I am covered by the body of the heavens, even if you have the protagonist's halo and system, so what?

Close the chat group.

Lin Yuan researched the compass-like internal energy and martial arts fusion device, but he didn't find out how to use it, so he put it in the group's personal warehouse together with the Yitian sword.

Lin Yuan, who hadn't slept for three days and three nights, was suddenly drowsy when exposed to the warm sun.

I yawned, looked left and right, and found that there was no human hair here, so I lay down on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the dream, Lin Yuan dreamed of the little dragon girl, and dreamed that the little dragon girl was nestled in his arms, calling her husband tenderly.

Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing.

A buzzing sound came from his ear, waking Lin Yuan up.

Open your eyes and rub your eyes.

Lin Yuan was taken aback immediately.

A swarm of white bees surrounded him.

Lin Yuan could even see clearly the bee needles under the white bee's belly.

Behind the swarm of white bees stood a smiling, ugly old woman.

Not far behind the old woman is a beautiful girl in a snow-white dress, who is absolutely clean.

The young girl looked cold, frowning her beautiful brows, and looked at Lin Yuan with some distaste.

Seeing Lin Yuan wake up, the girl shook the bell in her hand, and the swarm of white bees immediately approached Lin Yuan with their bee needles.

Lin Yuan was in a cold sweat, it was so terrifying!
He now knew very well what these white bees were.

That is the Jade Bee raised by Xiaolongnv.

If this thing gets stung, half of its life will be gone!
Let alone a large group.

That ugly smiling old woman is probably Grandma Sun, and the woman behind her who cleans up perfectly is Xiao Longnv.

Although the little dragon girl in his dream just now looks very similar to her, and she is full of tenderness and tenderness in his arms, but at this moment, this is not a dream after all.

Damn it, could it be that they heard what I said in my sleep just now?

The old woman looked at Lin Yuan with a smile, and said, "I thought you had fallen asleep! You slept for three days.

When I first saw you, old lady, you were sleeping. The old lady saw that you didn’t look like an evil person, so she didn’t bother you. I didn’t expect the old lady to see you sleeping here for several days. I thought you were sleeping to death passed. "

Grandma Sun continued to ask: "Dare to ask what the son is here?"

Although Grandma Sun's voice was flat, she could still hear the murderous intent and cold Lin Yuan in her words.

The swarm of jade bees flew forward again, and the bee needles almost touched Lin Yuan's body.

Lin Yuan felt creepy.

After organizing the language, Lin Yuan said: "I heard that there is a Taoist priest named Zhen Zhibing in the Quanzhen Sect, so I came to Zhongnan Mountain to ask him for martial arts.

In the rush on the next road, when I arrived here, I felt that the sun was shining brightly here, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, and I felt sleepy, so I slept here. It was a sin not to disturb the girl and the old lady. "

Seeing Lin Yuan's sincerity, Grandma Sun nodded slightly, and exchanged glances with Xiao Longnv.

Xiao Longnv frowned, and reluctantly shook the bell in her hand.

Those jade peaks flapped their wings and flew away from Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan let out a long breath and wiped off the cold sweat on his head.

Grandma Sun said: "Since the young master has rested here, please."

Grandma Sun gave Lin Yuan an eviction order, she pointed to a small road not far away, and continued.

"Since you are going to find Quanzhen Taoist priests, please go straight along this path and you will reach Quanzhen School."

Lin Yuan followed Grandma Sun's fingers to look at the dirt road.

Looking back at Xiaolongnv again, he found that she was looking at him with a disgusted face, and suddenly became embarrassed.

It seems that I must have talked in my sleep and was heard by her.

If so, they had restrained themselves by not letting the Jade Bee sting them directly.

Lin Yuan clasped his fists and said with a smile: "I still want to thank my mother-in-law for not throwing me out these few days and disturbing the two of you. I feel guilty, so I bid farewell."

After speaking, he strode away.

Unusual chic.

Grandma Sun looked at Lin Yuan's back and said to the little dragon girl, "You are a very interesting young man."

Xiao Longnu curled her lips, and said in a voice as sweet as a yellow warbler: "I can't see it. I really feel that he is no different from those disciples who came from the former mountain.

Maybe it's a gang. "

Grandma Sun said with a smile: "I don't think so. I think my old lady is very accurate in judging people. This young master is very powerful! And he has a very good swordsmanship."

After speaking, he pointed to the neatly cut wooden stake.

Xiao Longnv looked at the stake and frowned in thought.

She didn't think she had the ability to do this, the incision was as smooth as a mirror, obviously cut like this by a sword.

One's own swordsmanship can't do this anyway.

Grandma Sun continued: "A young man of this age has such great strength, if he really came here for the girl like those people in the front mountain, he might have already entered the ancient tomb with his own strength. up.

I will not sleep like no one else since then.

He is extremely confident in his own strength. "

Xiao Longnv nodded slightly.

"And the way he looked at you just now, although there was a sense of amazement, there was no evil intention. That's why I concluded that this young man didn't come for a girl. That's why I said that he is a very interesting young man."

Grandma Sun said with a smile.

Xiao Longnu sighed slightly.

Seeing her girl sighing, Grandma Sun teased and said, "What? The girl feels that this son is not here for you and feels very disappointed?"

Xiao Longnu refused immediately and said: "Grandmother! Why do you say that? I don't have one."

Grandma Sun laughed and said, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it."

Lin Yuan walked along this path, and saw a stretch of Taoist temples in the distance.

The shouts and roars could be vaguely heard there.

 Recommend a book.

  Rebirth of the Demon Realm

  If you like the book of the starting point, you can read it


(End of this chapter)

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