Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 351: A conspiracy under the killing order

Chapter 351 A conspiracy under the order to kill (No. 19 more)

Among Jian Yu's seven soldiers, three of them are now Tiangang.

They are Zhang Rang, Hua Xinye and Hu Yitu.

After receiving the order from the owner of the villa, Zhang Rang immediately took two other people and ten Tiangang to meet the people in Dulong Villa.

Dulong Villa never expected that at this time, Jianyu Villa would actually send someone to discuss cooperation, to accept the killing order issued by the Han court.

In fact, Dulong Villa also knows that this killing order can be said to have been issued by the Han court, or it can be said that it was issued by Dulong Villa.

It's just that Jianyu Villa refused to say that they had received the killing order from Dulong Villa because of their face.

Soon, the two sides agreed to meet in Chang'an.

Zhang Rang took everyone to Chang'an, and came to the agreed place - Chang'an Zuixian Tower.

Zuixianlou is a very famous restaurant in Chang'an City, spending a lot of money is normal here.

Therefore, ordinary people cannot come to Zuixian Tower.

Dulong Villa had to choose a good place to meet people from Jianyu Villa.

"Brother, who do you think Jianyu Villa will send to talk this time. It can't be that kid Mei Fei, right?"

Xiahou Maofan actually didn't want to come.

During this period of time, his son was able to walk on the ground. It was the most fun time for children, and he still wanted to spend more time with his son at home.

If you want to fight, you have to fight hard. Like now, you are looking for traces of the swordsman of the Sword Worship Villa, and you even think of some ways to lure the opponent out before you start. I really can't do it.

At this moment, on the long table, sitting next to Xiahou Maofan was a man in his early thirties who was slightly older than him.

"Second brother, what do you call this? You and I are both the young masters of Dulong Villa. It is reasonable for Jianyu Villa to send their young master to talk to us. Why, if you don't like it, they can't come ?”

Xia Houmao curled his lips and sighed, "Brother, you haven't seen that Mei Fei. It's not that I don't like him, he's really a waste! If he has one-third of Zhang Rang, no, five points One, no, no, one tenth! If he has a brain that makes one tenth of it, I would admire him! You haven’t seen this Mei Fei, he is really self-willed, a cowardly person A good hand. If I cooperate with him, I am very worried that everyone in Baijian Villa will be let go by him."

Speaking of this, Xiahou Maofan said in a low voice, "Brother, I heard that Mei Fei took six dishas to kill the three heroes in southern Anhui. In the end, he had to do something to lure the enemy into an ambush, and the three heroes in southern Anhui killed two of the bait." Afterwards, another Earth Sha was killed in the scuffle. Although the news of this incident was blocked by Jianyu Villa, I still found out. Tell me, is this a complete waste. "

It was the first time Xia Houchong had heard of such a thing.

Although the Sanxiong in southern Anhui didn't know who they were, but if seven people were to deal with three people, if they were of equal strength, they could just surround them and kill them.

Assassins kill people, there is no rule of a fair fight, as long as they can kill people.

But Mei Fei lured the enemy into ambush, and three of them died in the end, it seems that there is really some waste.

"Second brother, it's a good thing he's useless. Do you know why I led someone to hunt down Mei Fei's elder brother for three days and three nights? It's because that person is too powerful! If he is the future heir of Jianyu Villa, then In the future, Jianyu Mountain Villa will be my strong enemy in Dulong Mountain Villa. So, now Mei Fei is a waste, very good! Very good!"

At this time, a subordinate came down to report, "I would like to report to the two young masters that the people from Jianyu Villa have arrived. They are downstairs."

"Who is here?" Xiahou Maofan couldn't help asking.

At this time, I heard the sound of the stairs going up to the second floor.

"Hahahaha... come to see the Second Young Master Xiahou, of course it's only an old friend!"

At this time, Xia Houchong noticed a young warrior walking up with a group of killers, carrying a knife and a sword on his back.

"Zhang Rang, why is it you?" Xiahou Maofan didn't expect that the person who came this time was actually Zhang Rang.

In his opinion, even if it wasn't Mei Fei, it should be an elder from Jianyu Villa.

In the end, it was Zhang Rang, the Tiangang killer who was in the third flower realm and ninth level.

Zhang Rang smiled, bowed his hands to Xia Houchong and Xiahou Maofan, and then sat directly on the other side of the long table.

"Second Young Master Xiahou is really good at joking, why can't it be me."

Xiahou Maofan knew that Zhang Rang was powerful, and he really didn't want to meet Zhang Rang, especially when he went to Langya Mountain to attend Nie Xunfeng's wedding, he was often run over by Zhang Rang along the way.Especially the time Zhang Rang snatched his chance, after hearing that Zhang Rang relied on his own chance to resolve a killing situation arranged by Yue Xianyi.

I even feel that this piece was born to restrain myself.

"This time I heard that your Jianyu Villa is willing to cooperate with our Dulong Villa, so my father sent us two brothers to discuss cooperation with you. In the end, your Jianyu Villa just sent you here, not the young master Mei Fei, but at least an elder Come on. What does it mean to send a Tiangang with three flower realms and nine levels?"

Hearing this, the ten Tiangang standing behind Zhang Rang also felt a little embarrassed.

They are all warriors of the Four Gang Realm, but they also feel a little embarrassed to follow Zhang Rang, a warrior of the Three Blossom Realm.

Zhang Rang smiled lightly, "Second Master Xiahou, I, Zhang Rang, have killed more Sigang realms than you have lived. If you think that Zhang Rang is not qualified, you can also kill a few Sigang realms." Let me take a look at the environment. Just to remind you, I am going to be nineteen this year. But if you kill enough eighteen four-level people, I will be convinced."

Xia Houmaofan left Zhang Rang and was immediately discouraged by this sentence.

Along with Zhang Rang is the ninth level of the third flower realm, but Zhang Rang's record is there.

In Jianghu, not everyone who was in the Three Flower Realm could kill the Four Gang Realm back and forth, and even killed half a hundred of them.

Xia Houchong bowed to Zhang Rang, "At first I was worried that we would not be familiar with the person who came, but I never thought that little brother Zhang Rang and my second brother have such a good relationship. They joked with each other as soon as they met. Since we are all acquaintances, then go It’s much more convenient to come down and talk about things.”

Xia Houchong's words immediately resolved Xiahou Maofan's embarrassment and directly introduced the theme.

Zhang Rang glanced at Xia Houchong.

I know that Xia Houchong is 31 years old this year and just left the Qianlong list last year.

When it was on the hidden dragon list, it was ranked [-]th.

It can be said that Xia Houchong is definitely better than Xiahou Maofan, both in strength and mind.

"Okay, let's talk about business. But let me explain first, we are not here to cooperate with you at Dulong Villa, but we at Jianyu Villa are willing to accept the killing order from the Han court, and you have accepted the killing order after knocking it out. So If there is an opportunity, we can cooperate together, if there is no opportunity, we can act independently."

Xia Houchong nodded, he also knew that Dulong Villa almost wiped out Jianyu Villa back then.

Even if Jianyu Villa is willing to cooperate, it has to retain a bit of arrogance and face.

"Naturally. Everyone is working for the court."

"No, no! Young Master Xiahou, we at Jianyu Villa only take people's money and eliminate disasters for them. We don't work for the imperial court."

Xia Houchong didn't expect that Zhang Rang would care about every word.

"I said something wrong. Sorry, sorry. Now, let's talk about the court's killing order..."

(End of this chapter)

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