Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 230: Beast Heart Enters the Body and Saves People

Chapter 230: The Beast's Heart Enters the Body and Saves People (Part [-])
During this night, Zhang Rang has been refining the energy brought to him by the heart of the beast in the cave, and integrated all of these energies into his dantian.

At dawn, Zhang Rang could feel that the power in his dantian was as full as the sea.

In the morning, Zhang Rang didn't feel a trace of hunger.

Probably because the energy contained in the beast's heart is too great.

Zhang Rang left the cave and began to move on in the secret realm.

Along the way, Zhang Rang saw many corpses.

Obviously, although only one day has passed in the secret realm, there have been countless killings during that day.

For example, the nine three-flower realm warriors I met yesterday hunted down a wild beast. If it wasn't for the last shot, only Wang Dalei would have survived.

Therefore, Zhang Rang was careful along the way.

But when he passed under a hill, he suddenly heard someone shouting for help from above the hill.

"Save me! Young hero, save me! If you save me, I will definitely repay you!"

Zhang Rang followed the voice and glanced up the hillside, only to see a young man in brocade clothes running down the hillside with disheveled hair.

And behind him, two warriors held long swords and broadswords, chasing after him.

Zhang Rang couldn't help frowning.

Saving people has never been my style.

However, if the person who asked for help came and killed him with one knife, the two people behind might not be able to let him go, so Zhang Rang did not take action immediately, but carefully looked at the person who asked for help.

It wasn't until the opponent approached that Zhang Rang noticed that the opponent had only three blue cards, and all of them were ability cards.

As for the martial arts cards, they are all very good martial arts, but they are too useless by him.

But through the cards on the opponent's body, Zhang Rang could already see the origin of the opponent.

"Young hero, help me! Young hero, help me! As long as you can save me, I will be grateful!"

Zhang Rang smiled faintly, and asked the young man who was similar to him in leveling, "I don't know, what kind of thanks?"

The other party was taken aback, he didn't expect Zhang Rang to be so direct.

Hearing what Zhang Rang said, the two people who chased and killed the boy also stood not far away to watch the excitement.

"Haha... If you can't bring out good things, people won't save you! Boy, let me tell you, this is the reality of the world!" The man with the big knife laughed and said.

Another man with a long sword sneered, "That's right! But if you handed over the most valuable thing in your body to the other party, your work would have been wasted just now! Hahahaha..."

The teenager bit his lip, obviously struggling.

I am indeed afraid of death, but the secret book that I have just snatched with all my might, is it necessary to hand it over like this?
But after thinking about it, if my life is gone, what's the use of this cheat book!
So, the boy took out a cheat book from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Rang.

"Young man, this is the secret book I just snatched. I will give this secret book to you, please save my life."

Zhang Rang glanced at the cover of the cheat book, and it really looked like an old book.

"Okay, since you use cheats to trade, I will save your life, now follow me, these two people dare not make things difficult for you."

Hearing Zhang Rang's words, two people not far away couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha... This kid must be crazy! A little second-vein realm ninth-level actually thinks that the two of us dare not embarrass him!"

"It's better to kill the two together. I think the knife in his hand seems to be good. I just want to change to a better knife! Go!"

Two people, one with a knife and the other with a sword, rushed towards Zhang Rang and the young man.

The young man was so frightened that his face was ashen, and he took two steps back, not daring to go forward.

Zhang Rang drew out the Longque Dahuan Dao, and slashed out, directly shaking the long sword in the swordsman's hand, and then swept across to block the blade of another swordsman.

The three of them immediately fought together.

Zhang Rang found that although last night, his strength did not seem to have improved at all.

But the heart of the beast has increased his blood a lot.

At this moment, when I was fighting these two warriors of the second level of the third flower realm, every time I slashed, I was more powerful than usual. After fighting for more than [-] rounds, I didn't feel tired at all.

On the other hand, these two fighters at the second level of the third flower state were beaten into a panic by Zhang Rang, a person at the ninth level of the second vein state.

"Okay, it's time to hit the road."

Zhang Rang said lightly, the sword technique that was originally defensive suddenly turned into offense.

Puff puff two knives.

The two people who seemed to have the strength to fight with Zhang Rang before fell in a pool of blood.

Seeing that the two were dead, Zhang Rang immediately ran over to the young man behind him, punching and kicking the bodies of the two.

If this was an ordinary person, Zhang Rang would not feel much.

Seeing a martial artist at the sixth level of the second meridian, punching and kicking the two corpses, Zhang Rang shook his head, already knowing that this must be a disciple with a good family background but very ineffective in that sect.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so bullying.

Seeing the boy continue to punch and kick the corpse, Zhang Rang turned and left.

The boy noticed that Zhang Rang was leaving, so he immediately chased after him.

"Little brother...um...Mu Yun. Excuse me, brother, what's your name?"

Zhang Rang naturally didn't believe that the other party reported his real name, but in order to prevent this kid from sticking to him in the future, he simply told the other party his real name.

"Zhang Rang."

"It turned out to be Brother Zhang. I entered the secret realm with my friends. I just wanted to learn more, but I didn't expect this secret realm to be teleported randomly. Brother Zhang, you don't mind if I follow you?"

Zhang Rang didn't expect that the other party would be so calm after hearing his name.

But it may also be that the other party never thought that he would be Zhang Rang from Jianyu Villa.

After all, there are too many people with the surname Zhang, and it is impossible that there will be no one with the same name as himself in the Jianghu.

I didn't bother to explain anything, "If you want to follow, just follow."

Anyway, Zhang Rang didn't know what he would encounter in the secret realm, so it was good to have such a shield by his side.

Zhang Rang took Mu Yun forward for half an hour.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of fighting and roaring of wild beasts in the jungle ahead.


Zhang Rang said to Mu Yun, and then led him cautiously towards the jungle.

While approaching the jungle, Zhang Rang noticed that in the jungle at this moment, there was a big white phosphorous snake being besieged and killed by more than a dozen warriors.

At the same time, there were already more than a dozen dead bodies on the ground.

The dozen or so warriors who were still fighting were divided into two factions. One faction was composed of six sword-wielding Three Flower Realm masters, and there were seven casual cultivators beside them.

On the other side were eight killers from Jianyu Villa, including Yao Xuexi and Mu Yudie.

Originally, Zhang Rang planned to wait until they were almost done fighting before making a move himself, but seeing the current situation, the situation of Yao Xuexi, Mu Yudie and others was not optimistic, and it seemed that he had to make a move in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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