Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 140: Making things difficult for others

Chapter 140: Making things difficult for others (fifth change)
"Wait a minute!" Zhang Rang shouted, so frightened that the two killers who wanted to take Zhang Rang down did not dare to do it.

Zhang Rang took a look at Mei Fei, the owner of the young villa.

"May I ask the young master, is there a rule in Jianyu Villa that the killer must be imprisoned before the task is completed but the sword rain villa has not been found out? If there is, there is no need for the young master to order. Go and stay in the dungeon yourself."

For a while, Mei Fei didn't stop asking.

There is indeed no such rule in Jianyu Villa!

Seeing that Mei Fei was silent, Zhang Rang continued to ask: "I remember that there is such a rule in Jianyu Villa. If the killer returns after completing the task, he can receive the task reward first after handing in the Blood Heart Umbrella for record. If If there is any objection to the task, the task reward can be temporarily withheld. If the young master has objections to my task completion, it should only temporarily withhold my task reward, right?"

"That's... indeed."

Mei Fei replied weakly.

"That being the case, everyone is waiting for the result. If you are sure that my mission is completed, remember to remind me to collect the reward. After all, the mission reward this time is very generous!"

Mei Fei is so angry!

Why is the mission reward so rich? This time, everything given by the benefactor has been used as mission reward, but there is nothing left in Jianyu Villa.

It is impossible for Jianyu Villa to accept the task, and it is impossible to give the killer as much as the reward offered by the benefactor. If this is the case, how can Jianyu Villa maintain its operation.

But this time, Jianyu Villa didn't swallow a single cent of the task, and took it all out.

It is to give some good things to the young owner in an open and aboveboard manner.

It turned out that Zhang Rang was cheaper.

"Okay! What Zhang asked you to say is right. You can go back to your room first. But my sword servant died not long ago. I saw that your sword servant is very good. Why don't you give it to me?"

Mei Fei knew that he couldn't make things difficult for Zhang Rang on the mission, so he thought of attacking Jian Servant.

Besides, the sword servant next to Zhang Rang looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, well-behaved and pleasant, but he looked much younger than his last sword servant.

Zhang Rang cupped his hands towards Mei Fei, "Thank you, Young Master, for looking at my sword servant. It's just that there are regulations in Jianyu Villa. The killer chooses the sword servant, and once the sword servant identifies the killer, he cannot change it easily. Unless I die. "

Zhang Rang uttered the last sentence word by word, and the meaning was obvious.

Do you want my sword servant?

Yes you can!

Kill me, she is yours!

But if I don't die, you don't want to touch her!
Mei Fei frowned, and said sharply: "What? As the young owner of Jianyu Villa, and the future owner of Jianyu Villa, now I ask you for a little sword servant, won't you give me some face? "

Zhang Rang shook his head helplessly.

In my previous life, if I encountered such a thing, I would be modest, suffer some losses, and give up all the good things to others.

According to what I read in a book later, I belong to the pleasing personality.

This person is certainly stable, but in the dead of night, who is not unwilling and shouting in his heart, why should he be the one who is always patient?
Why is it always me who suffers? It is obvious that I am more polite and know how to be humble, but before I know it, humility has become a concession, a tolerance, and finally an honest person who is easy to bully in the eyes of others.

Anyone who sees you can't wait to come up and step on you!
In this life, I have to fight for myself.

I traveled to this world by myself, poor and white, and I knew nothing except the child lock who accompanied me.

Even the ability to draw cards that I got, to put it bluntly, is stealing other people's things.

One step at a time, one step at a time.

Struggle step by step and rise step by step.

"No." Zhang Rang gave an answer that shocked everyone present.

You know, what Zhang Rang is facing at this moment is the young owner of Jianyu Villa, and the future owner of Jianyu Villa.

He actually said such words in front of Mei Fei. It is conceivable that Mei Fei, who has been pampered since childhood and has never been disobeyed by anyone, feels angry at the moment.

"Good! Very good! Very good! Zhang Rang, right? You successfully angered me! Let me tell you, Jianyu Villa does have the rules of Jianyu Villa. But I am the young owner of Jianyu Villa. Sometimes, what I say, It's the rules. Leng San, leave Zhang Rang's sword servant behind, if he dares to resist, you will do it!"


Leng San is one of the killers around Mei Fei who are responsible for protecting him.

Although I usually go out to accept some tasks, I spend more time protecting Mei Fei.

After all, Mei Fei is the young owner of Jianyu Villa, and will take over Jianyu Villa in the future.

So the owner of the villa started looking for some capable and potential subordinates for Mei Fei very early, so that he can pass the Sword Rain Villa to Mei Fei in the future, so that he can be at ease.

Leng San walked towards Mu Yudie, and at the same time looked at Zhang Rang coldly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and there was a trace of provocation in his eyes.

But when Leng San's hand was about to grab Mu Yudie's shoulder, Zhang Rang's hand grabbed his wrist first.

"Don't touch my people with your dirty hands."

At this moment, Zhang Rang's tone was very cold, and there was a faint murderous look in his eyes.

The slightly raised corner of Leng San's mouth turned into an evil and murderous arc, "I just like people like you. Because only people like you can let me find the murderer even if I'm by the young master's side. Opportunity."

As Leng San said, when he swung his left hand out, he retracted his right hand.

Zhang Rang used his left hand to cast Liusi's wrapping hand, which wrapped around Leng San's retracted right hand.

At the same time, the palm of the right hand was erected, and the palm of Tiger Thunder struck it.

At such a close distance, one side is Leng San, a three-star assassin with a ninth level of second-vein realm, and the other is Zhang Rang, a one-star assassin with only a fifth-level second-vein realm.

The result of facing palms is to know what is going on without even thinking about it.

Yao Xuexi, who was different, couldn't help frowning, she never expected Zhang Rang to be so impulsive.

It's just a sword servant, so what if you bear with it for a while, protecting your own life is the most important thing!

In fact, Mu Yudie's status in Zhang Rang's heart is not very high, but on the one hand, I still need it, so I can't let Mu Yudie out; In the tolerance and weakness of others.

Therefore, Zhang Rang chose to make a move.

Palms clashed.

Yao Xuexi shook her head and sighed, closing her eyes.

At the same time, a scream came.

But it wasn't Zhang Rang's scream, but Leng San's wail!
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(End of this chapter)

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