Martial Arts Super Slap System

Chapter 35 Surprised by three guns!

Chapter 35 Surprise!
"I'm a gentleman,"

Ye Xiuwen didn't know where he was, so he put on a landlord's clothes again, leaning on a civilized stick, and wearing a pair of round-rimmed sunglasses, standing there very neatly, with his chest raised, his head raised, and his stomach pulled in!
"Brother Gouzi? When did you change into this outfit?"

Xiao Zhongling is dumbfounded, think you're changing clothes too quickly, don't you?In a blink of an eye, he changed.

"Gouzi? Hahaha! This person is actually called Gouzi, hahaha!"

The Confused Demon King laughed loudly when he heard this, and all the warriors who applied for the job also laughed together.

"That's right! What's the name of this man? How old is he, and he's still called Gouzi?"

"That's right, my name is 'Bandhammer', and it sounds a hundred times better than this,"

"My name is 'Wogua',"

"My name is 'spittoon,'"


The one who appeared last was quite disgusting. Everyone leaned against the wall and vomited continuously.And at this moment, the Demon King of Confusion, but his smile disappeared in vain, and he said coldly with his big mouth: "Are you still going to get out, kid?"

"Hum! I'm a gentleman,"

Ye Xiuwen looked like he was smiling, even if Xiao Zhongling saw it, he wanted to go up and beat him up, so at this time, let alone the devil incarnation.

But when he saw him, he stretched out his big palm-like hand, grabbed Ye Xiuwen's collar with a bang, and lifted Ye Xiuwen up.

"Huh? There's a fight, there's a fight."

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes were cast on him, wanting to see how Ye Xiuwen died, how dare he provoke the devil incarnation?That's totally boring.

At this time, the Feixing Pavilion disciples also reported to the elders, and the two elders stopped the pens in their hands at the same time, and looked towards the team together.

But these two people didn't care about it at all, because Feixing Pavilion wanted a knife to kill people, not sheep in the sheepfold.

"I'm a gentleman,"

Ye Xiuwen was still chanting this sentence, and everyone's ears were covered in calluses.That's why someone shouted: "The devil incarnate, kill him, kill him! Let him pretend!"

"Hmph! Did you hear me, kid? These people, let me kill you, and the Feixing Pavilion will not interfere, haha! You are asking for a dead end, you give it to me,"

"Father! Plop!"

The fierce look on the face of the Confused Demon King originally planned to throw Ye Xiuwen to death. He had already found the boulder, but at this moment, Ye Xiuwen took out something calmly and put it on the ground. on his head.

The Demon King Kneeled at that time, not only put down his gun and shot Ye Xiuwen, but also called his father.

Such a dramatic scene, reflected in the eyes of everyone, is absolutely eye-popping.

"Damn it, this kid, you've been prepared for a long time? I said why are you so calm, and you have flying fire meteors to defend yourself?"

"Yeah! This flying fire meteor is amazing, as long as it smokes, it will kill people!"

"It's not just a dead person? That person will have a big hole blasted by the fire meteor,"

"This is simply too powerful. We must take care of this person in a while! Otherwise, we will be beaten up all at once, and I'm afraid we won't even be able to get out of the Feixing Pavilion!"

"That's it! That's it!."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you succeeded in pretending to be aggressive, and you got +20 in aggressiveness."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you succeeded in pretending to be aggressive, and you got +30 in aggressiveness."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you succeeded in pretending to be aggressive, and you got +20 in aggressiveness."

Ye Xiuwen was very satisfied at this moment, he was just trying to earn a reputation, but at the moment, his reputation was not enough, he needed to put on a lot of pretension.

"Hum! I'm a gentleman,"


Ye Xiuwen's words again made the audience vomit blood!
"Father? Father? Please spare me! I didn't know you had a flying fire meteor! Otherwise, if I had a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare to provoke you?"

"Sorry, I don't have such an unfilial son like you!"


The flying fire meteor in Ye Xiuwen's hand rang, and he didn't give the devil incarnation any chance at all, and directly exploded his head!

The red ones and the white ones fell all over the ground, incomparably horrifying, and at this moment, the system's notification sounds kept going!

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, killing a bandit in the middle stage of Qi training, and gaining experience +1000000."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for upgrading, the current level of pulse training period is 51/72,."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, for killing an unfilial son, the system will reward you with +100 points."

"Ding dong!"

"Haha! Killing an unfilial son not only gained an extra [-] points, but also raised one level.

Cool!It seems that in the future, I have to do more good deeds and pretend to be more aggressive, so that this life will not be in vain! "

Ye Xiuwen burst into laughter in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and continued to put on a show.

He slightly raised the muzzle of the gun, then let out a breath, and gently blew away the smoke, saying: "I am a gentleman!"


At this moment, everyone vomited blood from fear, they couldn't bear it anymore, and thought: You are obviously a demon king who kills people without blinking an eye?Where are you a gentleman?
"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you succeeded in pretending to be aggressive, and you got +50 in aggressiveness."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, you succeeded in pretending to be aggressive, and you got +40 in aggressiveness."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host,."

"Mist Grass, this dude, you've successfully pretended!"

Ye Xiuwen was very satisfied. In just one and a half moments, he had earned more than 400 coins, and more. Is there anything more exciting than this?He directly cultivated the "Nine Turns of Mandarin Duck Sword" he had just obtained to Dzogchen.

His strength has been improved again, but at this time, Ye Xiuwen doesn't know how far he can improve his strength.

But he knew that it was time for him to perform.

Because this is a recruitment, and if there is a recruitment, there will be a PK, and at that time, it is time for him to act aggressively.

At this moment, a disciple from the Feixing Pavilion came and took the corpse away without asking any further questions, so it can be seen that this Feixing Pavilion is not a kind person.

"Hehe! This little brother is decisive in killing and attacking like a god, is it really rare?"

When everyone was vomiting blood, it was the elder of Feixing Pavilion who came over, patted Ye Xiuwen on the shoulder lightly, and said.

What he meant was to ask Ye Xiuwen to put Fei Huo Meteor away, after all, this was a job fair, not a slaughterhouse.

"I'm a gentleman,"

Ye Xiuwen didn't pay attention to it at all, just repeated a sentence, and then the elder of Feixing Pavilion was so scared that his face was ashamed, and he quickly took his hand back.Because this kid is simply too ruthless, if he disagrees with him, he will kill someone!

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, the intangible pretense is successful, and you get +50 force."

(End of this chapter)

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