Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 352 Plotting to Worship the Sword to Fufeng

Chapter 352 Plotting to Worship the Sword to Fufeng (No.20)
In the afternoon, Zhang Rang and Xia Houchong fought each other, and finally discussed the matter of cooperation this time.

In the evening, Xia Houchong arranged a sumptuous banquet in Zuixian Tower, and Zhang Rang and others left after eating.

After leaving Zuixian Tower and returning to the residence.

Situ Beilei, who was hidden among the ten gangsters, couldn't help but asked, "Zhang Rang, why did you spend so long with that Xiahou family kid? , let’s go kill it and it’s over, why did you say so much?”

The ten Tiangang brought by Zhang Rang this time are not just Tiangang with some strength, but also Tiangang with a background in Jianyu Villa.

After all, Jianyu Villa was not at ease in entrusting such a big matter to Zhang Rang, so they asked ten of them to follow.

If things change, ten of them can replace Zhang Rang and continue to negotiate with each other.

Zhang Rang cupped his hands to the ten Tiangangs in the room, "Everyone heard about me. Since I am negotiating on behalf of Jianyu Villa and Dulong Villa, I naturally want to maximize the benefits. So I talked about these conditions all afternoon. "

"First, we at Jianyu Villa have obtained all the information about the killing orders. As long as we kill them, we will use the Blood Heart Umbrella to suck their blood. Afterwards, whoever will dispose of the corpse, but our Jianyu Villa will reward you with blood. The Heart Umbrella absorbs the heart's blood, but it is good for my Sword Rain Villa, and such benefits cannot be let go."

"Secondly, we will hunt down and kill some Jianghu forces that are related to Baijian Villa. If we find out one step ahead, then we can attack them directly without notifying them. Of course, the first-rate Jianghu forces are not good, and the second-rate and third-rate Jianghu forces, we You can move as you like. Over the years, there are many powers in the world who are unhappy with my sword rain villa, and there are some powers in the world who are unhappy with our sword rain villa. Why don't you take this opportunity and kill them openly! There are people who worship sword rain villa Blame the blame. If there is nothing to do with it, leaving a few swords is because they have a close relationship with Baijian Villa."

After everyone heard this, they understood why Zhang Rang had been arguing with Xia Houchong all this afternoon.

"Third, try not to act together. But if you encounter danger, you can rescue each other. After all, there are conflicts between us and Dulong Mountain Villa. When we act together, it is inevitable that some people will work together. When there are conflicts, it is better to act separately. But if someone is in danger, it’s okay to go to the rescue. After all, it’s cooperation, and there must be some kindness after all.”

Many nods.

"Okay, we can inform the killers who are going to participate in this operation to prepare. In addition to those who came out to hunt down those who worshiped the sword villa, some second-rate and third-rate forces in the rivers and lakes that we are eyeing can also take this opportunity to attack!"

Following Zhang Rang's order, ten Tiangang immediately went down and began to deliver the order.

This time, the people who were chasing and killing Baijian Villa were divided into eleven teams.

Each Tiangang leads a team of people, the number of people is determined by himself.

But Zhang Rang brought Hua Xinye and Hu Yitu with him, and a team of more than [-] killers was rushing over.

There are two abilities that the killer of Jianyu Villa must master, the first is to kill people, and the second is to find people.

In the huge rivers and lakes, the impossible target is always waiting for you somewhere.

Moreover, sometimes, many targets who were offered a reward also knew that they were offered a reward, so they hid their identities, disguised themselves, and hid somewhere in the rivers and lakes, not wanting to be discovered by others.

And at this time, the killer of Jianyu Villa had to use his abilities, but he found the target and killed him.

So, with the addition of the killer from Jianyu Villa.

In just three days, many people from Baijian Villa who had to hide temporarily due to the road blockade and interrogation by officers and soldiers were discovered.

The top warriors of Sword Worship Villa have basically left.

Even the swordsmen in the Sigang Realm would have left if not for special reasons.

Those who have not yet escaped to the land of Western Shu are either lacking in strength or dragging their families along.

Of course, there are also some blacksmiths of Sword Worship Villa.

Although these people are the wealth of Sword Worship Villa, there are high and low blacksmiths in Sword Worship Villa, and those with the strongest abilities were naturally escorted away early.

So the rest of these people are basically easy to deal with.

However, on the fourth day, Zhang Rang got a piece of news.

That is, the niece of the owner of Sword Sword Villa has not left yet.

At the beginning, the killer of Jianyu Villa met two second-vein disciples and planned to kill them directly, but the two confessed the news in order to survive.

This girl's name is Xiang Yuenan, and she is the daughter of the younger sister of the owner of Baijian Villa.

The Xiang family where the brother-in-law belongs to is a big family in the north, a first-class power in the rivers and lakes.

There was an accident later, the brother-in-law's family fought, and the brother-in-law was killed by the child, so the younger sister took the child back to her mother's house.

After all, it wasn't a son, but a daughter, so the Xiang family didn't ask too much.

Xiang Yuenan has been growing up in Baijian Villa for the past few years. She has an amazing talent in swordsmanship. Although she is only 15 years old, she has broken through to the Three Flowers Realm, and she is also kind.

The whole Baijian Villa likes this little girl very much.

This time, there are some elderly blacksmiths in the Sword Worship Villa, whose level is average, and the Sword Worship Villa intends to give up.

After getting the news, Xiang Yuenan, who had already arrived in Western Sichuan, immediately ran back with her guards to escort the blacksmiths.

Eleven elderly people with an average age of 65, plus a group of young people, such people are too eye-catching wherever they go.

So the group could only proceed secretly, but they were still in Fufeng County and did not leave.

Zhang Rang knew that if it was an ordinary person, the people who worshiped the Sword Villa might not care about it.

But since she is the niece of the owner of Baijian Mountain Villa, then I am afraid it is impossible to give up so easily.

Moreover, the guards protecting this little girl are at the lowest strength of the three flower realm, and there may even be warriors of the four gang realm.

These people's lives are very valuable.

Thinking of this, Zhang Rang immediately left Chang'an area with his people and went to Fufeng.

This time, because Zhang Rang was in charge of the whole operation, he would definitely get a lot of rewards from the Han court.

But Zhang Rang knew that according to the current level of these small fish and shrimp, even if they wiped out everyone, the cultivation resources he could get would only help him reshape his unsatisfactory foundation to perfection.

But if Xiang Yuenan was caught, the value would be different.

If Xiang Yuenan was used as bait, he might be able to catch some big fish.

 Recently, it has been crazy to update!It's really a bit vain!After all, my body is important, so I have to take it easy.

(End of this chapter)

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