Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 675: The past is so great, but now it is so difficult

Chapter 675: The past is so great, but now it is so difficult (third)
"Prime Minister, just give orders."

Zhang Rang knelt on the ground on one knee.

What Zhang Rang pursues is not to fight for world hegemony.

All Zhang Rang wants is to live a good life for himself.

But he knew that if he wanted to survive in troubled times, he must have strong strength.

For many people, Zhang Rang was competitive or even hostile, but Prime Minister Cao was different.

Zhang Rang didn't know whether Prime Minister Cao wanted power over the government or the world.

But Zhang Rang admired Prime Minister Cao to the extreme.

Therefore, Zhang Rang is willing to obey Prime Minister Cao's orders.

Compared with Zhang Rang, Cao Cheng is like his elder, and he really cares for his elder.

"Now I can think of two ways to stop Heavenly Court."

Prime Minister Cao said, looking at the calm lake water outside the lake pavilion, picked up a handful of fish food, and sprinkled it out.

Soon, all the fish under the water came to compete.

"The first method is to use my army to sweep Dongwu and wipe out Western Shu. End the situation of three-point division of the world. Only in this way, the world will be subordinated, so that there will be no conquests and the world will be stable. Of course, this may lead to The wrath of heaven. So, there is a second way..."

As Prime Minister Cao said, he turned around and looked at Zhang Rang who was kneeling behind him, and helped Zhang Rang up.

"Another way, it's up to you to get five badges, open the road to the sky, destroy the heavens, and save the world."

Zhang Rang stared at Prime Minister Cao with wide eyes, "Prime Minister Cao, it's not that I, Zhang Rang, was greedy for life and afraid of death. You know the strength that was displayed when the heavenly court envoy fought against Tong Yuan that night. Tong Yuan, the first spear prodigy in the world, died in the In his hands. This is just an envoy. What do you think, what chance do I have of winning?"

Prime Minister Cao nodded with a wry smile, "I know. I also have a badge on my body. Xu Huben was seriously injured that night, and he hasn't fully recovered from his injuries. But for some reason, I just think that you can do it."

Zhang Rang was helpless, but he also knew that this was Cao Cheng's expectation compared to himself.

It is also the only hope for the whole world.

With the strength of the Heavenly Court, even if Prime Minister Cao led the army to wipe out Eastern Wu and Western Shu, the Heavenly Court would still have the means to disrupt the world.

Even at this moment, Zhang Rang had some doubts, whether the Huanglongdao that suddenly appeared at the beginning was created by the people of Heavenly Court.

"That's good, but I need the Prime Minister to help me."

Prime Minister Cao nodded, "Since I want to use you, I will help you. If you need anything, just ask. Manpower, financial resources, and material resources are not a problem. As long as you need it, only I can give it."

"I need masters, masters of the Five Qi Chaoyuan realm and even masters of the Six Realms. I need them to give me advice on my martial arts. My martial arts is very special, and it is called Senluo Wanxiang. It is because when I first practiced martial arts, I have been involved in a lot, so if I want to perfect my martial arts and break through to the six realms, I need to learn and learn enough martial arts."

"Okay, I'll give you an order right away, and I'll call the top experts in the army to discuss with you first. After all, I'm going to lead the army to the south. After that, all the top experts from Dulong Villa will be dispatched by you. Moreover, I will grant you the right to suppress the Jianghu. All the powers in the rivers and lakes are deployed arbitrarily, and they can do whatever they want. If they refuse to obey, they can be dealt with casually. When necessary, the army can cooperate with your actions. You can even have the right to pardon the imperial court. "

After Prime Minister Cao finished speaking, he reached out and patted Zhang Rang on the shoulder.

"I only have one request, that is, to collect five badges, open the road to the sky, and destroy the heavenly court."


Although Zhang Rang promised happily, but for this matter, Zhang Rang can only say that he is doing his best.

This is, Prime Minister Cao took out a badge from his arms, with a bright red word of fate on the badge.

It is the emblem of the death attack.

"It's not safe for me to put this thing here. After all, the most powerful people in the world may be involved in this battle of God's Arrival. I may not be killed at any time. And if this badge falls into your hands, even if I die, the badge will not fall into the hands of the enemy. Remember, open the way to heaven and destroy heaven."

As Prime Minister Cao said, he turned around and looked at the calm lake.

"Many people don't know what I, Cao Man, pursued all my life. As everyone knows, what I pursue is not myself, but the world. The real world."

After Zhang Rang left Cao Mang's place, his heart was heavy.

He knew that Xuchang was safe, but this kind of safety was temporary.

Even Prime Minister Cao gave him his badge, as if preparing for the funeral, what else can he do.

We can only immediately invite the powerful generals near Xuchang one by one.

At the beginning, Zhang Rang didn't have such an opportunity. He could only meet him and have a suitable opportunity to draw cards from the opponent.

But now, Zhang Rang can directly invite these generals over and draw the cards from them one by one.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Rang to invite the other party over, and then just let the other party sit there and draw cards by himself.

Zhang Rang specially summoned all the people in Taoluan Division.

Now, Tao Luan Division has reached 800 people after supplementation.

These 800 people all got a card bestowed by Rang.

Zhang Rang invited these military generals to come over and let them explain martial arts and practical experience to his subordinates, while he himself listened.

On the surface, it is to observe, but in fact it is to take the opportunity to draw cards.

After one person's card is drawn, it will be replaced by the next one.

There are many generals in the Han army, and many of them were also from the rivers and lakes.

So soon, Zhang Rang felt that his martial arts had taken another step forward.

After almost all the generals in the imperial court that he valued were drawn, he began to invite experts from Dulong Villa to come and explain.

But for the sake of convenience, Zhang Rang specially brought eight hundred people who were involved in chaos to Dulong Villa.

Xiahou Weiwo, the owner of Dulong Villa, just broke through to the Six Realms not long ago.

It just so happened that Zhang Rang could still ask Xia Houwei for advice about breaking through the Six Realms and the cultivation path of the Six Realms.

It's a pity that in the arena, the seven-wheel realm is just a legendary existence, and many people have never seen the strong man of the seven-wheel realm.

And the only ones in Jianghu that have ever existed about Tianbang are Tianbang and Yintianbang.

But the people above are rarely seen.

Therefore, Zhang Rang can only understand the process of the Six Realms through the warriors of the Six Realms.

The so-called six realms means that a warrior uses his own martial arts to step into a heaven and earth avenue that fits with his own martial arts.

As for the heaven and earth avenue, there are six types in total, which are the six paths.

If you want to break through to the Six Realms, you must not only break through to the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm with your own strength, but also find the Dao of Heaven that suits you, and then you can enter the next realm and connect your martial arts with the Dao of Heaven and Earth , and finally merged into one.

This is the Six Paths!

(End of this chapter)

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