Martial Arts Super Slap System

Chapter 36 I am a Gentleman!

Chapter 36 I'm a Gentleman!
"Wucao, this person is so awesome, he doesn't even give face to the elders of the Flying Star Pavilion?"

"That's right? That's a martial artist in the mid-stage of Qi training, and he can be tortured to death every second, right?"

"Hmph! This kid is just a bastard cupping for death. Just watch! The elder of Flying Star Pavilion will give him a good look in a while!"

"Yes, yes! Kick him out, such a person is simply too dangerous, killing people everywhere with a flying fire meteor in his hand, it is simply too terrifying,..."

But seeing Ye Xiuwen's death-defying look, everyone was fighting against the enemy, everyone hoped that Ye Xiuwen would be kicked out of the team, and even be slapped to death by the elders of Feixing Pavilion.

But I don't want to, no, the elder of the Feixing Pavilion not only didn't say anything angry, but also said with a smile on his face: "Hehe! Little brother, you come to the front, I will handle it for you alone, how about it? "

"No, I'm a gentleman, I'm a man of principle, and that man died because he didn't line up.

I can't be like him, it's wrong to be like him!

I want to be a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who is free from vulgar interests, and a person who is beneficial to the people."

"Father? Let's go! You're stuck here, if you don't leave, the people behind won't be able to get up?"

The elders of Flying Star Pavilion were about to cry, and thought: Nima?You talk about the big truth, and there is no time?Your uncle, have you been talking for a quarter of an hour?It will be noon in a while!
"Huh? Is it my turn? Happy time is always so short!"

Ye Xiuwen woke up like a dream, and the people behind him all started calling daddy.

"Father? Why don't you go? Time waits for no one? Wasting other people's time is tantamount to murdering someone for money!"

Ye Xiuwen knelt behind him and cried, while Ye Xiuwen shouted distressedly: "The last sentence! Everyone, please remember! You must line up. If you don't line up, you will die!"


It's over, this group of people is over, blood is spurting from the mouth, and they can't stand up anymore.

"Hehe! Dad? Hurry up? It's almost noon, and if there is no martial arts competition, it will be a little unlucky," the elder was embarrassed.

"En! Be good, when I become the Great Elder, I will definitely support you."

Ye Xiuwen was very relaxed, and even patted the elder's shoulder.

At this time, the elder of Feixing Pavilion continued to be embarrassed, but all the people from all walks of life who came to apply for the job thought that Ye Xiuwen was doomed this time, so they actually talked like that to the elder of Feixing Pavilion?Putting a small shoe on casually can kill you.

"Hmph! This man, relying on the flying fire meteor in his hand, doesn't know how to play well. After a while, he will be a good looker."

"That's right, maybe he won't be able to get into the ring yet? Where is the Feixing Pavilion? It's clear that it's a Taoist temple, a place to ask gods and divination, but in fact, it's a black force in the world. Dirty business!"

"Tsk tsk! You also know about this kind of thing?"

"Nonsense, you're all in the arena, who doesn't know the twists and turns? And I've heard that the application fee this time is not low, a monthly salary of 1 taels of silver!"

"What? There are so many silver taels?"

"Of course? So with this monthly salary, you say, can a small Taoist temple be paid out with the incense money alone? So, hehe!."

A few people murmured there, it couldn't be clearer what kind of place Feixing Pavilion is.

But Ye Xiuwen didn't hear these words, he had already filled in his name of 'Diao Zha Tian', the Flying Star Pavilion where he and Xiao Zhongling got mixed up.

The Feixing Pavilion is tightly guarded, and those who enter are led to a compound in order.

This compound is not small, with a radius of about a thousand feet, paved with sand and gravel.There will be a total of two to three hundred people.

"Brother Gouzi? We're here, so what should we do next?" Xiao Zhongling, who cared about his father, was not in the mood at all to attend some kind of job fair.

"Let's take a look first, don't worry, let's take a look at the Flying Star Pavilion first, what the hell is going on, and then take the opportunity to attack."

Ye Xiuwen said wisely, but Xiao Zhongling frowned, staring at Ye Xiuwen intently, seeing Ye Xiuwen's heart in a mess.

"Sister? Why do you always look at me like this? I might misunderstand. Your sister-in-law is not at home?"

Ye Xiuwen blushed as he spoke. After all, he was very single-minded in his thoughts.

"Brother Gouzi? What do you think?"

Xiao Zhongling stomped her feet in anger, but she was actually looking at Ye Xiuwen's clothes.

Unexpectedly, at some point, this Ye Xiuwen changed into another set. The golden cloak is almost becoming a 'Magic Man'!

"Could it be?"

Xiao Zhongling seemed to have thought of something, could it be that the legendary 'Man of Magic' is his brother Ye?

At this time, Xiao Zhongling wanted to ask, but he didn't want to. At this moment, a little old man in Taoist robes came out from the inner courtyard.

This person has a thin body and slender fingers. He is actually a martial artist in the late stage of Qi training.


The little old man began to introduce himself. It turned out that he was the Great Elder of Feixing Pavilion, and he came out at this moment to read out the rules for applying for the job.

The rules for this recruitment are very simple, it is only natural for warriors to compete in martial arts.But putting these aside, the Great Elder first explained the positions he was applying for.

Among the 300 people, they only left five people, and these five people were undoubtedly the strongest one among the 300 people.

Moreover, the positions of the five people are all elders of the outer sect.One is the main job, and four are sub-jobs.

The monthly salary of deputy elders is 1 taels of silver per person, while the monthly salary of the principal elders is double that of the deputy elders, which is a full 2 taels of silver!

At this moment, as soon as the 2 taels of silver was exported, the audience immediately became restless, because it was 2 taels of silver. Many people, even in this life, must have never seen so much money!

"Mist Grass, really there are 2 taels of silver? That rumor is true, this Flying Star Pavilion is indeed rich and powerful?"

"That's right! That's right! I've heard that Feixing Pavilion is extremely rich, but I didn't expect it to be so rich?"

"Hmph! It's a lot of money, and you need to spend your life. It must be done. It's also a day when blood is licked on the edge of a knife."

"What is this? Who of us hasn't done the days of licking blood? You haven't done it? Or I haven't done it?"

The audience was restless, and the elder with the three-stroke goatee smiled very satisfied, and then he explained the rules of the application.

The rule is very simple, one game determines the outcome.

But it is not a martial arts competition as everyone imagined, but a joint martial arts competition according to the team they are in.

The 300 people were divided into five teams, with about 60 people in each team. Everyone stood in a circle, and the person who was still standing at the end of the fight was the winner.

These rules are really beyond everyone's expectations, especially those warriors with low realms.

Because of such a contest, they have no chance of winning at all?
"I approve! I support! I totally submit!."

Just when most of the people started to look bitter, Ye Xiuwen grabbed a flying dragon flag from nowhere, waved the flag and shouted!
(End of this chapter)

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