Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 229: The Blood Lion Hunted and Killed the Beast's Heart

Chapter 229: The Blood Lion Hunted the Beast's Heart (Second Change)
The blood red lion's feet were empty, and he fell into the trap.

Seeing this scene, several warriors around immediately rushed forward.

Although there was another person caught by the blood red lion, the other people around had no intention of saving him at all.

He watched helplessly as he was grabbed by the blood-red lion whose body was pierced by a wooden stick, and then dragged into the deep pit.

Like wild beasts, savage beasts basically have no intelligence.

However, wild beasts are much stronger than ordinary beasts.

The entire pit was three meters deep. Everyone felt that even if the blood-red lion survived the fall, he would be pierced by a wooden stick, and half his life would be lost. Then, everyone would work together to kill the blood-red lion with a few blows.

But he never expected that the fallen blood-red lion jumped up, and even jumped out of the deep pit.

"Go! Join forces together! Kill him!"

At this time, someone in the crowd yelled, and everyone immediately took action to deal with the blood-red lion.

However, after the blood-red lion jumped out, it slapped a three-flower realm martial artist who was close to him and flew away with one paw.

Then, two more people were scratched by the blood red lion.

The leader of several people immediately shouted: "Don't panic, I have bows and arrows, let's go together!"

The situation is chaotic at the moment, but everyone is still willing to trust each other, even though they are people who have just met in the secret realm for a short time.

However, the person who spoke just now was a well-known martial artist in Jianghu who organized everyone, his name was Wang Dalei, and everyone was willing to believe him.

But at this moment, Zhang Rang, who was watching the battle secretly from a distance, discovered that Wang Dalei didn't have any bows and arrows.

He let others take action, but he secretly backed away.

Several three flower realms teamed up, full of qi, and everyone tried their best to fight the blood red lion.

Originally, the blood-red lion's body was pierced by wooden sticks, and a few warriors of the three flower realm released their true qi, and countless scars were cut on the blood-red lion's body.

When there were only three people left, the blood red lion couldn't hold it anymore and fell to the ground.

At this time, Wang Dalei, who was hiding in the distance, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked over with his big knife in hand.

"Bastard, are you finally going to die?"

As Wang Dalei said, he slashed at the neck of the dying blood-red lion lying on the ground.

This knife directly harvested the blood red lion's life.

The three seriously injured people let out a sigh of relief looking at the corpses of their companions and their injuries.

At least they survived.

"Wang Dalei, help me take out the healing medicine in my pocket first, I feel that if I don't hurry up to treat it, my left arm will be useless."

"This bastard is already dead, so don't rush to divide things up. Help me get medicine to heal my wounds first."

"Unfortunately, the loss this time is too heavy. Five people, we joined forces with nine people before, and now there are only four left."

Wang Dalei smiled coldly, turned around and looked at the three seriously injured people, "Yes! There are only four of us left. The blood-red lion needs four people to share. But if there is one less person, or two less, then it will be easy to share A lot."

As Wang Dalei said, the big knife in his hand slashed towards the seriously injured warrior who was closest to him.

With a sudden blow, the opponent's head was directly chopped off.

Then, Wang Dalei looked at the other two people.

The other two people are not stupid, they can naturally see that Wang Dalei wants to eat black food and eat it all by himself!

"Wang Dalei! I give you something, we don't want it!"

The two of them talked, stood up and wanted to leave.

"Can you two go?"

Wang Dalei lied before, and then hid behind alone, but he was unscathed.

Now to deal with the two wounded Sanhuajing, within five rounds of fighting, one of them was beheaded by Wang Dalei, and the other fell in a pool of blood.

"Wang Dalei, there is someone behind you!"

After Wang Dalei heard this, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Do you think such a clumsy lie, would I believe it?"

At this moment, a ring knife stabbed out from the back of his heart, piercing his heart.

Zhang Rang whispered in his ear, "I think you should believe it."

After Zhang Rang finished speaking, he pulled out the Longque Dahuan Dao, kicked Wang Dalei's body aside, and glanced at the last person lying in a pool of blood.

"Thank you for saving your life, I will never forget it. I haven't asked you yet..."


Before the other party finished speaking, Zhang Rang beheaded him with a single knife.

Then Zhang Rang searched the corpses of the nine people, took away valuable and useful things, and finally came to the side of the blood-red lion that had been killed.

After digging out the blood-red lion's heart, Zhang Rang immediately put it in a container. Speaking of which, the container still belonged to Wang Dalei.

Afterwards, Zhang Rang took care of the wounds on Wang Dalei and the two people killed by him, so as not to be seen as his own.

Then Zhang Rang began to perform the Blood Cloud Dafa.

The Blood Cloud Dafa was originally Zhang Rang's magic art that was extracted from Lu Donghe.

Strengthen yourself by absorbing the energy and blood of other warriors.

The nine people present were all three-flowered. These people had just died, and the energy and blood on their bodies could still be absorbed, and the energy and blood of the blood red lion was even more vigorous.

Zhang Rang immediately used the blood cloud method to absorb the energy and blood of the refining nine people and the blood red lion.

Half an hour later, Zhang Rang absorbed all the power of qi and blood into his body, but now he has refined less than one-fifth of it, and wants to refine all the power of qi and blood, It will take a while.

But this place is full of blood, and Zhang Rang feels that he is lucky that no other wild beasts or wild beasts have come over for such a long time.

If you stay here, it's okay to meet wild beasts or wild beasts, but if you meet other warriors and are found to have practiced the Blood Cloud Dafa, you will be in trouble.

Therefore, Zhang Rang left here immediately.

At this moment, it was getting late, Zhang Rang went to an uninhabited cave, took out the heart of the blood-red lion, took out all the essence and blood in it, put it into a small bottle, and roasted the heart over fire Afterwards, eat them all.

Sure enough, after eating the beast's heart, Zhang Rang felt a stream of heat in his body.

Immediately, he began to refine the beast's heart that he had just eaten in the cave.

At the same time, he also absorbed the power of Qi and blood during the day for refining.

Zhang Rang found that his only remaining meridian, which was the last of the eight extraordinary meridians, seemed to be impossible to get through by any means.

Even the heart of a beast can't help it get through.

Although one's own strength cannot continue to improve, the power of energy and blood absorbed through the blood cloud Dafa is constantly integrated into the dantian and nourishes the dantian.

If the dantian is a piece of land, then Zhang Rang's dantian has already become a piece of fertile soil under the transformation of the five elements soil and the current blood cloud Dafa.

Although these energies cannot make the current Zhang Rang's strength go any further.

But it can lay a solid foundation for Zhang Rang to break through the three-flower gathering.

(End of this chapter)

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