Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 676 Difficult Spring and Autumn Surrounding Suzaku

Chapter 676: Difficult Spring and Autumn Surrounding Suzaku (Part [-])
And just when Zhang Rang took people to retreat in Dulong Mountain Villa.

However, the entire Jianghu is fighting for the contention between the two camps every day.

Many people have discovered one thing, it seems that the death attack is in the north, but the death hunting is in other places.

This made people feel an atmosphere aimed at the big man.

However, among all the currently known death attacks, there is a death attack badge in the south.

And it's still in the hands of Suzaku Hall, one of the Four Saints.

That night, when the heavenly court messenger came, the hall master of Suzaku hall directly refused to participate in the heavenly descending art.

Suzakutang knew that if he participated in this kind of thing, he would not be able to persist until the end with Suzakutang's strength. Besides, he always felt that this heaven had never walked in the rivers and lakes, and when he came out suddenly, he did something that made the whole rivers and lakes fight each other matter.

If there is no conspiracy in this matter, she will not believe it.

Therefore, the master of Suzaku Hall refused on the spot.

And what greeted her was the thunderous method of the heavenly messenger.

That battle was earth-shattering.

Fortunately, there are no other forces in the world within a hundred miles of Zhuquetang, so no one else was alarmed.

But even so, some people still saw movement in the direction of Suzaku Hall at night.

During the fierce battle, the hall master of Suzaku hall was seriously injured, and the messenger from heaven captured Nangong Baique, the only daughter of the hall master of Zhuque hall, and dripped the blood of Nangong Baique on the badge of the death attack.

The master of Suzaku Hall knew that even Suzaku Hall couldn't cover up the news that his daughter had become a murderer.

Sooner or later, other rivers and lakes forces will know.

At that time, once other chasers know, then their daughter will be in danger.

At the age of the head of Suzaku Hall, the most important thing is the survival of Suzaku Hall and the safety of his daughter.

Therefore, the head of Suzaku Hall ordered to collect all the gold, silver and cultivation resources, and bring the most important cheats, and the entire Suzaku Hall went north to seek refuge with the Han court.

Zhuquetang didn't know if it was the only thing he could do because of the heavenly court.

After all, the death attack is from the same camp, and it is meaningless to fight each other.

Moreover, if you don't go north, then wait for the result of Suzaku Hall, only to be killed by other chasers, and then in order to avoid the revenge of Suzaku Hall, this Suzaku Hall will be destroyed.

In recent years, among the nine ranks of the Jianghu, many forces in the Jianghu have been wiped out.

Even if the Vermillion Bird Hall was destroyed, the master of the Vermilion Bird Hall didn't think it was strange.

The current arena is no longer what it used to be.

Even Zhang Rang could kill 60 people in the first battle in Chengdu, Xishu.

May I ask, in this world, is there any appalling thing that cannot happen?

But there was too much movement that night.

It was less than seven days since everyone in Zhuque Hall walked north, when someone followed them.

And those who are eyeing them include the Diewu Villa, and the most mysterious Nine-Headed Gang among the nine gangs in the world.

It is said that the Nine-Headed Gang and the White Lotus Villa have the same origin, and both were the original White Lotus Sect.

It's just that the teachings and beliefs have changed since it was passed down.

What Bailian Mountain Villa believes in is the white lotus that purifies the world. Their belief is biased towards Buddha, which purifies the world's filth, and sweeps away all the dust in the world with the holy power of the white lotus.

With an assimilation heart, assimilate all people of different beliefs.

The Nine-Headed Gang's belief is the Nine-headed Immortal Phoenix. They firmly believe that one day, the Nine-headed Immortal Phoenix will come, and the whole world will be destroyed at that time. However, only those who believe in the Nine-headed Immortal Phoenix can escape the destruction of the world The catastrophe, proudly reborn in the new world.

Therefore, whether it is the Bailian Villa or the Nine-Headed Gang, they are all regarded by the people of the Jianghu as not a demonic way, but a Jianghu force that is better than a demonic way.

Moreover, the Nine-Headed Gang has been silent for many years. If it weren't for the leader of the Nine-Headed Gang, Hei Yiwu, on the list of real martial arts, many people would think that the Nine-Headed Gang has disappeared.

This time, with the opening of the Heaven's God Art, the Nine-Headed Gang reappeared, and just after they came out, they joined forces with the Earth Gang and Diewu Villa to deal with Suzaku Hall.

After all, he is one of the four saints of the holy way, and there are many masters in Zhuquetang, so it is impossible for a single force to destroy them.

Therefore, the three joined forces together.

At this moment, on top of Wangnan Mountain, more than 2000 people in Zhuquetang were already surrounded.

Everyone knows that Soochow is behind Diewu Villa, but Diewu Villa will only secretly ask Soochow to provide them with some convenience, but it will not be like the big man who sends troops directly to the rivers and lakes to serve Dulong Villa. Paving the way, it will not be like the Western Shu, the prime minister Zhuge Wuhou personally built Wuhou Villa and became a power in the world.

But today, there are a total of [-] soldiers and horses surrounding Wang Nanshan, just to surround the people in Zhuquetang.

Nangong, the master of Zhuque Hall, was heartbroken, and he frowned as he glanced at the soldiers and horses of Soochow who had already blocked the road down the mountain.

After the previous battle with the Heavenly Court powerhouse, although she is still a powerhouse in the Six Realms, in fact, she knows that even a stronger five-qi Chaoyuan Realm Ninth Layer can kill herself .

And his daughter is still at the ninth level of the Sigang Realm, and has not even reached the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm.

Once he died in battle, what would his daughter do?
What about the huge Suzaku Hall?
But now that the army is blocking the way and rushing to kill them, Soochow can say that Suzaku has turned against him, and then he will chase and kill him openly.

On the contrary, if there is no way to leave here, I am afraid that those people from the ground gang who have been chasing and killing them before, as well as people from Diewu Villa will pounce on them.

"Chairman, kill it! Only by killing it can we survive."

"Master, we can't control too much now. If we don't kill them, we will all die here."

"Since Diewu Villa is attacking us, it actually means that Soochow wants us to die! It's the time, we can't hesitate anymore."

Several elders of Zhuquetang immediately came to Nangong Xinran to persuade him.

Nangong gritted his teeth, "I'll rush to the front later, use my true energy to turn fire, and create a gap. The elders are on the left and right, protecting the disciples below. Everyone keep rushing out."


After Nangong Xinran arranged all this, she glanced at the weak Nangong Baique in the crowd.

In my life, I had a son and a daughter, and when my daughter was three years old, I had another son.But unexpectedly, the son was stolen just after he was born.

Until now, I have not found the whereabouts of my son.

Perhaps, in this world, his only relative is his daughter.

Nangong Xinran would rather die by herself than have any accidents happen to her daughter.

"Since Soochow doesn't give us Zhuquetang a way to live, then the burning fire of my Zhuquetang will become your nightmare!"

At this moment, Nangong Xinzhu blasted out with a palm, and the true energy in the sky turned into endless flames, rushing towards the Soochow soldiers and horses who were besieging at the foot of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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