Martial Arts Super Slap System

Chapter 2 Dead Eunuch!

Chapter 2 Dead Eunuch!
"What realm is the person here?"

"Ding dong! One person in the pulse training period on 2/72, one person in the acupoint training period on 30/36, and one person in the acupoint training period on 32/36. Please evacuate the host as soon as possible..."

"Evacuate? How is it my character to evacuate? This is my experience, isn't it?"

Ye Xiuwen tasted the sweetness and didn't want to leave at all. He felt that after doing this, he would definitely be able to break through the realm of pulse training.

And when he reached the realm of pulse training, he could open the pulse door and store some vitality in his body.

Although these vitality are not much, they can often have unexpected effects in battle.

Ye Xiuwen was so excited just thinking about that burst of breath, how could he miss this great opportunity to upgrade?
"System, let me cultivate the 'Wind Chasing Sword' to perfection, and see if I'm strong enough?"

"Ding dong! System detection, 'Zhuifengjian' low-grade human-level martial arts, upgrade consumption: force +20, may I ask the host, do you want to continue?..."


"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, the upgrade is successful,..."

Ye Xiuwen's strength has increased again, and this time, he can definitely face those two masters in the late stage of acupoint training.

"There is still a certain gap between me and that pulse trainer, it seems that I will repeat the old trick again! Hahaha!"

Ye Xiuwen smiled slyly, and spent another 10 points to force it, changing it to a low-level sign of disaster.Then he dragged the two corpses over and put them in a kneeling position, while he was sitting on a rock with his back leaning against a big tree and taking a nap!

"Shua! Shua!... There are indeed people here,..."

As soon as Ye Xiuwen got into position, the three of them had already approached.

But seeing these three people, Ye Xiuwen's complexion changed slightly, because these three people were all eunuchs in the palace, and he still knew the leader.

This man's name is Wang Guang, and he is a pawn in Dongchang. He is sinister and vicious, and he will use any means to achieve his goals.

In order to please the great eunuch Wei Zhongxian, he actually publicly challenged Ye Xiuwen and beat Ye Xiuwen until he vomited blood.

That time, Ye Xiuwen almost died in this guy's hands.

"Hmph! You little eunuch, this time, you came just in time!..."

Ye Xiuwen closed his eyes again and remained calm.But the three dog eunuchs stopped together and looked around, looking very vigilant.

"Eunuch? Those two people seem to be the sword slaves of Wanjian Villa, why are they here?"

"Yeah? This is really strange. When did the people in Wanjian Villa bow their heads to others? Then this person, can't he be a master?..."

"It must be, this person must be a master, father-in-law? What should we do?..."


"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully pretended to be invisible, force +20,..."

The two eunuchs who were practicing acupoints asked and answered questions, and the pressure on Ye Xiuwen's side began to skyrocket, almost driving Ye Xiuwen crazy.

"Yu? You three dog eunuchs? What are you still standing there for? Why don't you come here and kneel down? Kowtow to the Lord?"

Ye Xiuwen swayed there with his legs crossed, and if he didn't look up, maybe Wang Guang wouldn't recognize him.But at this moment, the four eyes met, and Wang Guang was actually happy.

"Hahaha! Ye Xiuwen, it was so hard for our family to find you? I didn't expect to be caught by our family here!"

Wang Guang is an eunuch, and he only speaks this slogan, not only his voice is shrill, but also "our family", "our family".

"Hmph! You little bastard eunuch, what do you want me to do? I don't even want you because you don't have the seed! Hahaha!..."

Ye Xiuwen's ridicule made Wang Guang look ugly.And he seemed to feel that something seemed wrong, and this Ye Xiuwen seemed to be a different person.

The Ye Xiuwen he knew was meticulous in his work and well-spoken, so he would definitely not make such a joke.

"Hey! I said, why does it look like a different person! It turns out that coming out, I got benefits, and condensed the beast soul?

However, our family really doesn't pay attention to your little tricks! "

Wang Guang pinched the orchid finger, pointed in the direction of the capital, and said, "Ye Xiuwen? If you kneel down and beg me now, our family can't save you. Father-in-law has an order to say you boy! There are too many things , Kill Unforgiven!  …

You two, what are you still doing?Why don't you give it to our family and kill him? ..."

Wang Guang held the whisk in his hand and flicked it like this, and pointed at Ye Xiuwen with another orchid finger.

"Yes! Father-in-law!"

"Clang! Clang!..."

The two young eunuchs who had discussed earlier responded, drew their knives, and rushed towards Ye Xiuwen.

Dongchang's small steps are extremely small. This step is usually only half of the normal pace, but the speed is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, people are in front of Ye Xiuwen.

Ye Xiuwen smiled and murmured in his heart, 'Good time'. He waited in front of the two little eunuchs, and suddenly jumped up. He kicked the two kneeling sword slaves directly at the two of them. .

Those two little eunuchs were unambiguous, but when they saw someone arriving, they didn't care about life or death, they just went up and stabbed them.


The corpse was not yet cold, but the blood was still there. The bright red blood spurted out along with the icy blade, like splashed ink.

This is Dongchang's "Soul Breaking Knife". With this knife, it can cut off even the soul of a person, and the word "violent" is what it needs.

And how could Ye Xiuwen not know about Dongchang's martial arts?He had experienced it a long time ago, and he knew that these two eunuchs would do this.

So when the two eunuchs chopped off the two sword slaves of Wanjian Villa, his men had already handed out a sword along with the scattered corpses!
This sword is exactly the "Wind Chasing Sword" of Wanjian Villa. The Wind Chasing Sword is called "Wind Chasing Sword", so it naturally has its advantages, and at this moment, the Wind Chasing Sword of Dzogchen is as fast as lightning!

With just one strike, Ye Xiuwen directly pierced the chest of one of the young eunuchs.

The little eunuch seemed to find it hard to believe this was true, because Ye Xiuwen's movement was so fast and so weird, it pierced through his chest like a gust of wind blowing his face!

When the screams came, the little eunuch seemed to be furious, but how could Ye Xiuwen give him this chance?But seeing his arm sinking and pulling, a two-foot long opening was made in the chest of the little eunuch, and all the internal organs were brought out!

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, kill the point training period 30/36, one killer, gain experience +10000,..."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for upgrading, the current level of acupoint training period is 31/36,..."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you succeeded in pretending to be invisible, and you got +10 in force,..."

"Third level, I've been promoted to three levels all of a sudden. Hahaha! This is so fucking cool!"

Ye Xiuwen was having a good time, but he didn't think about the other little eunuch, who took advantage of his sword posture and stabbed him obliquely in the waist,...

(End of this chapter)

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