Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 404: A sudden reversal of the situation like a collapse

Chapter 404: A sudden reversal of the battle (second change)

Ji Wuhen stood in the distance, staring blankly at his severed right arm.

Just now, I tried my best to rush in front of Mei Fei. Although I couldn't completely block the knife, I believed that as long as the true energy sword shadow on my sword was pierced on the knife light, Zhang Rang would definitely be able to kill him. The power of this knife is reduced to the maximum.

Although you will be injured by doing this, you can barely hold on.

But doing so can completely protect Mei Fei behind him.

But what Ji Wuhen never expected was that the moment he rushed to Mei Fei reluctantly, Mei Fei, who was afraid of death, grabbed his back tightly and pushed himself forward to resist Zhang Rang's attack. This knife.

As a result, his sword was deflected by Mei Fei, and he failed to block the knife, and his right arm was cut off.

A piece of flesh was also cut off from Mei Fei's right arm, and blood was bubbling at this moment.

"Trash! Can such a sword be unstoppable?"

Mei Fei looked at Ji Wuhen with a broken arm, and while cursing angrily, kicked Ji Wuhen away, then stepped back a few steps, and looked at Zhang Rang in panic.

"Zhang Rang! What do you want to do? Let me tell you! If you dare to hurt me, my father will not let you go. You must know that my father is the owner of Jianyu Villa. At that time, no matter where you escape He won't let you go anywhere in the world! Not only will he not let me go, but he won't let go of your woman, he won't let go of everyone around you!"

Mei Fei roared sharply, it seemed that only in this way could he feel safe.

Zhang Rang just looked at Mei Fei coldly, without saying a word, watching Ji Wuhen who was kicked to the ground slowly stand up, without even patting the dirt on his body, walked to his broken arm, and put his hands He took off his sword and held it tightly in his left hand.

"This arm is considered to be repaying Jianyu Villa. From now on, I, Ji Wuhen, have nothing to do with Jianyu Villa. Everyone in Jianyu Villa, the road is far away, and we will meet again by fate."

Zhang Rang knew that Ji Wuhen had always been Mei Fei's most loyal subordinate.

But now facing danger, Mei Fei treats Ji Wuhen like a dog, especially the sword just now.

Originally, Ji Wuhen could block most of the power, and even use his own life to save Mei Fei's life.

But it happened to be destroyed by Mei Fei, and Mei Fei was completely unaware of it.

Zhang Rang ignored Ji Wuhen who was leaving, and looked at Mei Fei opposite.

"Qingluo Biyun, hand it over! Otherwise, die!"

Mei Fei immediately put his hands into his arms to fumble, and took out a brocade box, "Zhang Rang, can I give you the elixir, so you can keep me alive?"

At this moment, Qiu who brought someone to kill him not far away sneered, and said sharply to Mei Fei: "Mei Fei! You think too much! Even if you hand over Qingluo Biyun, you will still die! But, It wasn't Zhang Rang who did it, but I did it. But don't worry, if you obediently hand over the elixir, we can give you a happy ending, so that you will suffer less before you die!"

Zhang Rang frowned when he heard Qiu Qui's words.

This is not asking Mei Fei to hand over something, it is clearly stimulating Mei Fei.

Sure enough, Mei Fei had already planned to throw the brocade box in his hand to Zhang Rang.

But now when he heard Qiu Quilt's words, his eyes were full of panic, he staggered back a few steps, looked around, and then ran towards a burning place.

Zhang Rang secretly thought it was bad!

He could see that Mei Fei knew he was going to die, and planned to destroy Qing Luo Bi Yun before he died.

Up to now, Zhang Rang didn't care about other things, so he immediately made another move, and Xingye fell with one move.

But at this moment, four white figures suddenly rushed out, one of them stood in front of Mei Fei like a ghost, raised his hand and drew out the sword behind his back.

A loud bang.

The opponent's sword actually blocked Zhang Rang's sword.

Zhang Rang took a closer look and found that the person who came was dressed as the killer of Jianyu Villa.

Judging from the momentum on the opponent's body, although it is not the Five Qi Chaoyuan, it has already reached the ninth level of the Four Gang Realm, and the evil gang of the opponent's sword just now is extremely thick and solid.


Zhang Rang also stayed at the headquarters of Jianyu Villa for a while, but he had never seen such a group of people.

At this time, two more killers in the same costume rushed over from a distance.

Six people protected Mei Fei.

"Heavenly Sword! You are Heavenly Sword! I knew it, my father could not have prepared a second move! Hahahaha... Heavenly Sword made a move! You all have to die! You all have to die!"

Hearing the word Tianjian, Zhang Rang was startled.

Because I have never heard of such a title in Jianyu Villa.

However, it is obvious that Tianjian must be a powerful killer. In the entire Jianyu Villa, only Mei Pingzhou and Mei Fei may know about it.

The person who blocked Zhang Rang's sword just now sneered, "In Jianyu Villa, the Sigang Realm can become a Tiangang. However, when reaching the ninth level of the Sigang Realm, there are two choices. The first choice is to break through to the fifth stage. Go to the Yuan Realm and become an elder. The second choice is to continue to polish your own realm and become a Heavenly Sword. After becoming a Heavenly Sword, you need to hide your identity. Even in Jianyu Villa, no one knows our existence But in fact, our Twelve Heavenly Swords are the real strongest killers in Jianyu Villa! This time, the owner of the village knew that there must be someone secretly attacking, so he sent our six Heavenly Swords to protect secretly in the distance. Sure enough, Dulong Villa and Diewu Villa are about to move. But don’t you think it’s strange that the sole heir of Jianyu Villa is only protected by six elderly elders who are up to date?”

Before Zhang Rang handed over the list to Dulong Villa and Diewu Villa, everyone didn't pay much attention at that time.

But now, everyone reacted.

These six elders are not too strong.

And the Tiangangdisha who came together also didn't have many strong people.

There are even a large number of one-qi environments.

It can be said that these people seem to have come here to die.

"The owner of the village has already guessed, and all of this is to lure you out. Now, we are going to start collecting the net!"

As soon as the Tianjian's words just fell, a group of killers from Jianyu Villa unexpectedly came from a distance.

36 people, 36 Tiangang!

Half of them are people who have seats in Tiangang.

All of a sudden, the situation on the battlefield began to change.

Tianjian, who had just made a move, stood beside Mei Fei, "Don't worry, young master, we will leave three people to protect you. The remaining three people, go support those elders."


The three replied in unison, and then rushed towards the three elders who were being suppressed by the masters of Wu Qi Chaoyuan from Dulong Villa and Diewu Villa.

Although these three people are still at the ninth level of the Fourth Gang Realm, their combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the Wuqi Chaoyuan at all.

For a while, with the addition of Tianjian, the situation on the battlefield was completely reversed.

"Zhang Rang! He is Zhang Rang! Kill him! Kill him!"

Mei Fei pointed at Zhang Rang who was not far away, and roared sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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