Martial Arts Super Slap System

Chapter 67 Now, Are You Satisfied?

Chapter 67 Now, Are You Satisfied?
"Paralyzed, the monster is speaking human words, run away!"

The men in black didn't care about that, no matter what Ye Xiuwen said, they would just run away.

"Hey! Where do you go, eat my old grandson!"

Ye Xiuwen chased after him fiercely. With just one jump, he landed behind a secret disciple. He raised his stick and dropped it.

A kid in the pulse training period, his head was smashed to pieces, and a thousand peach blossoms bloomed!

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, kill a late-stage pulse trainer, a secret disciple, gain experience +150000,."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, forcibly pretending to be coercive successfully, and getting a coercive grid +20."

"Haha! There is also a reward for killing people, as well as experience, so I will kill you all here! Hahaha!."

Ye Xiuwen rushed up, one stick at a time, extremely calm.

Because these idiots had their backs to Ye Xiuwen, they had no ability to resist, they could only hear the sound of brains being smashed from behind, and heart-pounding screams.

"Poof! Poof!."

"Ah! Ah!."

The screams became sharper and more than [-] people were killed in just a few breaths.

"What the hell, let's stop running. If we continue running like this, if we can't get out of the valley, we will be killed by him. Who cares what happened to him? There are so many of us? Could it be that we can't beat him alone?"

Finally, that Deacon Sun became furious and turned around to stop everyone.

"Yes! Let's fuck him and cut him!"


Ye Xiuwen knocked another one to death, only to find that the person had stopped running away, and was pulling out his knife, sharpening it at himself!
"Damn, why don't you run away? How interesting is it to let me beat my head?"

Ye Xiuwen leaned on the stick, and wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but at this moment, these people did not cooperate with him at all, and pulled out the 'Shadowless Knife' from behind.

This shadowless knife is one of the unique skills of the secret door. The knife is like a sickle and shaped like a crescent moon. It has no handle but only a blade. When it flies out, it is silent and kills people invisible. It is extremely terrifying!
"Haha! You monkey monster, you still want to be brave? Brothers, let's smash him,"

At this moment, Deacon Sun was talking nonsense. In fact, everyone went up together and shot Ye Xiuwen with the Shadowless Knife. He must be chopped into hundreds of dollars!

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!."

As soon as he said to shoot, he shot, and in an instant, more than two hundred people threw Wuying Dao together, like a black storm.

"Hahaha! This is the shadowless knife of your secret door? In front of my old grandson, it's all broken copper and iron!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!."

Ye Xiuwen played with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. Even though it was a big fake, he still played it like a tiger, splashing countless sparks.

The number of sparks decreased bit by bit, and Ye Xiuwen still didn't understand what was going on!Until all the Shadowless Knives were blown away by him, and looking again, his Ruyi Golden Cudgel had shrunk severely, leaving only a foot in length!
"Mist grass! So weak?"

This sentence, Ye Xiuwen was indeed right, the iron stick he spent a little bit in exchange for was so strong, it was cut off by the shadowless knife, and in the end there was only such a small piece left, which was taken away in his hands!

"Hahaha! This monkey is nothing special, his stick is gone, let's go up and chop him off!"

Seeing this, Deacon Sun laughed loudly, led a group of people, and came back to kill, full of murderous intent.

"Hey! You juniors, look at my somersaulting cloud."

Ye Xiuwen shouted loudly, everyone was shocked and stopped, but at this moment, Ye Xiuwen turned over a dozen somersaults in a row, but he didn't see him fly up.

"Hahaha! This monkey has no mantras, it's scaring us, let me do it!"


At this moment, there was nothing to be afraid of anymore, Ye Xiuwen's stick was gone, and he wanted to run away, a crowd of people surrounded him with a whoosh.

"Monster monkey? Are you pretending to be more aggressive? Are you acting more aggressive?."

Two secret disciples in the Qi training period stepped forward with knives in their hands, completely convinced of Ye Xiuwen.

"Ah! Ah!."

Ye Xiuwen stood still and yawned twice in a row.

"Hmph? Dead monkey, how dare you pretend? Come on? Kill him first!"

The two exchanged winks and slashed at the same time, but at this moment, Ye Xiuwen pinched his nose and sneezed unexpectedly!


A sneeze by Ye Xiuwen actually brought out the roar of a lion, and when you saw the two people in front of you again, blood was bleeding from all the orifices, and the dead body fell to the ground, and even fell to the ground with a loud sound.

"Mist grass? Dead?"

All the secret disciples were dumbfounded. It was the first time they saw someone who was beaten to death by a sneeze, and the death was miserable.

"Deacon? This monkey can spell magic."

All the secret disciples gathered around Deacon Sun with fear on their faces.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, forcibly pretending to be coercive successfully, and getting a coercive grid +30."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, forcibly pretending to be coercive successfully, and getting a coercive grid +50."

"Ding Dong,"

This moment has come, although there are not many, but there must be at least a few hundred.

Ye Xiuwen believes that there is absolutely nothing wrong with his pretentious routine, he must carry out his pretentious career to the end!

"Haha! Come on, come on? I'm right here? Show you my monkey butt?"

Ye Xiuwen patted his hairless red butt provocatively, with a little fluffy tail growing on it.

This outfit is simply too great value, 10 o'clock forceful, so realistic!

"Hmph! Who cares about his magic skills, or not? Anyway, he doesn't have any weapons in his hand, so use them for me, use them all for me!"

Deacon Sun was also frightened, but he wanted to take a gamble, betting that the monkey in front of him would not be able to use so many magic tricks on so many people at once, no matter how powerful he was, so he would have a chance.

So at this moment, the remaining two hundred or so people stepped forward together, and the waist knives in their hands were swaggeringly.


Thousands of horses were galloping, shouting to kill the sky, but at this moment, Ye Xiuwen pinched his nose again,
"Monkey, the monkey is going to use the demon again, retreat quickly,"


Deacon Sun said 'withdraw', but at this moment, Ye Xiuwen had already sneezed.

Nothing happened, except for the saliva sprayed all over the face, nothing happened at all.

"What the hell, are you alright? This monkey's magic is out of order, hahaha!."

"That's right, the monkey's magic has failed, let's go!"

Under the leadership of Deacon Sun, the secret disciple turned back again, but at this moment, Ye Xiuwen turned his back to everyone and pouted his ass!

A pale yellow gas broke through the door along the lower part of Ye Xiuwen's body, and instantly formed an invisible wave, rolling away.

"Ah! Ah!."

The pale yellow tornado whizzed past, and all the secret disciples first covered their mouths and noses, making a gesture of vomiting, and then one after another, vomited blood, and flew out backwards!
"Damn! Now, are you satisfied?"

(End of this chapter)

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