Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 403: The elder panicked and collapsed

Chapter 403: The elder panicked and collapsed (first update)
But in front of the people from Dulong Villa and Diewu Villa who rushed over aggressively, there was a young man with a white mask walking forward.

With every step he took, the energy and blood around the battlefield became stronger.

"Ten Mile Blood God Zhang Rang?"

"Zhang Rang is here! We are saved!"

Some killers of Jianyu Villa didn't understand what happened. Seeing the energy and blood around them getting stronger, and seeing a figure slowly walking over in a cloud of blood mist in the distance, they thought it was Zhang Ranglai. who saved them.

Mei Fei heard the shouts of the people below, and thought it was Zhang Rang who came to save him.

So, he immediately yelled in Zhang Rang's direction, "Zhang Rang! Come and save me! If you come to save me, I will ask my father for mercy later. Let you become the sub-rudder of a county sub-rudder!"

Zhang Rang heard Mei Fei's voice and looked in the direction of Mei Fei.

Just before another elder from Jianyu Villa was dying, when he begged Zhang Rang for mercy, he told Zhang Rang that the green Luobiyun plant was on Mei Fei's body.

Mei Fei was worried that Zhang Rang would come and steal, so he always carried it with him.

That's why Zhang Rang came here to kill.

But he didn't expect Mei Fei to foolishly think that he was here to save him when he saw him.

Doesn't this person have any calculations in his heart?
What is your relationship with Zhang Rang, and why should I save you!
At this time, a killer who was knocked back by the warrior of Diewu Villa came to Zhang Rang.

The 24-style Holy Demon Fist punched out.


The killer, who thought he would be saved when he met Zhang Rang, was directly crushed by Zhang Rang's punch. In an instant, Zhang Rang drew out all the energy and blood in his body.

"Everyone! Jianyu Villa is not worthy of your allegiance to him! You should know how much I have contributed to Jianyu Villa. But the result? Mei Pingzhou took away the life-saving medicine from my beloved in order to protect his son! More You tricked me into handing in a piece of profound weapon! With Sword Rain Villa like this, you might as well defect! If you are willing, I can recommend you to join Dulong Villa."

As soon as Zhang Rang's words came out, many people who could not resist the siege of Dulong Villa and Diewu Villa couldn't help but have other thoughts.

Seeing that someone was already shaken, Zhang Rang continued to shout, "Everyone, don't forget! In Mei Pingzhou's eyes, the killers in Jianyu Villa can be replaced at will, but there is only one of his own son, Mei Fei! Today, Mei Fei Fei must die! Mei Fei is dead, what will happen to you when you go back?"

Upon hearing this, many people suddenly felt that it was right to take the opportunity to seek refuge in Dulong Villa.

Because everyone knew that the proprietor Mei Pingzhou favored and doted on Mei Fei. Otherwise, Mei Pingzhou's generation of overlords would not fail to cultivate a successful successor.

Immediately, some people dropped their weapons and surrendered.

As the killers of Youjianyu Villa began to surrender.

More and more killers began to surrender.

Especially some low-level killers and middle-level killers, such small characters, in Jianyu Villa, are dispensable small characters.

But if he can take the opportunity to join Dulong Villa, even if he is still a small role, it will be much better than facing tasks and fighting all day in Jianyu Villa.

Seeing that many people began to surrender, the faces of the four elders of Jianyu Villa who were fighting each other changed greatly.

Especially when he saw four strong men approaching from afar.

"Take the young master and escape!"

Immediately, an elder made a false move, and then walked towards Mei Fei, "Young Master, let's go!"

But since Dulong Villa and Diewu Villa joined hands, it is impossible for them to leave so easily.

During the scuffle, Zhang Rang walked towards Mei Fei.

Mei Fei could die in the hands of others, but Qing Luo Biyun had to get it.

Zhang Rang didn't want to see someone destroy Qing Luo Biyun in order to kill Mei Fei.

And while Zhang Rang was walking towards Mei Fei step by step, some killers rushed over to stop Zhang Rang.

In the beginning, Zhang Rang just used the 24-style Saint Demon Fist, which could blow a second-vein killer to pieces with one punch.

Even if it is a killer with three flowers gathering at the top, he can still seriously injure him with one punch.

But finally, two Tiangangs of the Four Gangs appeared.

Zhang Rang slowly pulled out the Tiger Mighty Dragon Sparrow Slash on his back, "Originally, I didn't want to kill too many people. But helplessly, if you insist on letting me kill, then I can only satisfy you."

As Zhang Rang said, he slashed down with a knife in his hand.

"Magic Rain's three swords, the first sword, blood rain cuts the world!"

A knife fell, and with a bang, one of the Tiangang killers was directly smashed by Zhang Rang's knife, and the other felt that Zhang Rang's knife was too powerful, so he turned and fled.

Zhang Rang didn't chase after him either, but went straight to Mei Fei.

At this time, Ji Wuhen stood in front of Mei Fei, "Zhang Rang, don't forget that today you are all Jianyu Villa! If there is no Jianyu Villa, would you be able to achieve what you are today?"

Zhang Rang sneered, "Jianyu Villa gave me a lot, and I helped Jianyu Villa earn more! Now let's forget it, Jianyu Villa snatched it from me. Mei Fei, hand over Qingluo Biyun, and I will give it to you." You have a good time!"

Mei Fei was trembling with fright at this moment, his body was like a sieve of chaff, and there was no way he was as high as before.

"Ji Wuhen! Save me! Must save me! Kill Zhang Rang! Kill Zhang Rang!"

Ji Wuhen has always wanted to fight Zhang Rang, but now is his chance.

Pulling out the sword, Ji Wuhen rushed towards Zhang Rang.

"Magic Rain's three swords, the second sword, the blood rain slaughters all living beings!"

The power of this knife is not very strong, but the magic energy condensed by this knife is extremely corrosive. Although it was completely blocked by Ji Wuhen's sword when it fell, some magic energy still invaded Ji Wuhen from the surroundings. In the scarred body.

At this moment, Ji Wuhen felt the demonic energy in his body begin to cause trouble. Although it was not a serious problem, but when this happened during the fight, it had a great impact on the circulation of his true energy.

"Magic rain three swords, the third sword, the blood rain destroys the gods and Buddhas!"

Zhang Rang made another move, and the third sword of Mo Yu's three swords was used.

A loud bang.

This knife directly sent Ji Wuhen flying.

Even though Ji Wuhen was not injured, his whole body was seriously injured. He was sent flying more than [-] meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ji Wuhen! Stand up quickly! Zhang Rang is coming! Quickly! Stand up quickly! Trash! What the hell are you doing!"

Not far away, Mei Fei shouted at Ji Wuhen, but facing Zhang Rang now, he didn't even have the courage to draw his sword.

Ji Wuhen saw Zhang Rang walking towards Mei Fei step by step. Although he was full of resentment towards Mei Fei at the moment, he still chose to make another move for the friendship of many years.

"Zhang Rang, I won't let you hurt Shaozhuang..."


Zhang Rang fell Xingye with a knife, and fell with a bang.

In an instant, blood spattered, and Ji Wuhen heard the heaviest voice in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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