Martial Arts Super Slap System

Chapter 32 No one can stop me from pretending to be aggressive!

Chapter 32 No one can stop me from pretending to be aggressive!
"Who is the mother? Scared your father? Wucao!."

Ye Xiuwen scratched his palms when he saw the secret books, and was about to grab two copies to read, but there was a slut outside the house laughing.Ye Xiuwen kicked the door opener and went out.

There were people outside the door, and it was not just one person, but more than twenty people, forming a fan face, surrounded the whole bamboo building.

The first person, who is at the level of Qi training, is also dressed in black, while the rest of the people are dressed in similar clothes. Everyone wears a night suit and holds a flying fire meteor in their hands.

This thing is called a firearm in the Ming Dynasty.It is also the kind of ignition, like the current gunpowder gun, and definitely not the kind of sprayer that uses a gun to ignite the fire.

At this moment, there are a total of more than [-] people, all holding this thing in their hands, pointing their guns at the bamboo building!
Ye Xiuwen turned his eyes to look at the sky, his eyes were higher than the top, what kind of looking down is this?
"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you succeeded in pretending to be aggressive, and you got +30 in aggressiveness."

"Mist Grass, only 30, it seems that the pretense is not enough? Hahaha! Hahaha!"

With Ye Xiuwen's smile, ghosts and gods realized that it was completely brother Zhou Xingchi's laughter.

At this moment, this laughter is not only mad, it is almost mad at his grandma's house!
"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you have succeeded in pretending to be aggressive, and the force is +100."

"Wucao, I finally know why Brother Zhou Xingchi is laughing like this, so arrogant? Hahaha!"

"Hey? What are you laughing at? Haven't you seen flying fire meteors? This thing, smoke kills people, and you haven't handed over the cheats of 'Three Thousand Demon Slayers'? My seat, spare you!."

Ye Xiuwen laughed inexplicably at the leader of the man in black, but seeing that the other party was only a meridian practitioner, he didn't take it seriously at all.

And with a hook of his foot, he hooked up the flying fire meteor that was thrown away by Ye Xiuwen on the ground.


As soon as he reached out his hand, the man in black grabbed the flying fire meteor, and slowly loaded the gunpowder in front of Ye Xiuwen.

Obviously, the man in black intentionally kept this flying fire meteor, in order to lure Ye Xiuwen and Xiao Zhongling into the trap and find out the secret book he wanted.

"Hahaha! What are you laughing at? I'm just laughing at you, a bum, thinking you're smart, but in fact, you're the stupidest, stupidest fool in the world!
To tell you the truth, I have watched more than 700 episodes of Conan, know more than 600 ways to kill people, master more than 200 ways to kill people in secret rooms, and know hundreds of poisons."

"Stop, stop! I was listening to you talking in the woods just now. I don't know anything about 'Conan'. I only know martial arts cheats. Hand over the cheats if you are sensible. Otherwise,...huh!."

The man in black had already loaded gunpowder, and the muzzle of the gun was directly pointed at Ye Xiuwen's head.

"Brother Gouzi?" But seeing Ye Xiuwen restrained, Xiao Zhongling rushed out of the door.

"Go back, this is a matter between men,"

As Ye Xiuwen said, he even shook the golden cloak behind him, looking extremely chic.

"Brother Gouzi? You look so handsome!" Xiao Zhongling's eyes were full of little stars.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, the intangible pretense is successful, and the force is +30."

"Hahaha! 30 strong grids, I got it again, but it's still a little bit short, you have to fill it up to pretend!"

Ye Xiuwen was still unsatisfied with the force, and found the reason, his face turned cold in vain, and he shouted: "What the hell, I said so! There are so few force, so it turns out that you are a little bastard, and the muzzle of the gun was not caught. Upright!"

Ye Xiuwen grabbed the muzzle of the man in black, startled him, and quickly shouted: "Don't move! If you move again, I'll shoot!"

"Hahaha! Shoot? Hahaha!"

Ye Xiuwen laughed loudly, grabbed the muzzle of the flying fire meteor, and pressed it against his eyebrows, pretending to be fierce, and said: "Shoot, you have to hit here, it will be cool! You missed your aim, why did you explode with one shot?" Head?

Have you ever seen a headshot?Shot a person's brains out?
Have you never seen it?I've seen it before, just one shot, a person's skull burst open,
Brain, have you ever seen that brain, just like a pig's brain, have you ever eaten roasted brains?That thing is the brain!

With a sound of 'bang', the human brain flew out, which is much more beautiful than the brain flower!
Are you aiming?Did you aim?Shoot!See what is a headshot?Shoot? .”

Ye Xiuwen yelled, looking completely reckless, not only frightened Xiao Zhongling, but the man in black was also frightened, and retreated seven or eight steps in succession, or even more!
"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, forcibly pretending to be coercive successfully, and getting a coercive grid +100."


"Ah, huh!. Ah, huh!"

Ye Xiuwen was laughing wildly over there, while the man in black was panting nervously, and finally stopped his steps and calmed down.

He wanted to save his face, so he firmly grasped the gun in his hand, pressed it against Ye Xiuwen's forehead again, and shouted back: "You think I have never killed anyone? Well then! I'm like this today!" If you wish, let you see how your brain flows out of your skull!"

"Okay! Shoot? If you don't shoot, you're my son, shoot!." Ye Xiuwen yelled back.

"That's what you said, you lunatic, I'll kill you!. Slap!"

The man in black shot, and the flying fire meteor made a crisp sound, and that sound, reflected in everyone's ears, made everyone's spirits tense.

Everyone was waiting, waiting for such a shot to come, but after waiting for a long time, the ignition was fired, but the gunpowder did not go off, and the projectile was not fired.

"Hehe! Hahaha! How stupid are you to think of me? Hahaha! I've watched Conan at level 700, hahaha!."

"This? What the hell is going on here?"

The man in black was puzzled, looked at the flying fire meteor in his hand, and pulled the trigger desperately, but it couldn't be fired normally at all.

"Bang! Bang!."

"Go ask the ghost!."

Ye Xiuwen fired, just as the man in black was fiddling with the Fire Meteor in his hand, his Fire Meteor had already shot, and fired two shots in succession.

The first shot hit the black man's lower abdomen directly, causing the man in black to bend over in pain, and at this moment, the second shot arrived and directly exploded the man in black's chest!

The man in black was shot in the chest, and blood gushed out from his mouth.And at this moment, all the men in black raised their guns and aimed at Ye Xiuwen.

At this moment, in the nick of time, Ye Xiuwen kicked the leader of the man in black away, blocking the sight of all the men in black, and then fired two shots in succession!
"Bang! Bang!."

The gun rang, and the two men in black fell to the ground in response, while the other men in black looked at each other, no longer caring about their leaders, and pulled the triggers one after another! .
(End of this chapter)

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