Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 139 The young master is angry and makes things difficult

Chapter 139 The young master is angry and makes things difficult (fourth)

Fu Wenxiao led the way, while Zhang Rang brought Mu Yudie, and soon came to the hall of Haiding stronghold.

The owner of the Shaozhuang, Mei Fei, was chatting with Liu Qiri, Gong Shurang and others here.

During this period of time, Mei Fei was in Haiding's stronghold, nominally asking Liu Qiri for martial arts, but in fact, he spent every day drinking and drinking, and asked everyone to come over to drink and chat with him when he had nothing to do.

Although Liu Qiri is a martial idiot, he doesn't want to always waste time with Mei Fei.

But helplessly, Mei Fei is the owner of the young villa, even if he is dissatisfied, he dare not say anything.

At this time, someone came in to report.

"Master Liu, Master Liu, Zhang Rang is back."

When Mei Fei heard Zhang Rang came back, Liu Qiri slammed the table without saying anything, "This kid dares to come back!"

Liu Qiri was not angry that Zhang Rang snatched the task specially arranged for Mei Fei, but also angry that Zhang Rang delayed his training for so long.

If Zhang Rang hadn't accepted this task at the beginning, Mei Fei would have taken people to complete the task long ago, how could there be so many messes!

Soon, Fu Wenxiao walked in with Zhang Rang and Mu Yudie.

Zhang Rang looked calm and composed. After walking in, he first bowed his hands to Mei Fei and Liu Qiri, then bowed his hands to Gongshu Rang, and finally bowed his hands to the other killer-level killers one by one.

"Zhang Rang, you are so courageous! You dare to take any task!" Gong Shurang slapped the table, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, glaring at Zhang Rang.

Zhang Rang didn't say anything, but judging from the current situation, the news that he killed the Dragon and Tiger Shuangjie should not have come back yet.

Otherwise, the sword rain villa will definitely not have such an attitude.

At this time, Mei Fei raised his hand to stop Gong Shurang, and looked Zhang Rang up and down with great interest.

"Boy, do you know what kind of person can accept the task you took?"

Zhang Rang smiled, "I know, only the middle-level three-star killer can accept the task."

"Hehe." Mei Fei sneered, "Since you know this, you still dare to take it? If you fail to complete the task, you know that it is not only as simple as being punished, but also ruining the reputation of my Sword Rain Villa! You are guilty!"

As Mei Fei said, he slapped the table.

If other people were slapped on the table by the young master, they would immediately kneel down in fright.

But at this moment, Zhang Rang continued to stand there as if nothing happened.

"Oh? Convicted? What crime am I guilty of? Master, didn't you say that the mission reward is good, if I am sure, I must accept it? Why, can't I accept this mission?"

At the gate before, Zhang Rang already knew that this task was probably specially left to the young master Mei Fei by the superiors, so that Mei Fei could go to the Jianghu to make a name for himself.

After all, although Dragon and Tiger Shuangjie are very famous, their real strength is not that strong, and they may not be the top in the second vein.

And this time the task is to be completed by two people.

If Mei Fei brought a master, it would not be difficult to kill Dragon and Tiger.

It's just that Gong Shurang told all his disciples and subordinates about this matter, but he didn't tell himself.

Since you have offered me one, then I will naturally offer one back.

As Zhang Rang said these words, Mei Fei immediately glared at Gong Shurang who was at the side.

Gong Shurang turned pale with fright, "Master Young Master, don't listen to his nonsense! I... How could I let him snatch the task that should belong to you? Besides... besides..."

Gongshu Rang was thinking of excuses to evade in his mind, and suddenly thought of something.

"Besides, if I really want to ruin the young master's good deeds, I will definitely send a three-star killer like Fu Wenxiao who is at least at the ninth level of the second vein. Why should I send Zhang Rang? Can he complete the task? "

"I can."

As Zhang Rang said, he stretched out his hand to Mu Yudie who was next to him, and Mu Yudie handed the blood heart umbrella to Zhang Rang.

"I don't know how our Sword Rain Villa judges whether I have completed the task through the Blood Heart Umbrella. But this time, I really lived up to Master's entrustment and completed the task."

Upon hearing this, Gongshu Rang's face changed suddenly.

Not only did Gongshu Rang's expression change, but even Mei Fei's expression changed.

Before, I felt that Zhang Rang would definitely not be able to complete this mission.

I can use this as an excuse to severely punish Zhang Rang, which can not only vent the resentment in my heart, but also won't prove it.

But never expected that Zhang Rang had completed the task.

At this time, Liu Changxi snorted disdainfully, pointed at Zhang Rang and said: "The Dragon and Tiger Shuangjie are at the ninth level of the Second Vessel Realm, and they are also outstanding disciples of Longhu Mountain. How could you be the only one who broke through to the Second Vessel Realm?" ...Fifth level!? You actually broke through to the fifth level of the second vein?"

Many people know that Zhang Rang retreated before, and it should have only been more than a month since he broke through the second pulse state.

But now Zhang Rang has reached the fifth level of the second pulse state, which can be described as extremely fast.

"Even if you are at the fifth level of the second vein, it is impossible to kill the dragon and the tiger! You are guilty of lying about the completion of the mission!" Liu Changxi roared again.

Zhang Rang smiled disdainfully, "Whether the mission of Jianyu Mountain Villa is completed or not, naturally has its own way of judging. Could it be that I lied to you, can't you find out? Why bother talking here, like a gossip. Complete the task and show the evidence! Besides, even if they fight with others to the end, when they are dying, I use the blood heart umbrella to stab twice, and that is the last stab of Zhang Rangbu. It can be regarded as my completion Completed the task. If the realm is high, can't it be killed by someone with a low realm?"

Zhang Rang's words were plausible, leaving Liu Changxi speechless.

Mei Fei stared at Zhang Rang with a cold face, this kid made him feel very uncomfortable.

Zhang Rang snatched his mission before, which made him unhappy once.

Coming back now, after seeing him, not only did he not kneel down to beg for mercy, he did not show respect for himself as the young master, and he even dared to argue.

Of course, there is actually the most important point, that is, this time I want to complete the task of killing the Dragon and Tiger Shuangjie, and I will bring a three-star mid-level killer Ji Wuhen who is the strongest second-vein level ninth-level killer next to me .

Ji Wuhen is the son of an old servant by his father's side. He has followed him since he was a child, is loyal to him, and is extremely powerful.

Even if he wanted to kill Dragon and Tiger Shuangjie by himself, he would only dare to do so with the help of such a person.

As a result, Zhang Rang killed the Dragon and Tiger Shuangjie at the fifth level of the second pulse state.

How can I accept this!

Of course, Mei Fei didn't know at the moment that when Zhang Rang killed the Dragon and Tiger Shuangjie, he was still at the fourth level of the second vein.

"Zhang Rang, you said you have completed the task, but how can you complete such a task. Someone, first take Zhang Rang down and imprison him, and make a decision after everything is found out!"

Mei Fei couldn't think of any way to punish Zhang Rang for a while, so he simply locked Zhang Rang up and made him suffer.

"Wait a minute!"

 Today's fourth update has been delivered, I want your ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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